Thankyou my friend,
that post has helped me immensely in the 5 mins its been up.
I grabbed my wife & told her I was an introvert and I could prove it.
Being ever the nutcase that I am, she finds this difficult to believe.
She looked at me skeptically, I said 'read this'
she read your post, stood up & said 'yep, thats you EXACTLY.'
I often talk about people stealing my time & energy.
Dont waste my time & energy with fluff & filler.
Background Static I call it.
In which my wife seems to be fluent- love you honey
I find social engagements very draining.
While I am the life of the party when I am 'on' so to speak, I generally need lots of time in between to recharge.
Normally, monday mornings cant roll around fast enough for my wife to go to work. just so I can have my own space back.
Most of my days are spent in silence. I dont listen to the radio or have the tv on at all during the day when my wife is at work.
I dont need it, I have the constant background chatter that my mind provides.
from my own internal radio station, to the 4 BILLION things that flash thru my mind per second.
Cannabis slows my mind enough to be able to hear whats flashing thru it. Long periods on my own has allowed me to process it & to a limited extent harness the chaos.
I dont need the mindless chatter of others, I find the chatter of my own mind very entertaining & educational.
I have been able to educate myself on several subjects with some remarkable thoroughness. To the extent where some of my peers have flattered me enough to refer to me as an expert (albeit a local one) and defer to my thoughts.
Other subjects, I have been lucky enough just to have been an enthusiastic student.
Anyway, this is my 3rd post for the day & all this interaction has left me drained.
To recharge ima off to do some research on whether or not Janet Yellin & the fed are going to taper QE asset purchases in the new year?
Sure, Its not going to happen, but its nice to double check.
I hope you all enjoyed the tour around my mind and the crevices of my psyche.
much love