OMG, Dorkus calls me his friend naaawww. I thought I was your guinea pig, Lolz jokes !!!
If I may add to the above and give my version of events, so as to verify the greatness of the great man 'Sir' Dorkus.
I dialed my emergency number AKA Dorkus, and asked if he could save me with cannabis and coffee. But what he neglected to mention was that he was out tidying his yard when I arrived wearing a scuba dive mask, superhero cape and his wife's skirt, which looks entertaining on the 7 foot Dorkus.
We retreated to the smoking den and with a twitching eye the great man assembled, a power pack to something that looked like a pine cone with something taped onto the top, leading to a whip that attached to a bong and is activated with a foot pedal. After turning the contraption on with a hand crank and checking the temp via twirling LEDs, with a bow he announced it was ready and he did a tap dance.
I was in so much pain and had eaten way too many opiates which hadn't done a thing and was getting to the point of getting the morphine itchies where you scratch your nose, twitch it then have to slap it then itch your face by dragging it on the carpet and then want to rub your eyeballs with a scrub brush.
The relief from the ABV was fast and effective, loved it, made me feel pain free !!! But no stoned feeling at all. After a double shot of coffee, I was good to roll again

. Thankyou great man.
The relief lasted about 2 hours and it was great !! I do plan on trying the ABV with some of the CBD drops as the CBD drops on their own do nothing for pain (also tested on husbands migraine and sick daughters kidney pain, with no pain relief), and on a normal at home day I would do top ups with the vape or some tincture.
Some of the tinc Dorkus mentioned has also helped my daughter who is currently in hospital with a kidney problem related to type 1 diabetes. Her pain levels were not being helped with paracetamol and morphine injections, so she has been having about 1ml per hour or so of tinc taken in her mouth. It was amazing for me to see her relax, smile, have a nap, have some food and best of all be pain free.
So I witnessed today's miracle seeing the relief given to my daughter.
Just to note, my daughter is 18 and does enjoy recreational smoking via a bong, however I'm trying to educate the younger ones to vape.
Dorkus for Prime Minister !!