Hey folks at FC. Have been wondering what you guys think about Fleshlights and other male masturbation sleeves. I own several and was wondering who else here does also, and what kind?

Kind of a taboo topic, but I feel comfortable discussing it here and have been curious about what sleeves/toys other members own.
I will share which ones once I know I'm not the only one
My, my aren’t you the little kink meister?
As you all know Im quite a private person and I normally keep this sort of perversion to myself.
But I hear ya buddy I absolutely love my flashlight too!
I have a collection as well.
I had to start small to build up to it. (im sure you know what I mean)
And got the ‘holier than thou beginners kit’ for $69.99 from humanslovelumens.com
As you can see it allows to slowly work up to the units with more foot candles without too much discomfort.
There is nothing like being at a party and having 1000+ lumens beaming outta yr ass whilst spinning around and round on the dance floor like a disco ball.
If she drops her earring on the carpet? I instantly drop my pants, clench my schincter and bang!
Theres 30,000 foot candles to find the errant item asap.
I also do some part time work at the dentist.
But I find the aspect of helping the community most satisfying as well.
Then there was that time I found Timmy in the well. He was so overcome with gratitude he could never look me in he eye again.
Not even when I shone the light in his face!
But its not all 'D' size batteries & foot candles.
sometimes shit goes wrong.
very, very wrong.
Always make sure you get one long enough to fit the entire rectum.
Its really really hard to chase a burglar if you dont have a comfy fit.
Once, I tripped and fell.
and this happened.
I looked like fucking ET!
I had a lot of trouble changing those batteries lemme tell ya.
This is why I moved to this as my daily driver (so to speak)
Its awesome! this thing has far too many features to mention, but lets say, my face just lit up when
@Stu brought this round to show me!
I hear they even use them at gitmo on the tourists.
Is there anything they cant do to keep us safe?
I think like you, I may have developed 'FAPS' (flashlight acquisition and party syndrome)
Cause now Ima saving up for this little number. I may have to sell some of my collection to fund this beauty.
So keep and eye out in the classifieds kids.

you may pick up a bargain!
Well congrats OP. I think I may have to pass the 'who is the biggest weirdo' torch (pardon the pun) onto you.
Where anyone wants to put their wee- wee is their own business.
But the need to have a serious discussion on yr favorite sex toys is slightly a bridge too far?
I mean whats next? a thread on chronic masturbation & its associated pitfalls?
The fetish on this site is vapor.
I think you may be looking for a different kind of site for this sort of conversation?
anyhoo, dont get me wrong Im not hating, I really appreciate the material to work with TBH.
But I cant help wonder what sort of results Id get if I started asking about the lady members toys and their favourites?
Ladies??? anyone wanna talk about their well used 'rabbit'?
Fuck me, thank you OP.
Im back baby!!!