Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


vapor accessory addict
Ever have one of those mornings......?



Well-Known Member

Thankyou my friend,
that post has helped me immensely in the 5 mins its been up.

I grabbed my wife & told her I was an introvert and I could prove it.
Being ever the nutcase that I am, she finds this difficult to believe.

She looked at me skeptically, I said 'read this'

she read your post, stood up & said 'yep, thats you EXACTLY.'
I often talk about people stealing my time & energy.
Dont waste my time & energy with fluff & filler.
Background Static I call it.
In which my wife seems to be fluent- love you honey:love:

I find social engagements very draining.
While I am the life of the party when I am 'on' so to speak, I generally need lots of time in between to recharge.

Normally, monday mornings cant roll around fast enough for my wife to go to work. just so I can have my own space back.

Most of my days are spent in silence. I dont listen to the radio or have the tv on at all during the day when my wife is at work.
I dont need it, I have the constant background chatter that my mind provides.

from my own internal radio station, to the 4 BILLION things that flash thru my mind per second.
Cannabis slows my mind enough to be able to hear whats flashing thru it. Long periods on my own has allowed me to process it & to a limited extent harness the chaos.

I dont need the mindless chatter of others, I find the chatter of my own mind very entertaining & educational.

I have been able to educate myself on several subjects with some remarkable thoroughness. To the extent where some of my peers have flattered me enough to refer to me as an expert (albeit a local one) and defer to my thoughts.

Other subjects, I have been lucky enough just to have been an enthusiastic student.

Anyway, this is my 3rd post for the day & all this interaction has left me drained.
To recharge ima off to do some research on whether or not Janet Yellin & the fed are going to taper QE asset purchases in the new year?

Sure, Its not going to happen, but its nice to double check.:tup:

I hope you all enjoyed the tour around my mind and the crevices of my psyche.

much love

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Bob Loblaw

yea, i have a hard time convincing others of the same thing, mostly because when i am engaged i am FULLY engaged. extremely passionate, effusive, confrontational to name a few :rant:.

i can't deal w/ 'parties' unless i'm outta my head blitzed w/in 3 hrs :puke:.

but if it's just a few people and a subject that i care about comes up, good luck getting me to shut up :rolleyes: :worms:.

many similarities such as the self-educated, peer-pedestalled expert (i like to make up words) and no room for static.

i go back and forth from needing background noise to distract my mind and silence when engaged.

adhd, manic depression and introversion are a strange combo.
glad you got some good out of my post, @dorkus_molorkus , after all, what else is the point!

all right, show over :p, go about ur business you :freak:s


Oil Painter
Hugs for @dorkus_molorkus ... and all the rest of the Introverts. I promise to try to not overwhelm you, socially.

We went to the MMJ Farmer's Market today, and *yay!* I found some really great BHO. I want to tell you how it went, though, cuz I think it was rather funny.

So, this slightly younger woman is manning the table, and she's all "informative" about what they have. I see a high Indica oil that 1) sounds like a great combo, and 2) is really priced well. So, I ask to try a dab.

The rig they use is huge, of course, so even though I asked for a really tiny dab, I can't clear the tube. Okay, no big deal, the guy who runs the rig cleared it. I'm holding it for a couple of seconds, like I normally do when trying a new oil, then slowly drizzling the vapor out my nose. The woman freaked, "OMG, don't hold it in! it's not like old-school weed, this shit is CONCENTRATED!! You'll end up COUGHING!!" I released the rest of the vapor, just sort of looked at her, then turned back to the dude with the rig. Then - "Ohhh!" the upper nostril THC tingle/tickle. It was just perfect. So, I got 5 gr, plus he threw in about a half gram of "samples" of his wax and another oil.

I suppose, as I've mentioned, when you look at me, I am a fairly mature, dumpy, gramma type. No way anyone would know how I spend my afternoons, on the balcony, developing my connoisseur - ness in oils. I've discovered that the quickest way for me to determine if an oil has been insufficiently purged/not vacuum purged, is for me to hold the vapor in for more than two seconds. My asthma will tell me.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
When using a large tube or rig "E" you can take a slower hit once you've pulled the nail dry. I myself have trouble keeping up some times so I've taught myself little tricks since I've learned if the oil.

