Hi all,
Happy Monday
This isn't much of an update, but I wanted to check in with the thread and let folks know I'm still here and keeping an eye on things.
Fluxer is currently taking a siesta from new sales* while I wait for the PACT rules to become finalized, something expected by the end of the month. "Dry herb thermal extraction device accessories" like my heaters seem pretty far down the food chain from this law's stated e-nicotine-related targets,
but I want to be sure before I stick my neck out, as it's my neck. There will be more info coming from USPS in a few weeks, and for now I'm gonna wait and see what they have to say. I'm hopeful, and since Dynavap also seems positive that they have a way forward with their own IH devices, I anticipate finding a way forward as well. Thank you for your interest and support while we wait a bit for these things to play out.
I'm sorry I have to turn folks down (for now), as I know some of you are very eager to order heaters. I hope to be back with more heaters as soon as it is clear that I can continue.
That's the latest update from Fluxer.
*I'm still doing repairs, and have a few on the bench that will go out later today. If your Fluxer heater needs to be fixed, please drop me a line at
fluxerheaters@gmail.com . Thanks!