Multi-brand Flowermate CAP


Well-Known Member
Others are on point and here's my take:
  1. Stealth. It's tiny. Keep that in mind in a positive way. It's really small and easy to hide or conceal when using. It's also not as smelly as Pax. It's not smell free by any means, but less of an odor upon firing up than pax.
  2. Ease of use. Super easy. Easy to memorize clicks. 5 for on or off. 3 to change temp. Loading is awesome. Just dip the chamber in your grinder. You can even directly scrape kief into the chamber; the edge of chamber scraps easy. Chamber tamps easy with a finger. Much easier to load than Pax. Toothpick or similar empties it quickly and completely. Heats up quick.
  3. Flavor. Good, rich profile, classic conduction. Less popcorn at the end than Pax even on high.
  4. Mouthpiece. Like it a lot. While vapor is cooler, the mouthpiece gets warm, but I don't think too warm. The vapor path is the heatsink, and it gets warmest, but your lips don't touch it during normal use. Mouthpiece is seperate. Mouthpiece absorbs some heat from vapor path and is warmest [*edit: highest] on the [mouthpiece] and coolest [*lower on mouthpiece] so best to touch the mouthpiece [*just past midway on the mouthpiece] when using, rather than [touching] the mouthpiece [*to] your lips. All and all, small, simple, works and I like it. The warmth on my lips I like... almost pleasant to me, like the feeling of a coffee cup rim on my lips when you take a sip. I was also cold and outside, so that helped... Lol.
  5. Vapor/clouds. Packed pretty tight. Draw restriction is like a Pax, depending on pack. I filled it right up with herb and put it on high. Clouds are [*edit: good, if you remember to wait 10 seconds or so between hits,] nothing crazy, but I am medicated for sure. Remembered it's a tiny unit so I didnt expect the most massive clouds. Add kief and clouds are biggest.:nod: [*edit, this device likes about 10 seconds between hits; do that and it's pax like clouds for a heavy discount in $$$...]
  6. [Edit: Cleaning. This device could get more use than Pax simply because it's a similar experience and because it's so damn easy to clean, at least so far].
Thanks Flowermate, I dig it. This is your put in any pocket, stealthy, easy load and go, out and about, vape. Not so expensive you'll cry if you lose it or leave it with a friend 'cause he'll use it more that night than you....

Bottom line, for its ease of use and tiny size, its worth the affordable price. [*edit: it's like a decent pair of sunglasses that fit well, you like, but happen to be inexpensively priced so if you lose them--you"ll just buy another and not lose any sleep. Perfect air travel vape; buy new, give to someone before you come home or just clean well because it's easy to do. Hell, two of them for the cost of a Pax 2, one for the car, and one to throw in camping gear.]

Will give an update after some more use.
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Company Rep
Company Rep
I have received one of these to test as well, and must say I am also impressed!

One of the more neutral smelling (still a smell though) of these products out of the box, simple clean design, VERY compact, nice packaging and accessories included too.

Did a few burn offs on red, iso swabbed chamber and MP parts, another burn off after and tried out a very full pack of medium ground Purple Dreams. Did a whole session on blue before bumping to green for another half session. Taste actually came through even this new, faded later on so that's when I dump, though it could have gone further ofcourse. Decent clouds if you follow conduction rules (give it time to recover before your next hit) with a pretty free flowing draw and a fairly impressive cooling unit structure inside the small mp...

The plastic alloy is great for insulating heat so you don't feel it on your lips (careful of the little ceramic tip though) whole the vapor path is still all steel and ceramic. The zirconia mp inside the plastic is nice and it even has a small zirconia spiral inside to help cool the vapor a bit. That is all sheethed in some high quality silicone that holds the steel screen and then slides into tbe plastic mp. The magnets securing it to the vape are strong, yet easy to remove too.

I also like that it is able to stand upright despite its rounded bottom, there is a little flat part right in the center, and as mentioned the bowl isn't too huge (not sure on its material, I presumed steel but could be wrong?) It has some holes on the bottom with no screen needed, the screen in the mp is flat with holes not mesh, and it works quite well. There are plenty of extras in the box, two sizes so maybe one is for the bottom of the chamber? But doesn't seem necessary to use on top of the one built in?

Charging is also pretty quick and the battery life seems to be more than solid!

