Discontinued Firefly 1, 2, 2+

Vape Master

Formerly C3PO
2013: The Firefly Vaporizer from the old FC

View attachment 548

2016: Firefly2 from the old FC

View attachment 544

2019: Firefly2+ from the old FC

View attachment 545

The Firefly2+ is basically the same as the FF2, but it comes with an updated firmware package/app update to help heating and battery efficiency. But the biggest change was in the oven screen, which now has slightly more airflow than the FF2 screen.

Firefly reduced the price a bit for the FF2+ model which is great, but it comes at the loss of a spare battery, a second concentrate pad, and the brush and pic.

You can send in your FF2 to have it updated with the new screen and firmware update, or you can update the software/app yourself if you do not want to spend the $30 or so to send it back to Firefly for the full update with newer screen. (most can notice a difference in the draw pressure, but some can not).

For best use, this vape requires a slower loner draw than most other vapes. The heater will stay on for 26 seconds at a time, you may or may not need that entire draw time to get results depending on your heat settings and what you are using in the vape. A general place to start on temps is 360F for flower and 470F for concentrate pad use. When using with flower you will have better results stirring and not using a fine grind normally. Using whole buds can also help with reducing the buildup of reclaim. The vape shines when using concentrates with the pad. In fact many still use their FF2's only for this reason. Pressing flower and then using with the FF2's works very well. You can reuse the pads a few times before you will need to clean them. Soaking in ISO is recommended, you may need to let soak for longer periods to let everything breakdown and release from the pad. Use a small container and try rinsing and re-soaking a couple times for best results. You can torch the pads...but then tend to not last as long that way.

With convection heating that is on-demand, the FF2(+) are great vapes with cool vapor paths and the ability to do both flower and concentrates on the go.
I agree 100%. The FireFly 2+ really is a big improvement. I have mine a year.. and it is still amazing. I find that at higher tempts it hits harder but at low temp it is a very nice high as well but slower. I tip my cap to Firefly they did a great job with the 2 plus. It needs to be cleaned everytime, if not it will cause a lack in performance. I clean mine every time... its amazing... a deal breaker for me is the steal brush (accessory), the metal bristles fit into the holes in the screen, clearing everything from the holes in the screen. It'sLike new everytime.


Well-Known Member
Hi...I just brought out my Firefly and took the dust off of it and packed a bowl...and I don't know what is going on but, that thing baked my ass. Never did before. I have an original Firefly...I hated it for the longest time and today I think I did it absolutely right. It is really nice!
Yep, the ff2 can give really great results when used correctly, kinda underated imo. Although there are better options at the same price

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Another incredible session with my Firefly 2+...what's going on! Did I just get lots of practice with a bunch of really crappy vapes? This is truly something to experience. The flavor is like no other...I put some Blueberry Og and I taste everything. So easy to clean too. Why aren't more people talking about this? I love it. Anyway, I really want the first edition just for keeps sake....love this vape.


Well-Known Member
I would say the number one problem is how long you have to inhale to get big hits combined with the draw restriction (even with the 25% improved airflow over the original FF). I agree it has some of the best flavor out there with it's very short glass airpath that still provide adequate cooling.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I would say the number one problem is how long you have to inhale to get big hits combined with the draw restriction (even with the 25% improved airflow over the original FF). I agree it has some of the best flavor out there with it's very short glass airpath that still provide adequate cooling.
Yes...its not like my MiniVap...or Tiny...but, the Firefly is just different. I like how I have to be with it. It obligates me to pay attention to my herb. I have to focus more on how I breathe with it. Its actually helped me with my breath. So now when I inhale deep and slow on the new model its super flowy...I am very impressed at the craftsmanship. Its so nicely designed.


