So I received my replacement Focus Pro digital unit 4 days ago, having sent my extremely odiferous first unit back to PIU. What follows is an account of my attempt at a controlled burn-off regimen.
I paid close attention this time when I opened the box and there was the same very strong bad smell. The smell seemed to be coming primarily from the foam in which the unit was sitting. The same smell was on the vape itself and the smell on the vape did not dissipate when the unit was away from the box.
The chamber-bottom screen was firmly in place, but the small mouthpiece screen, ceramic "filter" and the screw cap to hold them in place were disassembled and rattling around in the chamber. Easy enough to re-assemble.
After briefly admiring how cool the Focus looks and feels, I started the burn-offs. In total, I have run 18 burn-offs so far (all temps in Farenheit).
Day 1:
1st @ 350 with the vents closed and the mouthpiece assembly in place. The unit gave off a mild version of the horrible smell that came off my first unit. Nowhere near as bad.
2nd @ 350 with vents open and the mouthpiece assembly in place. I wanted to see if the vents being open made a difference. It did not. The smell was the same.
3rd @ 400 with the vents closed and the mouthpiece assembly in place. Same result.
4th @ 400 with the vents open and the mouthpiece assembly in place. Same result.
5th @ 464 with the vents closed and the mouthpiece assembly in place. The smell was perhaps a bit stronger than at 400.
6th, 7th, and 8th @ 464 with the vents open and the mouthpiece assembly in place. Same result as above.
At this point the battery indicated a recharge was needed. Based on the first day's results, it doesn't seem to me that the smell is affected one way or the other by whether the vents are open or closed. All burn-offs going forward are with the vents fully open.
Day 2:
The smell coming off the unit when off is definitely less than yesterday.
9th and 10th @ 464 with the mouthpiece assembly in place. The smell was pretty much the same. Maybe a little less intense than yesterday.
11th and 12th @ 464 without mouthpiece assembly. Smell continues to be the same. Perhaps a little less intense.
At this point I decided to run future trials at a temp that is closer to where I would actually run the thing when vaping, so:
13th @ 350 without mouthpiece assembly. Smell less intense and definitely less on the outside of the unit.
One thing I noticed during Day 2's runs is that the smell during burn-offs comes from inside the chamber but also appears to be coming directly off the outside of the unit; more strongly than when the unit isn't on. Specifically, the upper part of the Focus; from the adjustable ring up to the mouthpiece assembly - which is where the heater is. That part of the unit smells much more than the part from the ring down to the battery cap.
At this point I decided to try putting the unit in a ziplock bag overnight with one of
these. This bag has worked miracles removing noxious preservative odors from things like new guitar cases (a truly horrific smell in its own right) so I figured it couldn't hurt to see what it would do here.
Day 3:
Upon removing the Focus from the bag, the smell on the outside of the unit was greatly decreased, if not altogether gone.
I only got to run two burnoffs this day, both @ 350 without the mouthpiece assembly. The smell was definitely still present although very mild, with the upper part of the exterior smelling as well.
Interestingly, after running the burnoffs, the exterior of the unit started to smell again even when I wasn't running a burnoff.
I left the unit in with the Moso bag overnight again.
Day 4:
The unit came out of the bag with no smell. I ran 4 burnoffs @ 350 without the mouthpiece and in each case, there was still a slight but noticeable smell from the chamber and from the exterior of the top portion of the vape.
So, after 18 burn-offs at a variety of temps, there is still enough smell coming off the unit that I feel it would affect the taste of whatever I was vaping; and not in a good way. Based on my experiences, it seems to me that the smell has to do with either the exterior silica gel or the adhesive (if there is any) that keeps the exterior covering in place. It seems that the heat from the chamber causes the exterior (or adhesive) to outgas. Of course, I'm guessing here, but that's what the results point to for me. Does this mean that the foam in the box absorbed the smell from the unit during shipping?
I really don't know what to do here. The fact that I'm still getting outgassing after 18 burnoffs is discouraging, but the fact that the smell is much less than when I started is a good sign, right? I really want this vape to work out. There is so much about it I like. But that smell and what it would do to the taste of my vaping - not to mention what it would do to my lungs - has got me very worried.
Do I keep going with burnoffs? How many do I do before I give up and send it back?

Any and all input is most welcome.