If you've been following my posts to Dear Dorkus_, you know that me and his sis-in-law are an item
. Notice that the pic on the spray bottle of Bitch-B-Gone! aims the stuff directly under the arm, which is exactly the way my sweaty sweetie uses it. She is such a smart shopper, and knows exactly what works best. The scent is 'to die for', literally, as the absence of flees and lice will attest. Now, not that she hasn't flicked-my-bic to new flame heights, but the pungent olfactory power of Bitch-B-Gone! over my once limp-bido nails my 2 X 4 to the wall! Yes, that 2 X 4 would (wood) be in inches for the curious and voyeuristic. For us, Bitch-B-Gone! means Bitch-B-Here-Now! Hroomph! Let's get it on!!!
Good morning folks!

Hope you all survived Thanksgiving and the shopping, sales and mayhem that followed. While out and about I spotted something that @
dorkus_molorkus could really use next time his mother in law visits...... So here you go dork! A couple of sprays of this and your troubles with guest room stench are over!
I think its just awesome you find this 4mths AFTER Bitch was needin to be gone.
You really know how to come thru for a fella.
Now I know I seem ungrateful, so I will just say thankyou for the thought.
We did however find the culprit of the stench only the other day. MIL was kind enough to leave a pair of fungus ridden, stinky cheese infused socks hidden behind a set of drawers.
Next time I visit I look forward to taking a shit in her handbag just for laughs.
What I need is some beast-b-gone so I dont have to spend christmas with @
Snappo & she-beast with her prolapsed vagina dragging behind her. Snappy (as she calls him), would like you all to think that
she- beast has a prolapsed vagina because he is so huge with his 2x4 termite ridden member.
But alas, having a nickname like 'Doorknob Huffy' might mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but it also means she was the town bike & everyone gets a turn.
Add to that, 5 kids to six different losers, means that snappy has to pick the dirt outta her labia before dining at the 'Y'.
Yup thats right, one kid has 2 dads. Cuntface gets 2 lots of maintenance & the kid gets 2 packets of Doritos on birthdays & christmas.
All the kids are called Dave. 'It makes it much easier to get shit done' she says.
'Dave's its time for dinner!, Daves fuck off to bed!, Daves fuck off and play in traffic while me & Snappy play hidey-go-seek in my giant clam.'
'What happens when you want to address one of them directly?' I ask
She looks at me with those blank piggy eyes, all confused.
'well, I aint putting none of my Daves in the post, so I aint addressing no-ones. But, if I wanna tell one of em to stop whacking off in the front yard or summfink, then I just uses theys surnames.'
Yes snappy my man, you are definitely one of lifes winners. You sure have earned that giant vagina buddy.
The image of a giant liberty bell complete with the crack & your little ringer comes to mind.
So does a giant pot of porridge being stirred with a little spoon.
Sure a 2x4 cock might sound huge, but if you go and throw it into the Grand Canyon.............
well not so much.
Damn, must be like going spelunking.