Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

me too! I think Shipdit might actually be human.............. nah. never mind.
Not even close...


Oil Painter
So, we just put about 8 pints of blueberries in the freezer, vacuum sealed. Our bushes are so heavily loaded this year! We picked them this morning, just chillin' in the yard, sipping coffee and picking berries.

Then I found out I don't have the hose attachment to seal jars. I have the jar lid adapter things, just no hose. Sigh.

I'm not as stoned today *sad face* as I have to get a bunch of coursework done. But I'm still having a pretty good Saturday. :)
So, we just put about 8 pints of blueberries in the freezer, vacuum sealed. Our bushes are so heavily loaded this year! We picked them this morning, just chillin' in the yard, sipping coffee and picking berries.

Then I found out I don't have the hose attachment to seal jars. I have the jar lid adapter things, just no hose. Sigh.

I'm not as stoned today *sad face* as I have to get a bunch of coursework done. But I'm still having a pretty good Saturday. :)
Would it help if made crude references about your use of the word "hose"?
Anything for a friend.


Vapor Sloth
Sooooo . . . got all the women (all 4 of them) out of the house on a shopping expedition for 48 hours! I'm running around in my underwear, vaping (I love how the Cloud can stink up an entire 2,100 sq ft house when you let it fly) getting ready to rub my meat . . . ;) Porterhouse anyone?



Well-Known Member
Wow....I know I'm really a true member of this thread after that level of insult from Dorkus. So I'm guessing cricket is a bit of a sore subject for you atm, I should of realised and kept that little story to myself.

I try to make a bloke feel welcome & he gets his feelings all hurt & says I insulted him??

Here I am extending the hand of friendship across the ocean, sure there is an amount post-colonial back hand there. But its all in jest, and is really such a small price to pay after all of those nasty convicts you sent us all those years ago.

There was a program here during the 50's, 60's & 70's where an english soul who wished to come to Oz, all he/she had to do was pay 10 pounds for your passage & you were off. There were a few other conditions, but that was the guts of it.

they were known as '10 pound poms' and there were fucking heaps of them.
Even now its not uncommon for some geezer to loudly exclaim that he was a 10 pound pom & help build this country blah, fucking blah.

I normally get my wallet out & offer them $20.
Tell them 'here is your 10 pounds back, any chance you will fuck off home now?'

Funny, not one ever finds this funny??
Strange lot you are.

Anyhoo, its all in fun.
In fact I appreciate having you here. As you can see, I get lots of shit for being Australian and I gotta get my anger out somehow.

Now, too many anti-usa jokes will find me the not so happy recipient of a drone strike that wipes out the school down the road 1st just to be sure.

I dont know too many Canadian jokes, I normally just modify my new zealand jokes & substitute Sasquatch for sheep etc. But it turns out canadians fucking sasquatches is not very common.

So, its really just a matter of cultural familiarity. Find me a New Zealander to hang some shit on, and you are off the hook.

Till then......................
stiff upper lip and all that:tup:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Just an update - the new meds that my new neuro gave me are helping tremendously for the tremors. They are almost non-existent. However, my fucking head ain't working so well - I feel like I'm back on my game but cloudy. Sometimes I even feel like someone else is doing the driving if that makes any sense. Now keep in mind, I don't mind if someone else is in my head driving me around - but, where I end up sometimes doesn't thrill my wife or the state of Georgia!

And I wish my hand would stop jerking me off! I'm running out of magic erasers cleaning the walls and my balls look like raisins!

Back to the doctors this week so, who the fuck knows what's gonna happen. And ship made a comment about hungry and horny and utilizing a cucumber. Well you fucker, now you told everyone how Jews make pickles!

And Dorkus, Stop sending me your fucking post cards! I'm not coming back to Australia until you apologize for the tickle incident! I was embarrassed when your wife said "OMG, it's coming out the back of his pants" You still need to send me the cleaning bill. Sorry about all the corn but you can't say I didn't warn you!

Just an update - the new meds that my new neuro gave me are helping tremendously for the tremors. They are almost non-existent. However, my fucking head ain't working so well - I feel like I'm back on my game but cloudy. Sometimes I even feel like someone else is doing the driving if that makes any sense. Now keep in mind, I don't mind if someone else is in my head driving me around - but, where I end up sometimes doesn't thrill my wife or the state of Georgia!

And I wish my hand would stop jerking me off! I'm running out of magic erasers cleaning the walls and my balls look like raisins!

Back to the doctors this week so, who the fuck knows what's gonna happen. And ship made a comment about hungry and horny and utilizing a cucumber. Well you fucker, now you told everyone how Jews make pickles!

