FakeXhale Cloud (Unauthorized and Unsupported)


We're here to fuck shit up.
Gottcha. The LSV does do an uneven burn, if you will. Lotsa swirling and stirring.

Yeah, but my lungs can only take so much and as I said in a few posts back, the LSV can provide me with MORE than I could ever possibly think of handling, and that's not just from a desire pov, but rather how much my lungs can take in at any one time.

Which is exactly why I say the EVO may not be a unit you enjoy using. It may be overkill. With your night time vaping habits, the LSV is probably just about perfect for you.

On the other hand....

I have extremely limited time and use with the EVO and Cloud+. I have been trying to pull the most thorough and fullest extraction in the fewest hits possible, this means higher temps. I have not played around with lower temps that may make a smaller load last even longer than in the LSV. I have yet to really try out anything lower than 12 o'clock.

Any lower temp Cloud users have any info?


On a Permanent Vakation
Gottcha. The LSV does do an uneven burn, if you will. Lotsa swirling and stirring.

Yeah, but my lungs can only take so much and as I said in a few posts back, the LSV can provide me with MORE than I could ever possibly think of handling, and that's not just from a desire pov, but rather how much my lungs can take in at any one time.
If you watch my efficiency test video, you'll see that the Cloud does well with the smallest of loads. So, even though it's not its main feature, and may not be worth buying the unit for alone...it does do really well with small loads :nod:

Edit* @Deadshort480 brings up a great point in the post above mine...low temp use is very soft, and not too dense. I would say that if possible, you would benefit from driving somewhere to meet stonemonkey55, or someone form VXL, or someone with a Cloud/Evo, to just try out the range of temps, how it hits at different temps/draw speeds, different water pieces (with/without water (warm water :brow:) etc.

Edit2* Efficiency test video - demonstrates small (pinch) to large loads, and in between.


We're here to fuck shit up.
If you watch my efficiency test video, you'll see that the Cloud does well with the smallest of loads. So, even though it's not its main feature, and may not be worth buying the unit for alone...it does do really well with small loads :nod:
Absolutely. The mini ELB with just a pinch in it at 2-2:30 has actually become my favorite method. You get one super thick pull that tastes phenomenal and you can really gauge how much you actually need to get you exactly where you want to be. Very impressed with how well and thorough it extracts from a single pinch.


On a Permanent Vakation
Absolutely. The mini ELB with just a pinch in it at 2-2:30 has actually become my favorite method. You get one super thick pull that tastes phenomenal and you can really gauge how much you actually need to get you exactly where you want to be. Very impressed with how well and thorough it extracts from a single pinch.
Even in the regular ELB, the pinches work wonderful...but for some reason, the miniELB just does it a little better...but, if you go with a small enough pinch, I wonder if a TwoCap setup might extract as well or better than the MiniELB? Worth testing :lol:

Also worth noting...The Cloud does well with almost full bowls at low temps, lasting forever and ever (obviously they only last as long as the amount of flower you put in allows...but ya get my point) I like loading a 3/4 full bowl now, and starting with the Cloud just turned on, set to whatever temp I'm aiming for. Then I just hit it the entire time it's heating up, never removing it, or the dry mouthpiece from the Cloud. (except to clear, then I put the mouthpiece back on. I get wonderful flavor throughout the whole extraction, albeit nowhere near as nice at the middle or end as at the beginning...but still. I don't usually stir it, but you could probably stir or shake it and get a little more out...but it still comes out reasonably even considering how much I put in.


Well-Known Member
I might attempt this... I have a kiln and I'm decent at soldering.

I'd hate to break it though as its working for the moment :p.

Any recommendation for what temperature to kiln it at?

So after EVOlving a bit it dawned on me...the kiln idea was meant for a broken unit,, because you cannot put those wires and whatever they are attached to in a kiln. The idea was meant for the glass bamboo and the attached ceramic heater only.
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Staff member
I would say that if possible, you would benefit from driving somewhere to meet stonemonkey55, or someone form VXL, or someone with a Cloud/Evo, to just try out the range of temps, how it hits at different temps/draw speeds, different water pieces (with/without water (warm water :brow:) etc.

@lwien I'd be willing to go to Arcadia to give you a test drive of the Cloud/Evo. Just say the word.



