Florida Cannabis News


Well-Known Member
What problem are these rules supposed to be solving exactly?

Gotta say, this is a dumb move politically so I can't see it sticking around. The challenger to Desantis only has one policy proposal so far: full recreational legalization. There's more medical patients than Ron's margin of victory last time. A couple of stories next year about cancer patients who can't get their medication could move voters too.


Well-Known Member

Cannabis is an issue that brings people who disagree on everything else together. "Cannabis in Common" is a non-profit that asks a simple question. If a huge majority of Americans across the political spectrum want cannabis legalized, why don't our representatives in Washington?

You can easily let our Floriduh Senators know where you stand on their website. In a just world, Rick would be in prison for stealing over 300 million from Medicare. And Little Marco seems so stupid he shouldn't be allowed to live on his own. Yet there he is, getting paid six figures to act as my representative in Washington. The least these two could do is vote the way their constituents want on cannabis.


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite old Cali brands is coming to Floriduh this year...

They've promised $35 eighths, which would put some welcome pressure on the market. But speaking of pressure, my big hope is they bring some more affordable hash rosin into the mix.


Well-Known Member


Spirit of the Dark Horse
Oh ya and because...as he's been called...Ronnie Dumb Nuts....says it's too smelly...stinky...whatever. As a former member of the USN, I'm ashamed to say he was too. Because in my eyes, with him being a veteran as well, he should damn well know that it HELPS VETERANS!!! He should be ashamed of himself....and don't get me started on his quack, whack, surgeon general for Florida....


Well-Known Member
59% of Floridians (I missed @macbill posted above it could be as high as 75%) support legalizing recreational cannabis. Both Florida Senators and our Governor are against cannabis legalization.

Rubio is one of the dumbest motherfuckers in this country.

"We have a substance abuse problem in this country. We already lose thousands of Americans to alcohol every year."

Sounds like a good reason to offer a safe alternative to those dangerous drugs. Like cannabis.

"Marijuana is a gateway drug"

You were a fucking idiot 15 years ago for invoking the laughable "gateway drug theory". Invoking it in 2022 means you have a brain smoother than glass.

"We have a problem with fentanyl laced marijuana"

Not in dispensaries, dumbass. He's too stupid to realize he's accidentally making arguments for legalization.

I don't know how Lil Marco even dresses himself in the morning. It should be illegal for a man this stupid to live on his own. Yet there he is, representing 21 million Floridians in the US Senate.
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Spirit of the Dark Horse
What a sad state our politics are in, both state and national. People need to wake up and realize there are more than two political parties; it's just that the media never talks about them because they don't money from them....it's all money...if someone like Elon or whatever...rich, gave money to these guys but only if they would support legalization, you would hear all of these politicos changing their mind. They are so stupid, you legalize, you tax it, there's your money buttholes...would probably wipe out the deficit.


Well-Known Member
I don't really get it. 64% of registered Republicans in FL say they support legalization. Who is he putting on this show for? I sort of respect Ronnie for saying cannabis should remain illegal because it smells bad. That's less stupid than everything Marco just said.

Unfortunately I don't think third parties are a way out of this mess, for all the reasons you stated. All of media is owned by either multinational corporations, or individual billionaires. They already have two parties that serve them quite well. One runs offense for business interests. The other runs defense. All while the plebs fight a dumb culture war.

I'm convinced there's no way to vote your way out of this. The only option is to grin and bear it. Well, the only option you can talk about in a public forum :brow:***

*** Note to NSA: Parody/Unactionable


Well-Known Member
I agree, although Ronnie Dumb Nuts and the smell is just ludicrous.

I know, I know. You're right. I'm just saying it's less stupid than saying "when people buy weed from drug dealers, it's sometimes laced with fentanyl. So we should keep weed illegal and only available from drug dealers". Or, "thousands of Americans die because of alcohol every year, so we should keep a safer alternative illegal".

When it comes to opposing cannabis in 2022, the less you say about it, the less stupid you'll seem. Rick Scott also pulled a Ronnie,

When asked last week at the Capitol about the MORE Act, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said, “Okay, I don’t support that. I’ve had family members who have had a lot of drug issues, and so I’m not going to do it,” reported CNSNews.

I like how we're not even pretending this is a representative democracy. If 75% of Floridians agree on something, you should probably put your personal feelings aside. Now that I think about it, basically saying "I've had family members with drug issues, so I think people who use a mild recreational drug should be locked in a cage" is pretty fucking stupid too.


Spirit of the Dark Horse
I don't claim affiliation to any party, but it sure seems like it's mostly Republicans against it....tow that party line!...so fuckin stupid. Rick Scott is beloved by Republicans, yet he's a crook for Medicare fraud. What it really boils down to is that they are living in the past, do not have the intelligence to actually look into it themselves to get properly educated on the topic, and have zero balls to embrace actual facts. When I first moved back to Florida in 2013, my mom was a diehard republican...with me bringing up facts that show their stupidity over the years has softened that stance...and Trump killed any hope the republican party has, especially those that align with him.


Well-Known Member
I don't claim affiliation to any party, but it sure seems like it's mostly Republicans against it.

