It is winter dorky, open the window and it should take an hour.
Or some other dirty Aussie.
Ohh look at you, all full of nth american superiority.
From the bloke who hails from nthn mexico & the 320 million yanks to your south have to 'SPEAK REAL SLOW & LOUD FOR YOU EH?'
I equate the sort of shit you slinging to be the same as coming from a Kiwi.
So, this is where I give you my biggest shit eating grin, pat you on the head
& subject you to a good fucking.
No need to point out who's fucking who, EH?
Winter in Australia. If he leaves a window open for too long, he is liable to end up with a killer spider in his house. Or some other dirty Aussie.
Dorky was only trying to help that sheep through the fence, honest . . .It's actually a giant Molorkus fence.