On a Permanent Vakation
@lwien I'd be willing to go to Arcadia to give you a test drive of the Cloud/Evo. Just say the word.

And, am I right that you are someone that generally takes smaller hits, etc... @Stu? If so, you would be a good candidate to demonstrate the VXL products to @lwien IMO

Also, just an update...I'm using my super super cheap Cloud +, and the OG has been shelved since the side by side comparison. Going strong so far, and once it stabilizes to temp (I'm giving it 30+ minutes to actually get to temp. Up until about 25/30 minutes, the vapor production isn't on par with what it should be. Still get great flavor hits, and whatnot up until that point, just doesn't milk up quite like the OG until it's really warmed up.


Well-Known Member
@lwien I'd be willing to go to Arcadia to give you a test drive of the Cloud/Evo. Just say the word.


Thanks Stu, but I don't want to be exposed to something that I may really like but can't afford. That would be like getting 4 and half hand strokes from a high-end escort. ;)

And, am I right that you are someone that generally takes smaller hits, etc... @Stu? If so, you would be a good candidate to demonstrate the VXL products to @lwien IMO

But I don't take small hits. I did with my PD, but with the LSV, I'm blowing out huge clouds, but hey, I guess it's all relative.


On a Permanent Vakation
Thanks Stu, but I don't want to be exposed to something that I may really like but can't afford. That would be like getting 4 and half hand strokes from a high-end escort. ;)

But I don't take small hits. I did with my PD, but with the LSV, I'm blowing out huge clouds, but hey, I guess it's all relative.
My bad, I took this
Yeah, but my lungs can only take so much and as I said in a few posts back, the LSV can provide me with MORE than I could ever possibly think of handling, and that's not just from a desire pov, but rather how much my lungs can take in at any one time.
to mean you didn't take very large hits, or the like. Either way, like I said, the small hits aren't necessarily the main attraction with the Cloud. Obviously, it's a big hitter too. And I understand you not wanting to try something you can't have...I was simply responding to you asking how the Cloud was improved over the LSV, and at the same time, how it can be tame as well. If you aren't really interested in getting one, my bad for trying to sell you :lol: I was thrown off by your post
My question is, is in what way is the Cloud better than the LSV? And considering the cost difference and considering the difference in complexity which has a direct relation to reliability, is the Cloud really worth the difference in the price of admission (talkin' about the EVO now)


That just happened...
After two days using the el cheap cloud + I have some thoughts. First and foremost the restriction compared to the og cloud is not good. There is a substantial difference in air flow.

On the other hand the cheap + model can get much hotter and I'm not talking about the outer shell. My OG could never really vape hash to satisfaction. It didn't matter if I turned it all the way up and hit very slow. It just didn't get that hot. This new cloud gets it done. But it labors my lungs to do it. I am really hoping the new evo has the heat of the cloud + with the flow of the original.

This is the best $100 you can spend in vaporizing history. I'm sure it will end soon.

Take care,


On a Permanent Vakation
After two days using the el cheap cloud + I have some thoughts. First and foremost the restriction compared to the og cloud is not good. There is a substantial difference in air flow.

On the other hand the cheap + model can get much hotter and I'm not talking about the outer shell. My OG could never really vape hash to satisfaction. It didn't matter if I turned it all the way up and hit very slow. It just didn't get that hot. This new cloud gets it done. But it labors my lungs to do it. I am really hoping the new evo has the heat of the cloud + with the flow of the original.

This is the best $100 you can spend in vaporizing history. I'm sure it will end soon.

Take care,
So glad your unit is working out well for you! As for the restrictiveness. Have you tried hitting it slower? Maybe your unit is more restricted than the average Cloud + ? Also, I have a feeling that your OG was one that had a firmware that ran on the cooler side...I can combust with my OG, and easily vape dabs away, as well as kief into dark brown, or even black pucks...

Anyhow, see if taking a slower inhalation makes the restriction less noticeable? I find it only to be bothersome if I really try to "power hit" it...but it just reminds me that I don't have to hit it that hard. Also, you could indeed have a more restrictive than average bamboo. Either way, I'm glad your unit gets nice and hot, in contrast to your OG! Hopefully it won't end so soon though! Have a fan pointed at it to keep it cooler...may help it live longer!


