Well-Known Member
some black fibrous like material [...] as insulation around the bowl that emits white dust all over the place
That would be outside the airpath, no?
some black fibrous like material [...] as insulation around the bowl that emits white dust all over the place
Sadly no, there is no seal to the airpathThat would be outside the airpath, no?
it doesn't look to me like a health hazard
Sorry bud, but that is a wrong asumption.but I'm still pretty sure it's safe, meaning there is probably no exposure to the dust unless you tear the whole thing down. Far as I see it, there is no free space between the body and the insulation collar
Have you noticed any of that dust before you removed the collar for the first time? Have you taken the first and fifth picture before you removed that insulation? Is there any space between the insulation collar and the body itself?U can clearly see the left over white dust in my pics where the air is sucked in (at the brown plastic level) - there is no seal at the insulation that prevents that!!!!
I took mine apart and there was no dust whatsoever. Nothing at the base of the collar, nothing at the collar itself. I inspected it with a 20 fold magnifier. How old is your Fog?
Edit: I was an idiot and let the battery in the unit while taking it apart. When I fumbled around with my pliers, it seems I caused a short-circuit (I saw some small sparks) which basically bricked it. It heats up (or does it?) around ten seconds, then blinks three times and is off. I won't apply for warranty as it's all my fault and it's super visible I opened it myself. Bye Bye Foggy. Eff me.
Are you shure enough to post a link?I'm also pretty sure there are xvape teardowns on PIU or somewhere else. The white dust wasn't there from what I saw.
Sorry, I don't have a camera capable of macros. But there was nothing at all.If you have pics, can you post those?
To be fair: @Used2use is suspecting a heat wear out of the insulating material, does anyone tear down used units on camera? Well, as that'd be a good idea, I'm sure someone had it before meI'm also pretty sure there are xvape teardowns on PIU or somewhere else. The white dust wasn't there from what I saw.
I used mine just a couple weeks but a couple times a day and I had a lot of sessions with my neighbor, really getting that thing hot to a burn a lot of times. As I said, I looked at the thing closely, with a 20 times magnifier and there's no dust whatsoever. Also there was none of that whitish stuff around the collar.how does yours look?
Breaking it while looking for a possible health hazard, is better than to keep using it without knowing how it looks inside - so that's not idiotic imoI've called myself an idiot out loud many times today
Sounds OK for me, according to NFPA 704 health hazard level is 1, it's used in food industry as additive E530 and in medicine against increased acidity of the stomach. Also it's amount so small compared to asbestos dust and other shit I was inhaling during apartment repair.
Anyway that black insulation can be easy replaced with other material using only screwdriver and scissors