Just received my f-cloud AND the VB Chandelier (via consolidated shipping) here in India. Opened the box to a lot of disappointments
No ELBs!!! I had asked him to add them and he still didnt
The device was badly assembled. One of the side screws went in crooked and the metal body inside was half open with the glass fiber coming out of the gap!! Since i was annoyed that I have the whole setup with the bubbler but no bowls I decided to open it up and fix the misalignment, thats to all the pictures in this thread. When I undid the screws I realized that so much of the fiber was packed in that all the parts just popped off. Due to the cross screwing the inner body is torn around the hole where the screw enters the body

There was too much fiber inside to actually close the thing so I carefully removed a couple of layers from either side and put it back. The alignment is fixed but there is still a slight gap on the top (where it says HOT) between the 2 parts of the bodies, exposing the fiber from the inside.
I have turned it on, it goes from red to green quite quickly. In say a couple of minutes... but I cant test vapor until I get me some ELBs. Anyone have any links for the right place to get ELBs in the USA?