Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
I want a pizza sub.

Where is that fuggin Molorgus? I need him to get me a sub.

Edit: You know what? Fuck this shit.

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Well-Known Member
This is what my country has been reduced to.


Whatever happened to ye olde 'if you dont like it, feel free to fuck off somewhere else!' mantra?
Here we are accepting almost any refugee that can float here on a bit of sheet metal, we have an extremely generous welfare system where people here are paid thousands to have children & then paid thousands per annum for each kid till their 16.

All we want in return, is the opportunity to take the piss outta any foreigner whether they now live here or are just on holidays.

Now I cant even do it in the workplace?? WTF??

You heard the opening of yesterdays vid.

Gdayowsitgoinorright?? Thats sum aussie gold right there.
The whole point is, you prolly dont have a fucken clue what I said.
Good, thats the point.
Cuz if you pay attention, you might work it out or someone will feel sorry for you and let you in on the gag.

till then, harden the fuck up you ethnic pussies & make me a fucken kebab!
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