Yeah it is way different now, FW3 used those tiny little glass capsules? There was a big change with the FW4, then 5, again with 6, before FW7 which 8 and nine are both based on... Yes you see now it is more hybrid, FW7 had primary conduction on demand, 8/9 have a bit more versatility with more airflow so you can get more convection, but you can still prioritize conduction as well... A huge difference is that you are now using ceramic chambers, and there is more of an oven heating them, instead of pulling heat convection style from metal coil through glass chambers... The form factor changed a bit too, it now lies down long, instead of standing upright tall, but you can use it in any orientation really with the tighter conduction packs when using the ceramic chamber capsules... Also allows for a nice right angle ceramic pathway below the oven, and easy connection for a glass stem mouthpiece pathway... The vapor it produces now really smacks in a special new way