Firewood Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I saw this thread a while back and was intrigued, and now that I've returned, I'm even more intrigued.

Right now for portables I have a Pax and a Solo. I'm actually considering selling the Pax because as much as I love it, my main criteria for a vape is the ability to consume small loads. The Solo doesn't really work for me as a stealthy flower vape outside the house, but I'm not interested in spending a lot of money for a stealthier portable option when the Solo is so great in 90% of situations. I've looked at the MFLB before, but for whatever reason it always seemed like a purchase I'd regret. But the Firewood...I love how it looks, the concept, the size...and based on everyone's comments, it sounds like it does the job well.

Just what I need. Another vape! (Probably a good thing I'm broke at the moment...though I suspect I'll pick one up at some point).


This looks awesome. I have an inhalater coming soon, and originally I was going to use it when I go to indoor concert venues, etc. now I am starting to think I should buy a less expensive portable for such situations, in case it were ever taken from me by security.

This Firewood vaporizer looks great and is a good is it in comparison to a magic flight launch box?

Edward Hyde

Well-Known Member
I really don't think there is much of a comparison here. The firewood seems to be a much better system than the MF. I'm sure some box diehards will disagree with me and question my vaping form with it - but I just don't like the box.

i think its not about the box and the firewood...the main difference between them is that the box is conduction (mostly) and the firewood is convection (mostly) so its more up to anyone and how everyone reacts to the two ways of vaping...for me for example conduction is too heavy to my throat so i prefere convection wich makes firewood a better choice indeed...
Edward Hyde,
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Okay good to know. Honestly, I have used a MFLB once, without any instruction, I got a few good hits, but one REALLY hurt my throat...I'm quite sure I did something terribly wrong but I don't want a vaporizer where a newbie is going to have issues with it..

This firewood vape looks great and at the price I'm thinking I will have to buy one and try it out!

Edit: so maybe somebody could comment, I have an incredibly high tolerance (which is what got me interested in vapes, all the smoke is really hurting my lungs) that makes it hard for me to get to the level I want sometimes..
I need a vaporizer that will get me thoroughly ripped several times on one charge (my main requirement i was wanting is being able to vape as much as I want during a 2-3 hour concert. Could anyone who owns this vape comment on efficiency? Will it get me thoroughly baked? (I am a heavy smoker and my main concern is a vaporizer that will quickly die on me.)


Well-Known Member
This vape just keeps looking better and not at $80, I may have to take the plunge. I am curious to the battery life though. Jam (and others), how many loads have you been getting off of one charge?


in flavor country
I just got mine, I used it a bunch yesterday, and exclusively vaping from it today. So far I've run a couple of smaller loads, less than 1/2 full on the pack. I'll keep using it through today, and try to keep up with at least a rough estimate. I do think load size will change how it performs a bit. I just put a larger load in, to see how it goes. I'd say it's 3/4 full.


Vapor concierge
visionaries...estimate how much you would need to smoke for a concert and then multiply that by 2/3. Then tell us what that is and see how many loads/charges it takes jam to go through that amount. This oughtta get you through the concert. You will vape less at first, and think less than that, but the 2/3 estimate should give you some wiggle room, I think.


in flavor country
well, I am finding you don't want to over stuff this. Around .3 or so is a good estimate on average load size. I might think this would be a little tricky to load in a crowd, or just trying to be super stealth. I'm still getting used to mine, so might need more practice. Maybe I need to fold a card into a trench or something to slide the herbs into the chamber. I feel this unit has some similar qualities to the TV line, as far as heat time goes. You do need to pay attention to how long you lay on the switch. I also found it easy to clean, I just tap out the loose herbs, then use one of my little brushes to get the crumbs. I have also swabbed it out with a dry qtip while it was still warm. I really enjoy the user interaction with this one, reminds me of why I like driving a standard... You loose a bit of that control with a water tool in line, but once you've used it a few times its easy to get the feel of how long to heat it up.