Well-Known Member
Update. Bought AirVape‘s newest Legacy Pro. Lifetime guarantee, and a trade up program. Much better backend support than Firefly. I’ve owned the 2 & 2+ and the improvements were noted. But technology improves and they need the 3 if they’re going to compete. I’m glad I got cold feet when I found out I the TM had to ship from Europe. Decided against the TM and went with the Pro. No regrets.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I have the green legacy and I am ok with it. It weighs lots and somehow that chamber gets really messy. Mine over heats too. Something weird going on with that...for me it does not compare with Firefly 2 +...the taste alone Firefly wins hands down...only thing I need on the Firefly is a stir stick magnetic! Also, that fabric design on my Legacy is going to look like shit after awhile...but, anyway, I am glad they got to plant some trees when I bought it. I will NOT be using the Legacy that much...it sits along side the Tiny Might as well...enough said. My Legacy has lots of stiff competition...Oh and the MiniVap...
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Dr. G,


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'd be more interested in the legacy if they had the clean design of the firefly products. The glued on fabric and "leather" is a huge turn off and looks like a dollar store purse.

Firefly is in need of an update. I have the red OG, which I love but almost never use. Battery life is a huge downside to it, and it's hard to get consistent pulls from. I wish an FF3 would have the look of the FF1, but use a sensible replaceable 18650 or something. Even better, make one that takes 21700.

I haven't tried the FF2 variants, so I may be way off the mark and the current version is still serviceable.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Wow I agree on the fabric thing...I am staring at my Legacy Green and it's a clunker. A big paper weight. I love the design of the Firefly...super. Firefly will come up with a new one...maybe not as soon as we want. :rant: Everything has sky rocketed...getting all my vapes from other countries put a huge dent in my wallet. I want the first Firefly just to have it. I am sure there are huge differences now...I just want one.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
only thing I need on the Firefly is a stir stick magnetic

I used to have a silver plated collar stay from a friend that was the perfect firefly tool, magnetic on the lid flat, easy to scoop and flip the load, gave it to my brother when I sold them that OG (brand new one for more into replacement because they keep dying on you as the coils failed regularly) and they were still using it with the FF2 they later upgraded to... So see if you can find something like that? It does not fit as well on the newer FF body unfortunately, but it does still magnetize to the lid, just not flush... Yeah the newer body is nice but feels so much cheaper compared to the original, the lightweight plastickiness, and that mouthpiece is awful haha not that it was great before but... Yeah there are so many downsides with this design. Can't really add anything more to what I said before, haven't been using my FF2+ in a long while now, because I haven't gotten any great moist fresh flavorful herbs that I want to experience chunky hole nug style for the great flavor and fun ergonomic experience... The TM is a million times more convenient and versatile and consistent and all around more effective for me! (Cleaning is a big part, you really can't beat using glass stem as chamber and pathway, FF cleaning is always a bit tedious no bones about it imo)
Shit Snacks,
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I used to have a silver plated collar stay from a friend that was the perfect firefly tool, magnetic on the lid flat, easy to scoop and flip the load, gave it to my brother when I sold them that OG (brand new one for more into replacement because they keep dying on you as the coils failed regularly) and they were still using it with the FF2 they later upgraded to... So see if you can find something like that? It does not fit as well on the newer FF body unfortunately, but it does still magnetize to the lid, just not flush... Yeah the newer body is nice but feels so much cheaper compared to the original, the lightweight plastickiness, and that mouthpiece is awful haha not that it was great before but... Yeah there are so many downsides with this design. Can't really add anything more to what I said before, haven't been using my FF2+ in a long while now, because I haven't gotten any great moist fresh flavorful herbs that I want to experience chunky hole nug style for the great flavor and fun ergonomic experience... The TM is a million times more convenient and versatile and consistent and all around more effective for me! (Cleaning is a big part, you really can't beat using glass stem as chamber and pathway, FF cleaning is always a bit tedious no bones about it imo)
Thank you for the tips...I will try. I love my TM...there are four vapes I cannot live without and in no order of love affair: Vapman, MiniVap, Tiny Might, and my Firefly2+...everything else is just shit for me. I cannot wait to have the Nomad...and I am sure that will be in the top 5...I have NO HOPES for the Tetra P80 anylonger...I just don't understand that system of buying. Anyway, you said you hated cleaning the Firefly...that's the only thing I find it easy go figure...LOL but, you know I might be doing it wrong. I did watch all the videos on their site. Nice website by the way...

