Some overdue Sunday Fluxer updates:
Battery pack insulators: Done and ready to be mailed (after a little trimming).
I made over 100 of these, so I have plenty on hand for both existing and yet-to-be-built heaters. I'll start sending these out tomorrow. I'll be sending these in letters, with some brief instructions I still need to write up.
This is important, so please make a similar insulator yourself to install as a temporary fix until my insulator reaches you.
Background info:
MOSFET relay issue: I'm still fighting this battle, too. I sent out the first ten or so heaters with the new power relay MOSFETs last week. I expect to hear soon how they are working for people. I already know of at least one repaired heater that failed again after a few uses, despite having the new MOSFETs -
BOOOOOO! - so this may NOT be the solution I had hoped it would be. We should learn more this week as heaters with the new MOSFETs see use.
This issue has been frustrating for everyone affected by it, so please know that I am taking it seriously. I'm a one person operation, however, and my forensic abilities are limited. So far I have not been able to positively identify a single, common, consistent root cause, and I am unable to recreate the failure on my bench - I can fix them, but I don't know the exact force or mechanism that is breaking them. That makes it tough to remedy. I am continuing to look into the issue, but I am not convinced I have cracked it yet. Some folks have been completely unaffected by it, while others have not been able to use their heaters more than few times before they stopped working. I acknowledge that this is very frustrating for all involved, and I am sorry for that frustration.
Flux Deluxe waiting list: It's long and getting longer. Thank you to all that are waiting! My progress has been slow lately, mostly due to the MOSFET and power relay issues I mentioned above. Sorry. I am continuing to build heaters, and will keep chipping away at the list, so as always, thanks for your patience.
Flux Deluxe in a wooden case: I received the first shipment of cherry cases from Berkshire Box Mods, and will be ready to offer these soon as an option. I am still working out the final pricing, as these require some extra milling and drilling, but these will probably be a $25 or $30 premium option for a bare wooden case, and perhaps as much as $60 for one with custom art work like the one shown below. I will clarify the pricing once I have some more info from the wood shop.
Also, let me know if you would be interested in a wooden case with a similar Fluxer logo, as I can order more of these if people are interested. I also have another one with a smaller etched Fluxer logo, in the bottom right corner of the lid, , similar to the small Fluxer sticker. I'll build that one out soon.
Those are the updates for now. I am a little behind in my correspondence, and I apologize. If I owe you an email or reply, I will try to get caught up on all of that today.
Thanks again, everyone, for your support.