^^thanks, that clears a lot of things up. It might not be the best one for that situation, but I am still probably ordering one soon because it looks like a great portable!
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in flavor country
I didn't fully pay attention yesterday, but I got about 5 loads before I felt it was not heating well enough to continue vaping. I'll count today, I'm on my first load. I imagine a few factors tie in, depending on your herb quality and I keep forgetting to turn the switch off, when I set it down, so the little green light is on for periods of time... I'll see if I get similar results today.


in flavor country
can you give us more details about what that is... teaser!!:D My INH capsules are a little too big for the opening, but I did use one to load it, just sucked the herb into the INH capsule and dumped it into the Firewood, so the load size on the Firewood is about the same as the INH, though you can put less in there.
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Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
can you give us more details about what that is... teaser!!:D My INH capsules are a little too big for the opening, but I did use one to load it, just sucked the herb into the INH capsule and dumped it into the Firewood, so the load size on the Firewood is about the same as the INH, though you can put less in there.

I imagine you will have to cut the capsule and shrink the diameter of it some. I thought about doing this, but I did not know a good way to weld/glue the capsule back together.

I was not paying attention the other day. I just charged the unit. As the battery drains I get used to holding the heat switch on longer. After the new charge I was not thinking and I held the heat switch on. Got total combustion of the material after awhile. Stunk up the car pretty bad... whoops my fault. Keep that in mind when you refresh the charge. ;)
Slightly Medicated,


in flavor country
awww man, sorry that happened. Were you able to get the smell out? I found a similar experience w/thermovape the battery would sag so if you wanted to squeeze the last bit out, you had to lay on the switch for a long time. Once charged, you were back to several seconds, and had to keep this in mind. I also found that as the load gets more toasted, it has more of a chance of combusting than fresh, once all the moisture is cooked out.

One of the things I like about the firewood is the glass chamber, I am getting no interference with flavor.

I've been treating my unfinished firewood with coconut oil, just rubbing a layer each day, and it's been slowly conditioning the wood, and the detail of the grains are starting to pop I am happy with the look and feel of it! I might mix some beezwax in with a bit and melt them together. That should make a nice conditioner.


Vaporization Aficionado
Accessory Maker
can you give us more details about what that is... teaser!!:D My INH capsules are a little too big for the opening, but I did use one to load it, just sucked the herb into the INH capsule and dumped it into the Firewood, so the load size on the Firewood is about the same as the INH, though you can put less in there.

Just a little thing I came up with. I'd be willing to make some for other firewood owners if they're interested.
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Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I cleaned it out with some ISO and everything and it was back up to working in no time. The hardest part was making sure I got all the ash off the bottom screen. It was totally my fault though. I did not think about the battery power to heat ratio.

So far so good with my firewood. About to take it out for the afternoon.


The Vape Escape
jam, do you have or have you used the pinnacle to be able to compare it with the firewood or do only have the WT? I have the Pinnacle and the WT, but for 80 bucks the firewood looks cool and seems like i'd be able to pull bigger clouds with this as well. If anyone else can also comment on this, much appreciated!


in flavor country
I would say they are different animals. The PN has 2 heat settings, so you either get one or the other. The Firewood is like a standard transmission, you control the heat time, so it can get low temp, med temp or wait long enough for high to possible combustion temps... you must exorcise more control, and pay attention to how long you lay on the switch. It is not automatic the way the PN is. What you do get in exchange for that is more control, and a glass vapor chamber. The taste is exceptional. I also prefer the look and feel of wood/glass over plastic. I am super happy with mine so far!! It's taken over as my main vape while I get to know it better.

The unfinished wood seems to really like the coconut oil/beeswax mix. It's starting to take on a nice warm tone, and the contrast in the grain colors is standing out more and more. I did not even bother sand it, just applied the oil/wax once a day so far, let it soak in. I think it's looking pretty nice.


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