Well-Known Member
Hey fellas!
Some info for those greatly VASing a FF2+:
Got a good deal on a FF2+(oak) a couple of days ago and after I drained 5 batteries, here is my first review.
First hands on was underwhelming. Not bad, but miles behind the Mighty or TM.
Luckily after some little temp tweaks it is similar performance, this is high shelf portability!
Tastewise it is better than most of my devices, but is it best??
Its not a clear YES for me, I had great flavour out of the TM, Lotus and even the Mighty most times.
Battery life is absolutely ok, its 6-7 bowls at least with 6-8 draws per session on 190-210°C.
I had 3 bowls burned so far, but I guess I need to get to know it a bit better.
This vape is for anyone looking for a quiet and sexy piece, that wants to be used at home.
Its my "treat yourself" vape after a hard day or if I get some really sticky icky.
I use it alone almost all of the time and I do enjoy the process of using it a lot.
Never had a Vape with real airflow restriction like a FF1, but the airflow on the FF2+ is the most noticable among my devices. Its not too bad, feels like a pipe where you have your finger on the air hole.
And thats why I like it, for me it feels like an electrical Lotus/Pipe mix.
The stirring, the packing, the usage, it all feels like using a good ol pipe and thats great.
Its capable of producing big clouds with very little throat irritation and thats why its gonna be my new vape for pandemics
No coughs = healthier throat!
Wouldnt recommend to anyone as a first vape, although its not too hard to master.
Would recommend to anyone with a big comfy armchair, a lover of bathrobes, a finer gentleman/woman enjoying the whole ceremony, etc.
Cleaning is a bitch though, can be cleaned very fast but so far I had to do it every day for optimal results.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Will be using this vape now 90% of the time due to the not coughing.
Lets see if I feel any significant differences in my lungs/throat in the long run.
Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!
Some info for those greatly VASing a FF2+:
Got a good deal on a FF2+(oak) a couple of days ago and after I drained 5 batteries, here is my first review.
First hands on was underwhelming. Not bad, but miles behind the Mighty or TM.
Luckily after some little temp tweaks it is similar performance, this is high shelf portability!
Tastewise it is better than most of my devices, but is it best??
Its not a clear YES for me, I had great flavour out of the TM, Lotus and even the Mighty most times.
Battery life is absolutely ok, its 6-7 bowls at least with 6-8 draws per session on 190-210°C.
I had 3 bowls burned so far, but I guess I need to get to know it a bit better.
This vape is for anyone looking for a quiet and sexy piece, that wants to be used at home.
Its my "treat yourself" vape after a hard day or if I get some really sticky icky.
I use it alone almost all of the time and I do enjoy the process of using it a lot.
Never had a Vape with real airflow restriction like a FF1, but the airflow on the FF2+ is the most noticable among my devices. Its not too bad, feels like a pipe where you have your finger on the air hole.
And thats why I like it, for me it feels like an electrical Lotus/Pipe mix.
The stirring, the packing, the usage, it all feels like using a good ol pipe and thats great.
Its capable of producing big clouds with very little throat irritation and thats why its gonna be my new vape for pandemics

Wouldnt recommend to anyone as a first vape, although its not too hard to master.
Would recommend to anyone with a big comfy armchair, a lover of bathrobes, a finer gentleman/woman enjoying the whole ceremony, etc.
Cleaning is a bitch though, can be cleaned very fast but so far I had to do it every day for optimal results.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Will be using this vape now 90% of the time due to the not coughing.
Lets see if I feel any significant differences in my lungs/throat in the long run.
Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!