I wonder where Dorkus will get his 1st Sub burn . . .![]()
If we're starting a pool, put me down for $20 on the taint
I've got the "you know what" . . .I've got "inside left elbow area"
I've got the "you know what" . . .![]()
I usually use Barry White, but whatever.
I'm pretty upset that you would post a pic of my Dad before he worked his issues out... You fucking promised!
Anyway, sorry I haven't been on for a day or so. Something that I haven't told you guys is that while in Jacksonville meeting with a client I actually fell down the stairs.
It's been a while since my last reminder that I have PD and it kind of hit me hard that 3 people older than me, and I mean really old like Paka had to help me up. And to add insult to injury while touring a facility today I actually fell of the back of a golf cart.
I'm not hurt physically, I want you guys to know that.
I guess I was at least looking forward to a few things I have been waiting for. I had a light at the end of the tunnel that would have certainly cheered me up. Funny thing is right before I fell today I got bad news that the one thing I was SO excited about isn't coming.
I'm having a hard time coping, sometimes I want to cry but I feel like lately that's frowned upon around here.
So maybe I'm just a little down but I feel like I can't get out of the clouds...
Thanks for listening as tears are dripping onto my phone.
You're never alone mvapes, just wanted you to know...always looking out for you!And to add insult to injury while touring a facility today I actually fell of the back of a golf cart.
I'm having a hard time coping, sometimes I want to cry but I feel like lately that's frowned upon around here.
So maybe I'm just a little down but I feel like I can't get out of the clouds...
Thanks for listening as tears are dripping onto my phone.
And, now how does one coax a @Tweek out of hiding, too?the first of course being the land of the lesser spotted @dorkus_molorkus.
I've heard tale that you can coax him out of hiding by leaving a jar of Vegemite out near your vaporizer of choice and standing quietly in the corner. Make sure not to disturb him otherwise he'll scarper back up into the trees with his dropbear cousins and all that'll be left to show he visited is a pair of cheap sunglasses and a few pubes hairs from his distinctive lower mane.
Leave a cat out with a particularly pokeable nose. If that fails the smell of frying bacon should help make the lure impossible to resist.
I have been working on a prototype
This is the result of 4 weeks testing.
Dorkus Molorkus
Vapor legend
123 Fake st
I'm glad you mad it out of there alive! Fucking clients, always causing trouble. Can't live with 'em, can't throw 'em down the stairs first... Cry a river, it seems that most if not all of us here get it completely so no worries there. Better a good cry than a tantrum I always say!I'm not hurt physically, I want you guys to know that.
I have been working on a prototype golf cart gravity defying antistack type dealio to keep my vapor brother @mvapes safe.
We are all very lucky to still have him with us.
Sure he plays it down n shit, but it really happened like this.
You are a legend man! 18beers, a 2 gram dab, and a bad bet to take that corner flat out!
But its a long hard road with much in the way of product testing etc.
This is the result of 4 weeks testing.
Still a long way to go people, a long way. But I am sure if we all pull together, you open your wallets & give till it hurts folks.
With many thousands of dollars in R&D still to be done, pls donate & donate now.
Dorkus Molorkus
Vapor legend
123 Fake st