I am a noted on demand pure convection snob (particularly of the handmade variety) but this really seems to be one of the best mass-produced session conduction portables I've ever seen... Honestly I was not prepared to feel that way, let alone after one bowl, but color me impressed as I said!

@Shit Snacks

- the bowl is glazed stainless steel heating technology (we are calling and patent pending it "GSH")

- the accessories including 2 kind of screen, one for mouthpiece, one for chamber.



It's indeed pretty good on first glance. I just wish we could use it without the silicone part as it's the only thing that is not smell-neutral in the device (no polyimide tape adhesive smell this time yeah!) It's the only issue I have with it.

Air-path seems properly isolated this time too, nothing comes out of the bottom USB port.

I think the bowl is black ceramic.

Don't know how the battery will hold as it's evidently on the small side. Otherwise it's a great little vape at a super sweet retail price!

@KeroZen The bowl is glazed stainless steel heating technology (we are calling and patent pending it "GSH")

"" There is no standby mode on our model, because it is annoying when the device switches itself on again by pressing a button in your jacket pocket, rucksack etc., so we decided to switch it off completely after five minutes.""""
Haha how is everyones experience with the standby mode ? I guess our versions should have it.

@Abysmal Vapor the have their own chip. so it doesn't have standby mode. After 5 minutes, the unit turn off automatically.

Today the Cap turned on in my pocket from stand-by mode. Complained to someone in the elevator that it smelled like weed in there and found later out at home that it was my vape producing the smell :lol:

I'm used to it from previous FM models but I know a lot of people thought that it turned off and didn't know a long press was enough to turn it back on. So they clicked 5 times (turning it off), while complaining it didn't work, then clicked 5 times again (turning it on) and thought it was annoying.

On the unit I have there seems to be a standby but it could be that after a long inactivity it turns off completely (need to double check)

@Dutch-Mic @KeroZen

The neutral CAP have standby mode, After 5 minutes no activity, it come to standby mode. After 20 minutes no activity, it will turn off automatically.
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Well-Known Member
@KeroZen The bowl is glazed stainless steel heating technology (we are calling and patent pending it "GSH")

Herb so far cleans out real easy, so maybe you got something there.

Edit: Flowermate Cap accompanied me making a Hazy IPA tonight down in the home brewery. It got it done. I've been hitting this thing all night (and I got options near by for sure...). Fine, great, works. Would not care too much if I got really wet or ruined it, and that makes using a vape more enjoyable.... not like "oh gotta be careful" --rather just go about your business and use it as needed. It's definitely survived some drops and abuse already!

Overall this thing is cheap enough and nice enough that any downside, so far, is more than made up for by size, stealth, and ease of use/cleaning.

Love just scooping herb directly from the grinder and tamping with a finger, and it's ready to go. Very simple process. So small, and thought out around the chamber, it is not cumbersome to load directly in any way.

Man, two of these for the price of pax 2?! Yeah, add a sale and that might just be an easy choice.

Edit #2: Battery. I killed it after about 5 or 6 sessions on high. That works for out and about for few a hours, and really that's what it's gunna be for me when I use it.
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Surprised on the low smell profile. Super clean and good packaging ,nothing smelly inside the box.The usual tools are provided,my unit arrived charged. The GSC chamber looks great as other have stated. Honestly i prefered the old type of mouthpiece connection in FM products where it was a screw-on, This one has black silicon in the airpath also a tiny clear silicon ring between the chamber and the loading funnel. Surprisingly i couldnt smell ,taste any of those at least for now. Grinded works best,stirring brings back vapor production. Cloud production is not very powerful on any setting but ,it is nice cause it is easy to my throat and also has certain stealth aspect over blowing dragon clouds. Taste is great at blue ,vapor is visible in sun light. Green is nice taste too and more vapor. If dont step from blue to green it makes me cough if i start straight on green. After two five minute sessions battery is down to 2 bars.
I like how light weights it is and palmable. Size wize it is similar to the Avant from Xvape.
Now on the Zirconia thingie inside the mouthpiece, I dont think this material works very good for cooling,because it is great conductor of heat and retains it very well ,i replaced the spiral with some glass balls 3mm and it is already better,maybe i will experiment later with removing both zirconia parts and use only glass balls.
This are my initials impressions and i will share more at a later pace as i become familar with the unit,but for i would say that i could see it beeing used for out and about,and i consider very few vapes good for that purpose.
Protip: If your cap gets too hot,just remove it and pull some cold air trough it,it cools down immediatly.
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I received the first time.
I tried several times, but I like the heat sink.
The size of the cloud and the depth of the taste are all surprised.

