Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I love the brain jokes - you guy's are great! I swear, if assholes could fly FC would be a launchpad! lol

Radical? No - I am a great candidate for the surgery as the intentions of the surgery is obviously not to heal but to suspend. Considering the severity of my case and as aggressive as it is gives the doctor a few options. 1) Continuously up my medication to a point that now I have create a fucking eating schedule around my medicating? Keep in mind that currently I already take 24 pills daily! 2) Have a biological prosthesis implanted in the back of my head that can (there's NEVER a guarantee)electronically stimulate the signals from neurons that aren't functioning.

Rather than spend my time searching for a way to kill the pain I could possibly put myself in a situation that eliminates what's causing it.

See, I've decided to not let this disease fight me head on anymore - it's time that I take it out from the knees. Not only am I getting tired of my illness calling the shots in my life I'm not ready to allow my family to see me go down in flames either. I told a good friend yesterday that when I was about 10 years old my Grandfather told me something I never forgot. He said "no one ever ask's how you won a fight" and if my interpretation is correct than and this disease wants to fight dirty than fucking bring it on.

Upon my recent enlightenment I realized that I have a lot of friends. I have a lot of people who seek the same help I do. Tonight I'm sitting here at my computer earlier and was finalizing my application for disability. From what I believe was the grace of G_d I clicked save instead of submit. I have to preface this next comment with this - the other day my wife and I were in the car and heard a commercial on the radio for a local attorney fighting for cannabis legalization for patients in Florida.

The office is Morgan and Morgan and he is currently looking for people to join his army to help fight for what folks like me, vicki, rude boy, any countless others need so bad.

Well, I called their office and I spoke to the receptionist and said "miss, I'm about to make John Morgan's day" I explained my situation and asked for assistance in filing for SSDI, and said my case is different for two reasons!

1. I do not have an injury behind my disability but I have a debilitating disease. I'm an American tax payer with no savings, and no retirement plan. I recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and my ability to work is diminishing quick. I explained how depressing it was for someone who honestly needs help and rightfully deserves it has to fear denial from the very government I support.

that brings me to number 2.....

2. I chose to call your office because I think we maybe able to help each other. John Morgan is looking for an army to support his fight to legalize MMJ correct? She say's absolutely sir, why? Ma'am, two weeks ago I was denied pain management because I tested positive for THC. They walked me out of that office in tears and sent a broken man on his way with nothing. I have to be honest and say this crushed me, it literally broke my heart. For a few days I lost sight, I was ready to just throw in the towel.

Then came my enlightenment! Throw in the towel? Nah, it's time to choke these fucks with that very towel and Ma'am I've got 13,000 fucking friends cheerleading for me! I want John Morgan to use me as the fucking sword he uses to fight in congress.

Needless to say, I got a call back immediately and they want to see me.

The fucking gloves are off!


well-worn member
Great outlook mvapes, I hope you, your prosthesis and that fucking towel take out any and all obstacles and get you where you need to be, at warpspeed!

Those fucks won't know what hit them,
and neither will your disease when those electrical stimulations hit back:goon:!

Good energy to you and your family:popcorn:


I can see clearly now the smoke is gone...
If you live in Florida. SIGN THE PETITION!! The ball is rolling, don't let it stop.


From John Morgans radio commercial:
"Pill mills are prescribing dangerous narcotics like candy, people get addicted, and many die, medical marijuana has been proven to give our loved ones relief they need, helping with pain appetite, seizers and spasms, unfortunately, tallahassee politicians refused to vote on the issue last session, they wouldn't even hear testimony from patients or their families, therefor we ill take this act of mercy to you, the people."

Morgan went to Tallahassee last month with a group called "People United for Medical Marijuana." The trip launched a petition drive to get 700,000 signatures to change the state constitution. Tired of being turned down by politicians they're bringing the question to the people.

If they get enough support, Florida voters would decide next November on whether or not to legalize medical marijuana.
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