Campers Crumpet - I have just had a closer look at your avatar & it appears you are sitting in one my camping chairs that you have been coveting for many years.
I hope you enjoy that pic as its the closest you are ever getting to them again.
Now in defence of the inbreeding/ sex change allegations.
We are all inbred here, you know that. So god damn far away from everything & everyone, nothing else to do but shag each other. Especially considering everyday we dont get eaten by some critter is a miracle.
Remember that time we was joking around and I asked if you remembered what your brothers dick tasted like? Quick as a flash in a deadpan face, 'very similar to my dads.' was your reply.
Then there was the time we got on the moonshine you made. The next day you said you was so drunk you went home and blew chunks.
No problem, I often have a vomit when I drink too much, it helps make room for the pizza TBH.
'no, no.' you reply, 'you dont understand, Chunks is my dog.'
I always felt that being born a woman I had been cheated by God somehow. I never felt fulfilled or even had the urge to shave my legs. I couldnt afford the many, many thousands of dollars for a sex change. No matter what vegetable I assaulted myself on the internets with, there was never going to enough money.
I looked into collodial silver as a possible cure for my incorrect gender assignment. Its an advanced horticultural technique that creates feminised MJ seeds, so WTF I say.
I went swimming in a vat of collodial silver and spent several years looking all fucking blue like this.
But unfortunately, as you can see it didnt work I was still a lady.
So after much soul searching and self probing. I discovered I actually didnt have an 8 inch clitoris & some nasty dangly warts down there.
I was a fucking dude all along. who knew?
Good thing my parents named me Dennis. I always thought that was a dumb fucking name for a chick, but its almost like they knew.
Praise Jeebus!
@thewalkingwounded who are falling down, breaking down, break dancing, and not thinking thru who sticks the sharp thing where.
These are for you
Direct from the Dorkus labs to you.
for the DIY inspired
For the furry kids.
and my personal fav
ludwig - you are a good brother and much love to you both.
Bob Loblaw its very cool you could help out man.

I have a voucher here for you as well. All pork tho, no Kosher!
(if it helps, you could imagine its a giant clitoris)