Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Guess who woke me up from my nap earlier....

Better than people:tup: ...no offense to my peops here on FC:love:


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
I'd have to argue, that a nice pair of tits would be a better morning motivator, than a pup. But he is pretty cute and I would never say not to that snout.
I'd have to argue the opposite, particularly due to my prior-mentioned lack of libido. Besides, my animals always understood me better than any mate ever did. Maybe a sad testament to my personality and sex appeal, but true.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to argue the opposite, particularly due to my prior-mentioned lack of libido. Besides, my animals always understood me better than any mate ever did. Maybe a sad testament to my personality and sex appeal, but true.

It's not a lack of...just hiding...I've been there, and although it takes some work, it can come back if you want it to.

Animals do have a way of getting us humans lol


Vapor Sloth
wow . . what an amazing experience I just had at my front door. Because of my cranky/hermit nature I put a "No Solicitors" sign up on my door a while back. Its been working real good, until tonight. I get a knock and open up so some kid trying to put a card in my hand and sell me fake magazine subscriptions. I'm like "who the fuck are you?" His eyes lit up. Anyways it went downhill real quick from there. He thought the sign meant no smoking in Spanish . . . lol I told him he was trespassing, to get the fuck off my property, and to learn English so he could get a real job.

Edit: I'm thinking about one of these . . .

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