Hi all,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. It was stormy in our area, so I spent a lot of the weekend in the shop. The focus this weekend was preparing enclosures for the second batch of Deluxes.
I have approximately 50 enclosures I am processing for this batch - and it is indeed a process, with lots of steps.
The overview for preparing the enclosures for use looks like this:
- Epoxy magnets into each enclosure (its own multi-step sub-process, not covered here).
- Mark each enclosure for drilling (the multi-step sub-process explained in this post).
- Drill the holes for the DC jack, LED, and vents for each enclosure (another multi-step process not really covered here, but perhaps later).
- [after build is complete, the final step]: Mark and drill the "heater hole" for the vapcap. This is done individually for each lid, so the hole is more accurately placed. The coils themselves are made of wire (duh!) and can be bent, moved, and even re-soldered/repositioned if necessary, but I've found the best results occur when I locate the hole over the coil, instead of moving the coil to be centered under the hole. But that's at the end of the hole drilling process. This post is about the earlier parts of the process.
With that as prelude, and in the spirit of my other "How It's Made" posts, I now present a peek at the most
exciting of these sub-processes:
Fluxer Heater's 'How It's Made Series, part 17983.2: The Hole Marking Process'
Oooh! On the edge of your seats, huh?
The sub-process for marking the holes breaks down like this:
- Find the centerline of the enclosure's width (this centerline is the common reference point for both drilling templates)
- Apply the drilling templates to the case
- Mark the locations of the holes to be drilled with a center punch
- Drill the holes exactly where marked! (Which is not quite as easy as it sounds.)
So let's see this in action. I have already installed the magnets in this dark green enclosure:
The marking process begins with finding the centerline of the enclosure, as that's the reference point I use for aligning the template. For speed and consistency, I made this centerline finder:
One of the challenges I've been addressing is improving the accuracy of my hole placement and the quality of the holes I drill. To improve accuracy and consistency, I use a drilling template, which I apply as a sticker. I use two clear, Avery 8660 address labels, one for the DC jack and LED (shown below), and another for the vents:
Template applied. The dots are where the holes will be marked and later drilled. The circle is only there to help with orientation, while the lines do the important work: the labels overlap, with the center line functioning as one of their common reference points, and the top line (and gap above the label) serving as the other reference.
Once the template is applied, I use a magnifier to make sure I punch the marks as accurately as possible. I can't stress this enough:
this is where accuracy begins. Measure twice, cut once isn't just empty talk.
By the way, when I refer to
punching, I mean making a dimple-like mark with a spring-loaded center punch, like this one:
This is the result I want:

(Click on the image to enlarge)
The next step will be to turn the marks into holes on the drill press.
Drilling is its own multi-step process - I'll probably explore that in a future post - but I want to highlight one particular piece of gear I have recently acquired, and which is making my life easier and allowing me to drill holes with much greater accuracy: the vintage,
spumoni colored XY milling table now sitting proudly under my drill press. Pardon my metal shavings:
All hail the vintage Craftsman Atlas® XY milling table, a testament to solid engineering and quality construction.
Even at 50 or 60 years old it's still a damn useful tool. (Hey, waitaminute

...I resemble that remark, lol!)
I'll close this photo spread with another snapshot of the current batch, in process:
(from L to R: brand new cases; cases with magnets installed, some marked for drilling ; drilled cases, ready to become heaters)
And that's some more background on how the Deluxe's enclosures are prepared.
More things to share: A USD$10 Deluxe hard case
Some weeks ago,
@Monsoon shared a great idea with me. He found a sturdy, USD$10 camera case that was about the ideal size for protecting the Deluxe:
Case (affiliation-free link):
I picked one up, and as you can see, it's a pretty good fit! Thanks for finding and suggesting it,
@Monsoon !
Better-than-nothing (BTN) battery meters:
Good news, everyone! I've decided that I'm going to include one with each Deluxe for the second batch as well, not just for the first batch, as I regret that the Deluxe v1 does not have an onboard battery meter. I am not sure about including it with additional batches yet, so we will evaluate that when the time comes.
I purchased up 50 more of the same battery meters, as well as more of the DC plugs, so I should have enough of these on hand for the next batch.
User Manual:
Yes, there will be one.
No, it isn't written yet.
Yes, I know how to write them (I was a technical writer at one point and have written a few in my time.)
Please be patient while I work on this, and please continue to direct your "how do I...?" questions to me, via PM or to this thread.
Waiting list:
The Deluxe waiting list is currently ~70 names deep. The next batch will be ~50 heaters, which means some of you more recent list joiners may be waiting four to eight weeks for your heaters to be built and shipped.
Thanks for your patience! I hope that by showing you how many steps are involved, you will get a better sense of why these heaters take so much time to complete.
Missing Pieces for Flux Deluxe First Batch Recipients:
I still owe power meters, stickers, and rubber bands to a few people from the first batch. I don't want those to be forgotten, so I'm trying to get them in the mail this week.
If you were a first batch recipient and are expecting to receive a power meter, rubber band, etc., please drop me a line to remind me. I probably have you on my list, but I am not too proud to ask for your help - I don't intend to slight anyone, but I might by mistake. Thanks!
I think those are all of my updates, at least for now.