Hi all,
OK, finally feeling more like myself today, and less like the "before" person in a NyQuil advert.
I spent a large portion of the last several days simply being sick and dealing with the effects of that. (Trip report: Not recommended.) The silver lining, however, is that I spent some time in the shop when I felt up to it, so the project has moved forward some. More on that in the second part of the is post. But first:
R&D news: 15mm inserts are here!
15mm inserts are here, and available to choose as an option.
No video yet so you'll have to trust my words.
I've run half a dozen bowls through the 15mm coil now (over time, not in rapid succession! And I was sick, so take that into consideration, lol!), and have a good sense of where the 15mm slots in the coil lineup.
I would describe the 15mm ID coil as "a more aggressive 16mm coil". That's an accurate description.
The 15mm coil seems to offer the most range of the three coil setups, as it will heat its contents hotter than the standard 16mm coil, but it can also be dialed back to a level on-par with the stock 16mm coil's behavior.
I would NOT describe the 15mm coil as "a less aggressive 14mm coil" - that's NOT as accurate a description.
The 14mm coil is capable of delivering a particularly penetrating type of heat that the 15mm coil does not seem to be able to quite duplicate. This seems to be a unique quality of the 14mm coil, rather than any failing on the part of the 15mm coil.
BTW, the 15mm OD glass comes in 1M lengths, and I have to cut these into (many!) 17mm to 20mm length pieces to work with them. I've done that and have a bunch of 15mm OD pieces ready to be used. I forgot to take pictures, but maybe will next time.
If you are on the list and want a 15mm insert instead of your previous choice, please send me a message (by whatever means you used to communicate with me originally) and I will make the change to your order. This is true even if we have already confirmed your pre-build choices - it's still an easy change for me to make at this point.
Anyway, I have *plenty* of all three tubing insert sizes available - all the same price, totally your preference.

Choosing your desired tubing diameter has become a key element in getting the most from the Flux Deluxe, so please ask questions and make yourself acquainted with the differences! As more of these get out there, there will be more user feedback to reference.
It's also easy to change your coil if you change your mind down the road. If you decide you want to try a different coil size, just send it back to me and I'll change it for a small fee ($15 total for parts + labor, plus shipping). Obviously, this is harder if you live in the EU or Australia, but even then, it's doable.
BTW, I have a few 13mm OD inserts on order as well, and I'll report on them when they get here. Not expecting them to be better, necessarily, but I am curious how well they'll work. Or not.
Batch #2 Updates:
I snuck out to the shop when my energy permitted, and I currently have 11 heaters in various stages of completion:
Six fully populated PCBs, mostly 14mm coils, waiting their turns to be fitted to cases.
The full shot of the eleven heaters currently in process.
Of the next 20 heaters I am currently preparing to build (including the 11 above), 16 of them are going to use the 14mm coil. So there will be a lot more of these coils in the wild soon.
@Moses Baca wrote in his recent post, the 14mm coil does use more power than the other coils. This is due to the superior coupling efficiency it's able to achieve with the Dynavap. Induction heating can be very efficient that way (via superior coupling), and the piece will draw more power through the heater if the magnetic connection is good. The 14mm coil heats the Dynavap more rapidly than the other sizes, so it only makes sense that it uses more power to do so. As the First Law of Thermodynamics says so eloquently, "You can't get something for nothing."
Waiting lists, hype, and your patience
I want to close this update with a quick note on the waiting list, the current waiting time, and how to best manage your expectations.
The current, active waiting list is around 150 people. That's due almost entirely to this thread, a few user reports, and word of mouth. I have made almost no effort to promote these heaters beyond standing up a web site (that could use some attention, tbh) and posting a few videos to my Fluxer Heaters YouTube channel.

I am awed by your response!
At the moment, I seem capable of building 20-40 heaters per month at the quality I want to deliver.
You guys do the math.
At the moment, this level of demand is manageable - I lose some percentage of people due to the long wait, but the folks that are left are familiar with the project and its various twists and turns, and seem to appreciate that these are hand made devices, and as such were worth waiting for.
Now, if this were my main gig and I was in it for the moneymoneymoney above all, I'd be making some changes to grab more of those dollars before they floated away. Apparently my motivations for doing this project are a bit more complicated than making a "simple" cash grab.
There is a wait for these heaters, and there will continue to be a wait for these heaters.
The list will continue to grow.
At a certain point, some people will become frustrated that this process is not moving more quickly, because they signed up six weeks ago and I have not sent them a pre-build email yet, and dammit, six weeks is a long time to wait for
anything in 2019.
And yet...these things are hand made - quite hand made, as it happens. The process takes time.
So, if you find yourself in one of these mental loops and are very frustrated that I have not reached your position in the list yet, I would ask that you take a deep breath and consider the above - it may not make you feel any better, but it will explain why these things are take as long as they do to complete. If you are truly desperate to use an induction heater and just can't wait for me to finish one,
go and buy one - buy a cheapie on Amazon, buy one of
the $46 SJK dental tool heaters on ebay, etc. They aren't perfect, but they work. If you still want one of mine when your turn finally comes, you can likely sell your interim purchase in the classifieds here or on /r/EntExchange.
I could make these more quickly, but they would not be as well made. Trust me - there's no joy there for either of us.
Thanks for your continued patience! I have some more time set aside in my schedule for Fluxer work tomorrow afternoon and over the weekend, so I hope to make a bigger dent in this waiting list in the next few days. We'll see how I do.
Thanks, all for your continued support!