That just happened...
It's cold out and it stays in a out building so I am hoping it is safe until summer. I wish you could feel how hot my original gets in the heat of summer. It's crazy. I can't believe it still works. :)


On a Permanent Vakation
It's cold out and it stays in a out building so I am hoping it is safe until summer. I wish you could feel how hot my original gets in the heat of summer. It's crazy. I can't believe it still works. :)
My OG gets so hot when it gets up to 80/90+ outside. On the hottest days, this thing was unbearable even with wristbands...so I doubt my OG will die from heat exhaustion ;) And I never knew about the fan trick back then either...You should seriously try it this summer! Any size fan, the bigger the better I suppose, pointed straight at it if possible...


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
Wow! Now I know what all the fuss is about! My new wishlist has an Evo at the top!!! Plus, I havent even hit it through my pipes yet! Thank you @Purpl3_Haz3 for all your tips! Extremly well educated and helpful indeed! I got mine with 3 ELBs and a small chip on bamboo joint, however I can't feel it at all, strange. The bamboo needed to be pushed up as the unit couldn't rest naturally on a flat surface. This is when I called for back up! PH eased my troubles and told me to push the bamboo with the flattest part of my palm, FIRMLY. He also warned me of a sound, I never want to hear again, it's the second worst sound an expensive piece of glass can make! Oh the agony of that sound. It all worked out though, as you read at the begining, lol!


Well-Known Member
All I can say is I'm never going to be using my Solo at home again. I laugh at anyone who says a Solo can do everything the Cloud can.

I love the Solo but a half full ELB got me farther than a even Volcano would. Half an ELB got me somewhere I can't get unless I'm doing fat dabs, and it was nice and consistent for 22 minutes of straight use.

Oh by the way I got 2.5 ELBs. I might have just lost a cap while shaking them out of the bag in all my excitement. I probably got 3 of each. Guess I didn't need the extras but like everyone said, can't hurt

Thanks to this I will gladly start saving for an EVO. Can't wait to try it thru water tomorrow is all I have to say.


On a Möbius plane
Just put in an offer for $125 for an international unit including shopping to UK. See it he bites on that!

This will hopefully tide me over till the EVO arrives :)

What prices have other international members settled on?



Apprentice Daydreamer
Hope you guys love them. I've paid 650$ for a Plus unit just like these (plus a HT of course).
The greatest vape ever for the 200 days it was alive. :cry: The only drawback was the imo abnormal drag in that unit - which I see reported here as well.
And of course the fucked up enclosure, which ultimately led to its death by stressing the shit out of the bamboo.


Well-Known Member
Well it held up amazingly thru water.
When my EPOXY gets here I am going to bust it open and hope I don't kill it in the process!

I am still a little confused about people re-adjusting the bamboo.
Is it something that will make the performance of the vape noticably better?
I can't seem to see any signs it needs to be readjusted, but what do I know.

For now I am having a blast running this thing as hard as I can!

I bought a 18mm to 14mm adapter from OREGON GLASS BLOWER with an extra inch of glass on the 18mm side. The CLOUD+ fit itself in there perfectly and seemed surprisingly stable!

I don't know how much more I will do that though, I was worried about putting too much pressure on the bamboo the whole time!


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I don't own a Cloud and these people could start giving them away and I wouldn't touch one. Why? Because as @max already pointed out and @MacRadish's picture proves without a doubt, these are coming from the manufacturer that is in litigation with VXL. At first I thought they were dumping old stock but the unending supply makes me wonder whether they're still churning them out illegally.

Ask yourself why they would want to sell the Cloud+ at a price that means little or perhaps no profit. Hint: It's not to benefit you.

next level

Well-Known Member
My original died a couple months back. Waiting on my Evo. But decided to order one and it arrived on the 12th. I paid $90, but I was the first purchase. Think he wanted some action. Worked perfectly out of the box.

Woke up this morning and its not heating up. Bad thing is I ordered 5 more for presents at $95.
next level,

Hypno vaper

Well-Known Member
Wow this really took off. I was expecting maybe a few replies at most from people like myself who couldn't afford one and was ignorant to the whole litigation mess. I should contact the guy to see if he would send me a freebie. Shit, he made a pretty penny in a couple of days and when I purchased mines, I did let him know that I would let the members of the community know about him. Hey what do I have to lose, all he can say is no, right?

The Hypnotist
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