I sold it to guy on the Cape. I hope he has better success with it than I did.classifieds has a 5.0 for $60.
Almost bidded on your @swieder711 Ascent, Amherst is down the road from R128, but I'd like a carbon fiber one, please...
You are the man! I manned up, also. Am still waiting for my last drop.....
Let's keep the Massdrop discussion here , where it's supposed to go.Im holding off on the Massdrop until more reviews come in. I am going to look for a 5s at a good price instead.
Considering the fact that by all accounts they haven't even shipped a working beta unit yet, I'd like to know who 'he' is that has production units in stock already.I think im gonna grab it and have it by next week tuesday or wednesday.
I gave my advices, now it's your turn to use your brains...
PS: device is charging again, I lost count of how many empty burn-ins I did, but the smell is still present. I want to believe...![]()
I guess that's a pretty good price if you just have to have it now, but I guarantee this model will be available for under $100 from multiple sources. Otherwise you couldn't get it now for $77.70, even with a December delivery.on the bay check it out he has 30 of them in stock i talked to him last night
I'd give up on the 'not really a beta' unit. IMO it's not fit for vaping use and never will be. I think sending these out with glue in 'em was the worst move this company has made. People expect a safe, working unit as a pre-production model, not something with toxic materials that you're supposed to inhale from. I hope they've learned a lesson from this.I lost count of how many empty burn-ins I did, but the smell is still present. I want to believe...
We don't remove pics posted by members in good standing, but if a 'guts pic' is posted by a new member, as a put down, we always suspect an agenda, like the DV pic posted when that model came out, with the poster's IP address coming straight from Volcano headquarters in Germany.Besides, I don't recall in which thread but someone once posted pictures of some other beta unit and moderators had to remove them in the end... suggesting the practice is not welcome on FC.
@PPN : As I said I have no ties with the company, they didn't even make me sign any NDA when they could have, I owe them nothing except my gratitude for allowing me to beta test their new product for free.
Yet I only had very positive interactions with them, they were very kind every time, always answering my questions and welcoming our suggestions... so it would feel a bit like betraying them to post gut pictures of an early batch model, especially when we know the glue won't be present in production units (so it will likely be assembled slightly differently)
Besides, I don't recall in which thread but someone once posted pictures of some other beta unit and moderators had to remove them in the end... suggesting the practice is not welcome on FC.
PS: on top of that I still have no clue how to open the device in a non destructive way...
I'd be shocked if it stinks. They were smart enough to release other models outside the U.S. first, so I'm guessing the 8 will be OK.Anxiously waiting to see what happens when I attempt my first "burn in".
Not only remove the glue, but replace it with a safe adhesive/fasteners. Good luck with that.or how clean the glue....
why don't you just ask them how to open it and what to fix or how clean the glue.... (if possible) if they have a problem with this or not I'm sure they'll tell you.
I guess that's a pretty good price if you just have to have it now, but I guarantee this model will be available for under $100 from multiple sources. Otherwise you couldn't get it now for $77.70, even with a December delivery.