First, if the oil isn't fully purged or has any foreign object (hair, dust, or anything that made it through the extraction tube) it will make you cough more. Once we started running our flowers and vacuum purging the quality of the oil is enhanced immediately.

Second, if your lungs can't capacitate the larger hits, obviously start with smaller dabs or dunks. Smaller pieces with mass diffusion like a small DG can and will take the punch out of the hit. When using a bigger piece my initial inhale to clear the nail is swift, I don't like leaving residue on my Ti. Once the initial pull is clear and my glass is milked I take a much slower hit and pull what I can. There's no contest here, it's not about the monster hits it's about being able to get your meds. If your coughing half your load out your not accomplishing shit.

Third, get your nail plenty hot. On my enail I am set at 800+ degrees. Does that mean the bowl is that hot? No, my bowls rests somewhere around the 550 to 650 mark.

When using a torch I keep this in mind "if it don't glow it ain't time to go".

Lastly, I've tried to cut corners and save money on titanium products. Learn from me, it doesn't work. Pay the extra few bucks and go with HE. I have a 10 mm Flux, a Dualiti, and my buddy has an infiniti nail from HE. I also use an HE titanium ball point dabber. Trust me, name brand matters.


Oil Painter
@mvapes , true, good advice.

At home, my oil rig is about 5" tall, and I take really tiny hits... basically, as soon as it "blooms" in the glass, I'm pulling the dabber away. I hold a little, trickle out the nose, then exhale. After about 3 to 5 minutes, I'll do this again. Usually three or four times over a half hour. This works way, way better than one monster dab.

If I have a really responsive "rig tender" doing dabs, the moment it blooms, I can wave him off, and then I can clear it. I know it isn't a contest, but I do have a certain amount I want to try, as I said, I can tell if it isn't purged well - I had one batch that wasn't. I know what it does in my lungs.

I have had dabs off HE nails. I prefer quartz or boro. Yesterday's was off quartz. I use quartz and boro at home (I have three, so I can soak one clean and use another), though I also have a Ti/dome set, which tastes EXACTLY like the HE I've dabbed off, and I hate it. If they could come up with an e-nail that was quartz where the dab happens, I'd be real seriously looking at that.

I'm getting better with my torch skills.

Oh, and when I did that dab, I did pull the tube full, exhaled, then went back for the milk.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I love quartz, I got to slam a buddies domeless q and the flavor was off the charts.

Have you tried a recycler yet. One that actually works, lol. It's crazy how many recyclers are on the market without proper functionality. I got lucky and found my burlie b on Craigslist.

After my experience with one of #ol*es I had no intention of getting another. Then my but head friend @ogcook went and got one by earl jr and it was dank. I had to have and now I'm all about em.

Og knows how badly I want that earl, I've pretty much offered just about anything in trade. Fucker turned down everything!

But, he did help me get an enail. Which btw I haven't left my house since.

And on another note, not really ready to talk about it but I had 2 seizures last night. When I have them I turn into a baby, they're painful. Every muscle in my stomach locks like when you get up too quickly from sit ups. But these don't go away quickly, when this happens it's called dystonia or some call them dystonic spasms.

I usually ask my wife or my mother to talk me through them. It was too late last night, Jess was sleeping, mom was too.

I got through it, rough night but I've had worse.

Dorks thread really cheered me up - I also loaded up on sinemet. Some ropinerol, and flexerol and baclofen took me away from the pain for a while but woke up a few times in pain throughout the night.

The good or I should say fun news came at five am when I woke up with a huge cramp. I jumped out of bed and immediately released the fart of all farts.

I mean it woke up Jess and the girls. My son said he thought he heard an elephant from his room.

The relief was epic, it made my morning better. For some odd reason it made me think of dork. Is that weird?

Anyways, in the words of a true Parkinsononian "DcvhyffccuuikbfGvjb"

Have a great Sunday everyone. And that means you too Stu. ..

Hopefully you got them bitches to be quiet. :cool:


Oil Painter
I have had a dab through a recycler. It was a HE nail, so the flavor wasn't pure, but the recycling action was amazing... I ended up with a way larger hit than I usually do, just because it was FUN to use! :)

My hubby got to watch from the side, and he was enthralled.
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