And Dorkus, Stop sending me your fucking post cards! I'm not coming back to Australia until you apologize for the tickle incident! I was embarrassed when your wife said "OMG, it's coming out the back of his pants" You still need to send me the cleaning bill. Sorry about all the corn but you can't say I didn't warn you!




Frequently up in space with Bowie
dorkus_molorkus said:
I try to make a bloke feel welcome & he gets his feelings all hurt & says I insulted him??

Don't worry, I wouldn't have liked the post if I was actually offended, I managed to see the funny side through all that hate.

dorkus_molorkus said:
There was a program here during the 50's, 60's & 70's where an english soul who wished to come to Oz, all he/she had to do was pay 10 pounds for your passage & you were off. There were a few other conditions, but that was the guts of it.

they were known as '10 pound poms' and there were fucking heaps of them.
Even now its not uncommon for some geezer to loudly exclaim that he was a 10 pound pom & help build this country blah, fucking blah.

Maybe they're just proud that they came to Australia voluntarily rather than being sent there in chains for doing all sorts of depraved and unmentionable things. Also if you've got such a problem with the English why do you still claim Elizabeth II to be your Queen? Speaking of which surely you owe us some back-pay on those mooching fuckers because you've gotta pay the bills if you want to have a monarchy, all those corgis and nazi costumes don't come cheap you know.

dorkus_molorkus said:
I dont know too many Canadian jokes, I normally just modify my new zealand jokes & substitute Sasquatch for sheep etc. But it turns out canadians fucking sasquatches is not very common.

I hate to break it to you but your genes obviously haven't diverged that far from your English ancestors because a lot of the backwards people over here still like to joke that the Welsh(one of our closest neighbours) have a somewhat overly close relationship with sheep, mind you Australians have never been known for being overly progressive.

I still love ya dorky but I might not be inviting you round for one of my "special games of cricket" any time soon.


Well-Known Member
'Also if you've got such a problem with the English why do you still claim Elizabeth II to be your Queen?'

I dont have a problem with the english, I am just playing.

The monarchy was your idea, it is something the rest of us could do without.
Feel free to keep your wrinkly old slapper & the rest of the inbreds derived from german sausage.
(The Nazi uniform was just a cry for his roots)

I fail to see how sticking the old broads noggin on our coins facilitates the generation of an invoice, therefore 'mooching'?

Sigh, I had much more fun teasing the disabled.

We good tho, I mean you got peter andre


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Shit man, I was just playing to. I was actually referring to the royal family as being mooching fuckers, I wouldn't get that hot and heavy on our first date. That would have been overstepping the line a bit. Mind you I am an habitual linestepper, a bit like Rick James in that respect.


Well-Known Member
Here's out of it I am tonight ... I'm listening to this:

Shake it up is all that we know
Using the bodies up as we go
I'm waking up to fantasy
The shades all around

Not even good 80s music, you think? :lol:

Hey - corny I know, but I can't help what was on the radio when my hormones were at their craziest, and my pot use excessive. Some songs stick out. I'm rubbing your nose in uncoolness and I like it (actually it is cool and you know it :cool:).

Tweek's rolling over in his grave. Captain Beefheart up next, I promise! Actually I still do have troutmask replica but only put it on when I want supreme dischordia, and any more of that is a dangerous thing right now.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Nothing wrong with that tune satyrday, it reminds me of the good old days playing "GTA:Vice City" on my mate's PS2. In fact quite a few of the GTA games introduced me to a lot of 80s music. I kind of know what you mean though, I might not go around telling everyone how great that tune is but that doesn't mean I wouldn't sneak it on every now and then.

EDIT:Unfortunately I wasn't around in the 80s but it doesn't stop me loving the music. Well...I was born in the mid 80s but I wasn't exactly hitting the clubs in my diapers. I've always imagined it was like the film Scarface but with less chainsaws in bathtubs and probably a bit more cocaine.
'Also if you've got such a problem with the English why do you still claim Elizabeth II to be your Queen?'

I dont have a problem with the english, I am just playing.

The monarchy was your idea, it is something the rest of us could do without.
Feel free to keep your wrinkly old slapper & the rest of the inbreds derived from german sausage.
(The Nazi uniform was just a cry for his roots)

I fail to see how sticking the old broads noggin on our coins facilitates the generation of an invoice, therefore 'mooching'?

Sigh, I had much more fun teasing the disabled.

We good tho, I mean you got peter andre
What's wrong with hating the Brits? Are we not doing that anymore?
The only good Brits got off that shitty rock and ended up in Austrailia and the U.S.A.!
Yeah I said it...:tup:
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