Why don't you open the battery capacity?


AVB Inspector
Thanks to Phoebe from Flowermate for sending me a Cap to try out, very much appreciated :)

Bowl size and shape similar to Dynavap tip, so about 0.1g capacity. I've been lowdosing it down to 0.022g and it will still extract but expect below average visible vapour if the chamber isn't packed, which you'd expect in a conduction oven anyway. Evenly roasted avb, also as expected.

Low draw resistance.

20 sec preheat gives mostly flavour with wispy vapour. Rest of the session is average vapour production and flavour, for me.

I use the highest heat setting otherwise the session has me huffing and puffing for too long. I've extracted as much as I want within 3 or 4 minutes using the high setting, getting about 8 such sessions indoors throughout the day from a full charge.

Mouthpiece becomes very warm towards the end of the session (only if you take long draws) but not hot because it's insulated from the ceramic cooling spiral. It works well just sipping on it and smaller draws are probably advisable to avoid overwhelming the small oven.

I'm not sure what the supplied oven screens are for because they are too small and fall out. I've used a regular 10mm screen as a dome over the base of the oven to keep it clear but most people probably wouldn't be bothered about that.

Almost as stealthy as vaping a cart (apart from loading the bowl), so it will get lots of use but probably not at home because I prefer convection vaping. The vibrate function helps with the stealth.

It's good to see a battery vape for around £50 that I'd feel able to recommend. It's a very basic/average first vape that probably wouldn't convert a heavy smoker, but for stealth, portability and value it would get mentioned.

I've been enjoying using it more than I thought I would and am pleased to have been introduced to a Flowermate vape. I've become so used to working my more technical convection vapes that it's been refreshing and fun to use something so simple that still works well, so a thumbs up from me :)


Well-Known Member
Got mine yesterday, surprised how small the box was. Nice little package and unit felt a lot better in hand than I'd assumed it would from the pics. Cleaned it, loaded it up and tried on lowest setting, bit low for me so bumped to green and decent results. Charged battery at this point and decided to try on highest setting. Decided this is where I like it. Bowl nicely cooked throughout and avb was looking nice and even. Carried on with high setting. Bowl no.6 was where battery dropped to one light, I guess I could have got a 7th.
Positives- Really like bowl size, the way it funnels to make filling easier, and the coating means the stuff just falls out when finished. Heat up time is silly fast (amazed tbh that something this size can get up to temp so fast). The mouthpiece assembly is really good, easy to take apart and clean. The size, this is the perfect stealth unit, click on in pocket, wait a few moments for vibrate and you're good to go, easily able to palm it.
Negatives- The zirconia in mouthpiece does get very hot and you are able to touch with tongue, don't. The fact it is an internal battery does mean this vape has a shelf life. The included quick start instructions was lacking some info, no mention of it shows green when at full charge, a more informative manual included would have been nice. Maybe the inclusion of a clip would have been good to attach to lanyard, keychain.
Overall am very pleased with it and do think it has a place. Would like to thank Phoebe@flowermate for giving us the chance to try these units out


Well-Known Member
I just got mine today, running right it now. Its soooooooo cute!!! Packaging is very nice. So compact and tiny. Easy to use, mouth piece feels really good, nice open draw, fast heat up even at high temperature, nice materials on exterior reminds me of the davinci IQ alot, I like the oven everything slides right in. Controls are very easy to use, temperatures are good, I would have liked 1 more higher temp. I think the haptic feedback is perfect not annoying at all like other devices. I have one con and it's the micro USB, all my devices use USB-C now, micro usb is being phased out, usb-c feature would sell more units easily. So far I'm liking it alot. I'm showing it to all my friends and family, and 2 friends tried to keep it!!! They wanted my cap, I said nope! Lol. I'm gonna run some more and give more input. Thanks flowermate, so far an awesome little device!

Diggy Smalls

I received a tracking number from Hong Kong today.

