Baked & Fried
Did you get your Sub yet @dorkus_molorkus??
FUCKING CLASSIC, mvapes!!!!!!!!!!!!It bring me great pleasure to come by and see that @dorkus_molorkus has been by to spread his word.
And Dork, tell them why you know so much of these helmets? See, let me help explain. Below, in this photo you'll see off to the right a crowd of people. They were congregating because Ol' miss Molorkus was giving birth to Mr. Molorkus'
Almost 30 years later while the Molorkus' gave birth themselves. In the city away from the radiation of course.
Obviously with Dork there were complications. His infancy was spent with his parents in denial.
As he aged they tried harder and header coming up with clever ways to tricking little Dork to wear his helmet...
People were always fucking amazed!
By the time he was in high school, or if your American, 3rd grade - he was out of control!
Played American football in college.
Wasn't till we met that carzy summer at plum island when he stopped wearing it!
Did you get your Sub yet @dorkus_molorkus??
dork, it just seems to me that you could do something a bit more fashionable for the gravity impaired females here..... something with a little style.OMG!
All these stories of stoners spontaneously falling down has me & the Dorkus research & development team worried.
The only helmets available for retards & the gravity challenged was these?
(retards=drunk australians & overweight ignorant nthn mexicans)
@Richy is always such a happy little fucker aint he?
I think its awesome @t-dub managed to put his vest on by himself.
Try as we might, its next to impossible to get @mvapes to use anything but the helmet he invented himself.
are you sure you Jewish bro? Cuz, you looking very Palestinian to me.
Fucking hardcore stoner for sure!
Now we have a few designs sorted already.
This shit is dead fucken sexy lemme tell ya.
We are giving away some of these, depending on your level of retardedness.
So drop me a line & tell me how you cant take 2 steps without droolling, pissing your pants or leaping face first into some object, and we will see what I can do.
We have 3 designs so far.
For the ladies.
For the gents
@t-dub ima looking at you.
and finally one for the extra accident prone with leanings of sexual deviancy.
(@mvapes I hear its awesome for falling outta things, like golf carts. its also an emergency floatation device)
FYI- showing up dressed in this at one of those parties where everyone throws their keys into the bowl just makes everyone & everything weird & awkward.
Dont even get me started on trying to drive & ordering at burger king
@Dreamerr - congrats on your win & its such a nice xmas present for Mom. Can you put my name on the card too?
dork, it just seems to me that you could do something a bit more fashionable for the gravity impaired females here..... something with a little style.
My orthopedic surgeon has been threatening to put me in a bubble wrap suit for years, lol.
ludwig, that is some scary stuff..... i hope that all goes well and that the testing shows it's not serious. I don't want to tell of any experiences so as not to project anything negative in your direction.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Possibly or they may be able to shrink it with meds. My best advice is to not worry until there is something to worry about.
The miracle being the relationship between the human body & CBD's, but also the fact a small amount of THC might be necessary for relief to be achieved.
Praise Jeebus, cannabis is the tree of life.
Woke up early this morning to texts from my sister- admitted herself to a hospital and discovered an orange sized mass in her chest behind her ribs..
Undergoing a biopsy now and we are all hoping it is a cyst not anything agressive or serious.. Scary situation to be in
Anyone out there have experience with this?
The doctors are thinking it is benign and limited to just one cyst so far.. A CT Scan and Biopsy have been scheduled for tomorrow, hopefully that will confirm what the doctors are thinking..
My sister is just 22 years old.. A bit too young to be dealing with this shit.
Not yet, Ima waiting on the 220v version to be released.
Im checking my emails daily for the shipping conformation.
@mvapes - lets get this straight. Im the funnyman & you are the mofo who forgets shit & mans the shaker at the martini bar.
New topic-
I just had an awesome experience I need to share.
As you all know Im not a medical patient. (unless you count mental health)
But, I am very interested in the medical benefits of cannabis & I try to discreetly share the good word where I can.
I have a friend who has been on a similar journey of discovery except she doesnt like being stoned at all, but has some severe arthritis & some other issues resulting from a car accident.