...one more thing. I want to order a second TM. I am just so paranoid that something will happen to the one I have. LOL

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I think I meant keeping it clean is more tedious, the actual cleaning is pretty simple, with the flat surfaces for the pathway, but I feel like you can never fully clean the bowl chamber... or the mouthpiece now? Yeah it is more annoying for loading and unloading, compared to TM and TP80 for me, but not as bad as GH/IO loading/unloading... I still need to try MV someday, but VM I do enjoy for something different and unique with the station, it is also a bit tedious for me though so it's been a long while, I want to whip it out again, but feel so lazy lol others in my main rotation are FW7 and RBT SplinterZ/Milaana, and Cloud Connoisseur plugins... Toad soon!


Well-Known Member
I have the green legacy and I am ok with it. It weighs lots and somehow that chamber gets really messy. Mine over heats too. Something weird going on with that...for me it does not compare with Firefly 2 +...the taste alone Firefly wins hands down...only thing I need on the Firefly is a stir stick magnetic! Also, that fabric design on my Legacy is going to look like shit after awhile...but, anyway, I am glad they got to plant some trees when I bought it. I will NOT be using the Legacy that much...it sits along side the Tiny Might as well...enough said. My Legacy has lots of stiff competition...Oh and the MiniVap...
You should get the Pro

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
You should get the Pro
I saw the recent video from Troy...love him by the way. He reviewed the Pro today. He liked it...not for me. I still feel that the Firefly 2 for me is so friggen easier to clean and be with. Today I picked it up in the early morning and hit some blueberry og in it and it was UNBELIEVABLE taste! I love my Tinymight but, sometimes I do not get as flavorful hits like with the Firefly...anyway, vapes are so like art. You either love it, or are indifferent to it. Thank god there are so many to choose from and everyone can have their own opinion and experience. I use to hate the Firefly...because I did not know how to use it. When I learned I was floored...I could not believe I already had an amazing vape in my collection. Anyway, when I get a chance I will buy the Pro. I already have the Green one...oh well. :) What a great problem to have! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Coming back to Firefly...dear community I hope not to destroy our hopes for a potential ff3 ... I guess there will be no FF3 coming. The FF2+ is a very mature product which is hard to improve. And taking a look at all the mighties and crafties out there, they are out for a long time already. Because they are mature also. I guess. So the converse conclusion is that the ff2+ is a perfect vape.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Coming back to Firefly...dear community I hope not to destroy our hopes for a potential ff3 ... I guess there will be no FF3 coming. The FF2+ is a very mature product which is hard to improve. And taking a look at all the mighties and crafties out there, they are out for a long time already. Because they are mature also. I guess. So the converse conclusion is that the ff2+ is a perfect vape.
I agree...I use it all day long. The only thing I would beg to have on it is a stir tool. I take this vape with me too. By the way....the Firefly is the only vape I know of with a NICE CASE! I love the case that goes with the vape. It sells on their site. I love my Firefly...I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE it!
Dr. G,


Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree. Both, my upgraded ff2 and my ff2+ rest in those cases also. If they only made the stirring tool magnetic so it would stick to the device. That would be awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Coming back to Firefly...dear community I hope not to destroy our hopes for a potential ff3 ... I guess there will be no FF3 coming. The FF2+ is a very mature product which is hard to improve. And taking a look at all the mighties and crafties out there, they are out for a long time already. Because they are mature also. I guess. So the converse conclusion is that the ff2+ is a perfect vape.
I think there's a lot that can be improved: heat up time & oven strength (Tafee bowl's heater has raised the bar for on demand vapes) Airflow/draw restriction (the only reason it's such a tight draw is because if it were more free flowing the current oven would be overpowered with too much cool air), proprietary batteries that aren't the greatest in longevity or replaceability, temp controlling can be cumbersome even with the app, very poor cool and cold weather performance, the gasket seal around the lid coming loose, etc.

If they can make something that stirs the bowl with the lid closed that would be a game changer too.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah I've said it before but I think there's a lot to improve here lol not sure we will ever see an FF3 and I'm not sure I care at all? lol
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