recieved mine today,very happy mr c many thanks
I submitted my request a couple months ago. For those that have received theirs - how long did it take to fulfill?
So jealous! I submitted my request a couple months ago. For those that have received theirs - how long did it take to fulfill?
@Verax , sorry it's been such a long wait, but as @Terpenetime said I suspended new production for several months (from mid-March through end of May) while I chased various issues and tried out different solutions. I got it stabilized in the end, but it took some extra time. The project benefitted greatly from this trial-and-error research, and the current version is MUCH more stable and reliable than earlier versions were. The production delay was absolutely worth it, IMHO.
The current version, with the analog power relay and IRLR7843PBF heater MOSFETs, is significantly more stable than the first versions of the Flux Deluxe were.* And as the guy who's also doing all of the repairs, that matters! I have zero interest in making more of these only to have them fail when people use them. I want these things to work very well and very reliably. I want them to be small, simple, powerful, reliable, and safe.
*BTW, some customers with early versions of the circuit have had 100% success with their FDs, which have been functioning properly this whole time, intact with their original parts.And some units became perfectly well behaved after being repaired.
Some, however, did not.
That was a big part of the drama - the issues presented themselves inconsistently, and some people had units that worked fine and thus were unaffected, while others had units that seemed doomed to failure. I have noticed that when the older design wasn't stable, it tended to fail quickly, so any earlier versions of the FD that are currently working are likely to remain working. And of course, I will continue to repair them if they need it, and/or convert older heaters to the new circuit if they wish (typically $25 + shipping, plus you can add the new LED, switch, and battery meter options if you choose - contact me via PM if this interests you.)
Anyway, I am currently up to people who added themselves to the waiting list on or before February 9, as I state in my signature. I just invited some more people yesterday, and will add more as I work through these orders (and FYI I'll be out of town again for a few days next week, Aug. 17-21, so there will also be another brief gap in production).
The current build is stable and has been very reliable so far, so I am pressing on with it. I'm looking forward to making as many heaters as I can manage, until I get sick of making them, or until Dynavap (or someone else) comes out with something better.
Thank you all so much for your support! This project would impossible without it!
So far so (very fucking) good! I love my Flux Deluxe, you can travel around with it.
Luckily for me it is very sturdy : I was at a concert with it in my bag, and I did not expect from people around me to start a pogo.
I cannot say enough how much I love using it, I think a video says it all: here's during the bowl of my omni:
Sweet, you seem to be getting a lot off hits for one bowl?So far so (very fucking) good! I love my Flux Deluxe, you can travel around with it.
Luckily for me it is very sturdy : I was at a concert with it in my bag, and I did not expect from people around me to start a pogo.
I cannot say enough how much I love using it, I think a video says it all: here's during the bowl of my omni:
That's a great vid, @vapognak ! You've captured the experience of using the Flux Deluxe better than my own vids have. Thanks so much for posting that!
I know you waited a long time for your turn to come, so I'm glad you finally have it and are enjoying it!
Order confirmation emails, current rate of production, etc.: As @funkyhomer and @lookhigh said, I sent out another two dozen order confirmation emails today. For those on the waiting list, I'm currently up to names added on or before February 18, or almost exactly 6 months ago.
My rate of production been very steady since the end of June, when I began shipping new heaters again. I have shipped ~48 new heaters since June 25, plus about half as many repairs and upgrades. I was traveling for 10 days in that time period, too, so I'm happy with that level of output. It also seems sustainable, which is no small feat.
And finally, an anniversary: It's hard for me to believe, but I began this thread (and launched Fluxer Heaters) just over a year ago, on August 16, 2018. I can't believe how far this project has come in a year! I am extremely happy with the current design of the device as well as the overall state of this project. That's due in large part to the support and encouragement I've received from you! Thanks again to all of you in this thread for your support!! It's been a fascinating journey so far, I am looking forward to what lies ahead. None of that would have been possible without your feedback and your patience.
Thanks again! I hope to keep building and improving these things, and ultimately build heaters for as many of you as I can!
It's the 15mm coil.Sweet, you seem to be getting a lot off hits for one bowl?
Is that the 14 or 15mm coil?
Does the order confirmation page stay active after i submitted the form.
Its still there and im not sure i filled it in correctly?
Although this setup is not adjustable (apart from coil size), when powered by the analog relay, the heater ramps up more slowly than it does with the solid state relay, and the heat it makes penetrates more deeply. It adds approximately 1-3 seconds of heating time to each coil size, and this is especially evident in "the time between the clicks," - aka, the place where flavor and extraction live - which is extended with the new relay.
The hits with the new relay are smooth, flavorful, and vapor-filled. The slower heating time gives you a little more control. It's still quick, but what took 2-4 seconds now takes 3-7 seconds. I am not promising a revolution here, but I do think it works at least as well as before, if not better.
Not too sure what you mean? am i not reading this correctly with my not so good eyes?If you have nine months of steady work on the Deluxe, I rather wish I hadn’t become distracted by the Mother Fluxer....