Welcome back, RB!
On the good news front, hubby got a call for a job interview, for this coming Monday.
He's way more prepared for the interview this time, and it happens to be a job position that I know a lot about, so he's even more prepped.
On the downer front, my fucking pain levels are now ruining any chance of sleep. And my fucking VIP2 pen is failing on me (it's probably the atomizers - I've gone through them all, twice, and they need replacement. Same with the batteries, I think they are tired). After pricing the replacement parts, PLUS shipping, I decided to say Fuck It and get a Dr Dabber.
So, until that arrives, how the FUCK am I going to keep from ripping the stupid brainless heads off the stupid callers I'll be talking to at work?
I did dig up a couple of kief-filled capsules, so that will help. Oh, and I have a globe style ego-battery pen, which, while it tastes vile (it's the nichrome wire), will let me get a bit of wax into me. I'll take that one, too. I can sneak out at my break and use it.
Edit: Oh, just to illustrate how medicated I was last night, I'm looking at the white board where we make notes of things to do, and I - me, the totally grammar/spelling nazi ocd one - had written "Kitter boxes".