We have been experimenting with our limited resources over here & I was making her some tincture out of my ABV for awhile with great success.
Part of the process was taking the ABV & making BHO with it. The black disgusting oil was then dissolved in a small amount of everclear.
Voila, tincture in under 45mins.
This shit was amazing. great for an intense buzz at one or 2 capfuls.
or for my friend,
3-4 drops takes her pain away like nothing else, but she wasnt getting stoned at that dosage.
Now we cant find the correct brand of butane anymore (only the nasty kind) & everclear runs at $120 per litre as well.
So she bought a still so we can make our own 95% alc. I am yet to try a ABV/ everclear wash & reduction for tincture. Maybe next week.
In the meantime my friend at great risk bought some CBD only drops out of Cali, but she found them quite ineffective and required 5 dropperfulls to achieve relief.
which is a lot out of a very small bottle, after 3 days I think it was all gone.
Anyhoo, she just calls me saying she is in town, and is in great pain, can she come over?
She arrives and says that her pain was quite severe, she has had a heap of opiates & they are not working. Also, going home to man the vaporizer wasnt an option, her kid is in the hospital.
So, I had an idea for an experiment.
I get some of my ABV & load my UD with it.
My UD runs very hot, in fact combustion is an ongoing issue with my set up.
(thats my fault, not the UD's)
So, as a result my ABV is very dark with not much THC left at all.
She huffs away & a very small amount of vapor is produced. I load another one, and again a very small amount of vapor is produced.
She puts the bong down and says 'wow!' & declares her pain is abating.
Within another minute, her pain has reduced to its normal good day level.
She assures me she derived no impairment & didnt feel stoned in the slightest.
Once her coffee was consumed, she was off to continue her day.
I must confess to being a bit stunned right now, like Ive just witnessed a miracle.
The miracle being the relationship between the human body & CBD's, but also the fact a small amount of THC might be necessary for relief to be achieved.
Praise Jeebus, cannabis is the tree of life.
Excuse me jackasses which I say lovingly, I was peaking around and noticed all the talk I don't like is OVER finally.
I heard a very loud scream and it was that pussy ass mvapes wondering why he hasn't gotten his weekly ok daily.
Dorky, there are no emoticons for what I want to do to you so this will have to do. I am way to lazy to search on the net for exactly what I want. Now according to how I read mvapes post......only one I read you are being a very bad boy and not being as entertaining as you are capable of. Get your damn head out of your ass and that might help. Falling face first into your food all the time doesn't help either. Maybe all that sex with stu could have done it as it may have put all your brain cells in your small appendage. I think it is called a toe not sure
Fluff-a-nuttier has his head knee deep in diapers and I heard he loves to use the feces as a facial. I am not sure if it works but as long as he gets something from it and I am not in the same room I can deal.
Vicki, I didn't forget about you floating your way through this thread. Keep up the good work dealing with these boys.
Mom, ugh what can I say. You tried to keep them undercontrol but your whip has failed you. I need to go buy you more toys for them. I am sorry I deserted you to keep the boys in line but it had to be done and besides you needed the practice with that whip. You were way to soft and hopefully you will get better now that I am back. So let me start you off with the one you need to learn. Now say thank you mistress and go get your ass in the corner. I will release you later when I get a chance on my own time and schedule. NOW just HUSH.
T-dub, I know you aren't behaving either so you are just getting a straight up beatdown
Q, Richy, Snappo, vv, nooky, crumpy, taxi, don't think I forgot about you all either I am watching you hard.
Now back to mvapes, now that I got your thread back under control get on your knees kiss my fucking toes and a little sucking is required. BTW I can hear better in a PM tis hard to hear through a thread when you aren't watching it but I have my spys and mysenses.
The order for the day is FUN and like sponge bob says IMAGINATION no copy and paste shit. Take a damn page out of crazys book I mean dorkys book and lets see what you got peeps.
Oh shit I forgot is wrong with you coming in the pd thread and talking about thc and cbd lmnop..........this isn't fuckin' school
Consider yourselves all chastised and those who like it you are my peeps.