Space is the Place
I'm actually in the same boat. I'm really struggling to produce any kind of vapor. I've been wondering if there is a certain technique to it that I just haven't figured out but there isn't much info out there...
I'm in the same boat with mine, I may get a few decent hits per session but for the most part it doesn't do much.
Any instruction on how to actually use it seems lacking and whats out there is kinda unclear. I still don't understand the whole primer hit thing (sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't). also seems you need the lung power and capacity of an elephant to get it to heat up. Feel like I'm gonna pass out trying to coax a little vapor out of it most of the time.
I did send a reply to Marc at the email address he directed me to earlier in the thread to let him know my charging issues seemed to rectify themselves and asked a question or two but haven't heard back yet.
Seems there's a lot more to getting a hit then just inhaling, my avb is all still coming out a Golden Green color on heat setting 4 and still I can only pull off 1 or 2 hit's with visible vapor per load, even if i can keep the unit from shutting itself off for ten minutes or more (which should mean the heater is engaging)While drawing on it I get little to no heat or vapor it seems. ( while the outside of the FW gets pretty warm)
I'm pretty much home bound at the moment so it's hard for me to get out to the post office to return it at the moment.
Love the feel and craftsmanship and whole Idea of how it should work it's a simple but beautiful vape in the hand and on the eyes, but so far for me it doesn't work easily or well yet.
Would like to return it now myself to have it checked out to see if it's me or my firewood that's the problem.
Sorry all, Hate to sound all critical or be a downer, just really wanted this vape to work in a simple manner like just inhale and get a hit like in the videos.
I know a few people here said they ordered when I did but none of them have really posted their experience's here yet either. Kinda would Like to know who else is having a tough time with theirs too.
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