I haven't ordered anything else from China in the last few weeks, so maybe that's a CAP on it's way to me? Fingers crossed!
Yeah, the same exact thing happened to me. They did not respond to me in any way and then I got the email from the shipping company with a tracking number. And an option so I don't have to sign for it.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Yeah, the same exact thing happened to me. They did not respond to me in any way and then I got the email from the shipping company with a tracking number. And an option so I don't have to sign for it.

Good to hear, because yeah, that's what I received. Looks like it'll be here tomorrow :rockon:


Well-Known Member
I am liking the cap! its almost as stealthy as my dynavap! its amazing how small it is, but still feels very nice in your hand, its not uncomfortable at all and I have big hands. I like the mouth piece a lot, so easy to pop open to reload and feels great on lips perfect shape. it really does remind me of a super miniature devinci iq just way easier to load and clean! nice job flowermate!!!


Well-Known Member
i received my cap a couple days ago. it has a nice feel to it, good weight & the matte finish is nice to the touch.

5 clicks to turn on. this rig vibrates when powered up, vibrates when reaches temp and after the 5 minute sesh is over.

to turn it back on though, you have to 5 click off, then 5 click on to go back to back. you'd think after the 5 minute sesh the unit would turn off by itself. no big deal.

this seems like a production unit. the built in funnel makes for easy to loading. the mouth piece has a couple strong magnets and im still looking at the zircon in it.

for me, the cap works best on high. it has a good size bowl. i have been extracting most of the good stuff from my meds with in 2-3 minutes.

the 5 minute run time seems a bit long. very even extractions. this oven works well. fast heat up helps with the very open draw. hard hits can still dilute the vapor. so, with the right technique, fatty hits can be gotten!!

thanks phoebe and flowermate. this is a nice progression from my old v5.0s. i plan on vaping some bubble and sauces sandwiches soon........


Well-Known Member
Just got my unit. Unboxed it. Very impressed. It is quite small. I’m so gonna lose it in the couch.

the haptic feedback is nice the way it vibrates. Never felt those vibrations in a vape. The bowl is not a bad size. Smaller than my Flowermate V5 nano. But I would not consider it a micro doser. My two cents on that.

Mouth piece design is real nice. I think they thought out and executed a great mouth piece. I don’t see how on the inside of the plastic will get resin as it has that silicone gasket. The one thing that’ll need to be cleaned not in ISO is the silicone gasket. The actual mouth piece housing I think will never get gunky.

box it came in was unreal. Was impressed. And rocking the grey version. I like.

wont be testing tonight. Still got the lung infection. Hopefully this weekend with the girlfriend and some lambs breath haha.


@Shit Snacks

- the bowl is glazed stainless steel heating technology (we are calling and patent pending it "GSH")

- the accessories including 2 kind of screen, one for mouthpiece, one for chamber.



@KeroZen The bowl is glazed stainless steel heating technology (we are calling and patent pending it "GSH")

@Abysmal Vapor the have their own chip. so it doesn't have standby mode. After 5 minutes, the unit turn off automatically.

@Dutch-Mic @KeroZen

The neutral CAP have standby mode, After 5 minutes no activity, it come to standby mode. After 20 minutes no activity, it will turn off automatically.
I use a “M” in the garden however the CAP I use in the bonus room.
I had some wax that I used with cotton.
Taste is very CIVILIZED! Green light worked well?


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Just a quick chime in to tell you about my mouthpiece mod, which makes vapor cooler and the outside cap too.
Step one pull out the silicon gasket, remove everything. Flip it to the other side. Insert just the Zirnconia outher shell(w/o the spiral) ,leaving 2mm protruding from the gasket,into the chamber. Install normal screen into the zirconia part. Insert into the CAP. I get better clouds that way.The extra distance between inner and outside moutpiece works better for me than that the stock assembly.
Imo one of the reasons the mouthpiece gets hot ,is that the Zirconia is too close the the ROK cap opening ,which is also narrowed so it can meet lips ergonomics ,and it radiates too much heat to that area.
If you dont wanna mod,but your mouthpiece is too hot,just try pushing it down so there can be some deadspace between it and the plastic cap. I will take some photos soon and also will post my detailed review.All i can say for now is that conduction doesnt brings the best of tastes,but it is very efficient batterywise,which also allows keeping things small.
The battery provides decent number of sessions but also charges very quickly ,so if you keep along a small powerbank with a single 18650 in it, you are good to go for a lot sessions.
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