Yes, but only among elected representatives. The majority of Republican voters are for legalization, at least in FL. Though I will say if the Democrats were remotely serious about legalization, they'd be out there hitting every Republican Senator over the head with this shit. Point out that every prohibitionist argument Republican Senators are spouting falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. Doesn't seem like they really care.

Rick Scott is beloved by Republicans, yet he's a crook for Medicare fraud.

LOL it's amazing to me the we made the biggest thief of public funds in US History our Governor and then our US Senator. Remember, "welfare queens" getting a few hundred dollars in food stamps are evil, but a guy who stole hundreds of millions from Medicare deserves to rule over us!


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I'm actually pretty optimistic that our politicians will back further legalization....... It won't be for for the right reasons (Money and to get elected) nor will it be fast enough for us ....

In 2014 it didn't pass ..... 57.62% of Florida voters were for legalization but in order to pass we needed 60%. In 2016, just before voting for amendment 2, I joked "The 57.62% who voted yes will vote yes again and the missing 2.4% will also vote yes if we can figure out how to keep them from getting high on the day of the vote ;) It passed that day.

In 2019 I wrote "Two years ago I was less than impressed with how things were progressing. Tomorrow we'll be going to the dispensary to pick up some carts, tinctures and herb".

New delivery mechanisms, vapes, new types of products and high THC strains and concentrates are the norm now. I can't wait to see what's cooking in a couple more years....

If a bright-red state like Florida can make this kind of progress there is hope.....


Well-Known Member
I'm actually pretty optimistic that our politicians will back further legalization....... It won't be for for the right reasons (Money and to get elected) nor will it be fast enough for us ....

In 2014 it didn't pass ..... 57.62% of Florida voters were for legalization but in order to pass we needed 60%. In 2016, just before voting for amendment 2, I joked "The 57.62% who voted yes will vote yes again and the missing 2.4% will also vote yes if we can figure out how to keep them from getting high on the day of the vote ;) It passed that day.

In 2019 I wrote "Two years ago I was less than impressed with how things were progressing. Tomorrow we'll be going to the dispensary to pick up some carts, tinctures and herb".

New delivery mechanisms, vapes, new types of products and high THC strains and concentrates are the norm now. I can't wait to see what's cooking in a couple more years....

If a bright-red state like Florida can make this kind of progress there is hope.....

Man, that 60% threshold is bull. No statewide politician ever gets 57%.

I agree, eventually FL will legalize. Hopefully within the next 4-6 years. But Lil Marco and the Medicare Thief are our US Senators. The latest legalization push will almost certainly die in the Senate. And that's almost certainly the last viable Federal legalization effort for a long while after the Dems see their majorities eliminated this Fall.


Well-Known Member
As has been stated, there isn't a path out of this through voting. Both parties play their parts, we fight, and the wealthy get wealthier. These representatives aren't ignorant of the truth about cannabis, they're in politics for the money/power/access, and the way to those goals is to be the voice of the wealthy.
They may pretend to sound like us at times, but we don't matter.
They pick our choices for leadership and, as Scott has shown, vote for the wealthy's interests over the people's. It looks like a pretty sweet gig when you see some of these buffoons getting rich. Don't learn a craft, just get elected, and lie your way to the top.

The enemy isn't the left or the right, it's an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy.


Spirit of the Dark Horse
Well said....the lobbyists win, the biggest pockets win, votes are bought. That's the main purpose of lobbying, buying votes and that will never be outlawed since that's the politicians' biggest source of income. And there should be no lobbying allowed for anything. The reason it is allowed is that it has been twisted over the years...anyone is allowed to lobby for something they want, these fucktards have twisted so that money is involved...that was not the original intent of lobbying.

Anyway, if some billionaire or a very rich corporation wanted marijuana legalized it would be done in a heartbeat because they would some how put a spin on how good it will be for the country, and that's how they always get away with it....it can create jobs, more revenue for communities through taxes collected, and people who actually need it to maintain their health would have access to it like others do when they go to a pharmacy....hey wait a sec, that actually makes sense so there's NO way it will happen, lol (deep down I sincerely hope that some day it will).

So Mr. Rubio, what about alcohol? Bet you have no issue with that don't ya....yet marijuana is FAR SAFER!


Well-Known Member
After bumming everyone out about the dumbfucks who rule over us, how about some GOOD Florida Cannabis News!

S-Tier cannabis extractors 710 Labs is coming to the Free State!

And they're partnering with our only non-corporate dispensary, The Flowery. Even if you're not a fan of concentrates, these guys put out some delicious flower as well.

Let's see what products they'll be releasing...

"Persy Sauce, Persy Rosin"

vince mcmahon wrestling GIF by WWE

"Ice Water Hash"

Shocked Vince Mcmahon GIF by WWE

"Live Rosin, and Resin Pods"

Oh My God Reaction GIF

710 did an AMA on reddit. Didn't read through the whole thing but one comment stood out for me:

"Quality Over Everything, the quality will be on par with CA/CO or else it won't hit the shelves."

Robert Redford Nod GIF
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