Well-Known Member
Hi first post 
I’m a lonnnng time lurker quit smoking 8 years ago after 20 years! Owned various vapes in those 8 years and then in 2017 I bought the M and shortly afterwards it was my go to vape, ticks all the boxes for me. Then I got the omni and thought I would treat myself to a induction heater, liked the look of what Mr c was doing and just before the new year I ordered one.
It arrived on the March 18th a bit of a wait but fuck me was it worth it! A proper game changer, I ordered the 14mm and the clouds
I could hot box my living room with beautiful tasting vapor, I never combusted once but you could easy if you don’t respect the click....which is something you don’t have to hear anymore you feel it. You can crank up the music and
it was the omnis only weakness imo and Mr c has fixed that! Then I suffered the dreaded mosfett failure and was immediately gutted because I’d already fallen in love
. It was a bummer cos I’m pretty much the other side of the world to mr c but he was a pleasure to deal with throughout and only had it a day and a half before it was on its way back!
I can’t fault mr c in the way he does business my fluxer arrived back today and it’s better than I remember well happy thanks mr c.
On a side note (nothing to do with mr c) I’m fucking well pissed off with Royal Mail and customs money grabbing bastards that they are. The first time my package arrived quickly and no problem at all, when mr c sent it back however it did nearly 5500 miles in about 3 days....the last 50 miles took 6 days how the fuck can that happen
also customs charged me and Royal Mail chucked a handling charge on which meant I paid 75% of the value on the box! £14.32 fucking unbelievable(not having a go at mr c he did everything top notch) just feel like they fucked me and it hurt
still well worth it though and I know it’s the luck of the draw. Anyway enough rambling buy a fluxer they are awesome.
Peace and

I’m a lonnnng time lurker quit smoking 8 years ago after 20 years! Owned various vapes in those 8 years and then in 2017 I bought the M and shortly afterwards it was my go to vape, ticks all the boxes for me. Then I got the omni and thought I would treat myself to a induction heater, liked the look of what Mr c was doing and just before the new year I ordered one.
It arrived on the March 18th a bit of a wait but fuck me was it worth it! A proper game changer, I ordered the 14mm and the clouds

I can’t fault mr c in the way he does business my fluxer arrived back today and it’s better than I remember well happy thanks mr c.

On a side note (nothing to do with mr c) I’m fucking well pissed off with Royal Mail and customs money grabbing bastards that they are. The first time my package arrived quickly and no problem at all, when mr c sent it back however it did nearly 5500 miles in about 3 days....the last 50 miles took 6 days how the fuck can that happen

Peace and