Tbh I have no idea why the clamour for photos of venting when I'd already posted one from the manufacturer earlier, and it's basically just a tiny hole?

But here you go anyway.
@Jill NYC - I'm sorry to hear you aren't enjoying it. After continuous use of the unit (about ten 5-minute sessions a day, I would estimate), I have come up with some tricks to offset my own grievances (and some of yours too, perhaps?). I honestly don't hear any whistling sound while drawing myself. However, with regards the wispy vapour (not a problem I have at all, but I'm a cloudchaser and always looking for bigger rips), try using this technique I learned while browsing VapCap videos: change the dial to one or two airholes, and tap them closed for a couple of seconds while pulling at 5 second intervals. You'll have thicker vapour.
After such extensive use, I have still had no problem with cleaning the device or the airflow getting clogged (it disassembles very quickly after a couple of uses just pull it out, blow on the components, re-insert. Give it an ISO wash every week). I never use whole bud because vapour tends to get super thin, so I don't now that I can comment on that.
My own personal issue is the battery life - maybe it's because my use is so constant, but I'm ALWAYS charging the vape during the day. A full battery gives me only about four or five proper 5-minute sessions, which is nowhere near enough to make it an out-and-about heavy use portable unless you have access to charging all the time. It's for this reason that I've set my eyes on the VapCap M now. But otherwise, I'm really happy with this unit. I've been recommended not to use the passthrough (which is a bummer) because it further reduces battery life and these batteries are expensive in India.
@s0n1c - have you tried reaching out to
max@focus-vape.com? Please do, and ask him for his Whatsapp number in case the back and forth is taking too long (that's what I did, and it was such a relief to be able to have that access).
I broke my bubbler and one glass mouthpiece already (of course

) and never even got to test the bubbler properly. Still, I'm super happy with my purchase and have to stress this is far ahead of the e-nano and has even overtaken the MFLB in my book.