I think it may be time to email bomb the sellerStill waiting on my replacement (was sent an international model) and haven't heard from the seller since Christmas Eve... Ebay case has since expired since the case has been open since Nov 27
Yeah I just fired off a couple emails to the two email addresses I have. Yes I did pay with paypalI think it may be time to email bomb the seller
Did you pay through PayPal?
lol upon further examination the tracking number he gave me is wrong...
edit: Well, duh, I missed it the first time but the tracking page lists the destination and it's definitely not to me. Dude is hopeless lol. Thank jeebus Paypal has protection.
I want to know if your package ever shows up, lazy!
Update time!!
So the bamboo and heater arrived!
I checked the heater and it was not cracked and the circuit had continuity!!!
Finally we have a working heater!
!5 minutes later the FakeXhale is fired up and the red light comes on.
Then the green light comes on!!
I left it for a few minutes to warm and tried a 1/4 full ELB.
First rip was whispy so i removed it and waited.
Tried again after 10 minutes and was rewarded with a massively tasty cloud of vapour!!
So this is what all the fuss was about!!!
I got a few more decent clouds and then it started to get whispy again.
ABV was a light brown at 12 O'clock.
You should do a tutorial with images to how to asemble/disasemble a cloud for dummies! That will help a lot of people![]()
hello all... i know i really should search the cloud thread but it is huge and since i own a ebay cloud i thought i could ask this here......
i was really, really effed up last night and made a series of dumb mistakes one after another. i did not "break" my cloud... it still works thankfully but i did do something so stupid i am kicking myself still today. is everyone familiar with the bullet cleaning brush that comes with the pinnacle??? well at the height of medication last night after i just got done using my floud i was looking at the gong joint that the ELB goes in and noticed it looked dirty towards the bottom (i am sure you can see where this is going.....) so i stupidly stuck the brush in to clean the gong joint.... BEFORE I LET IT FULLY COOL DOWN.needless to say the first layer of the brush burnt its way into the glass gong right at the base of the vapor path.
after beating myself up, both figuratively and literally, i shut it down and let it cool off and went to bed to avoid doing further damage. this morning i soaked a q-tip with iso and started as best as i could rubbing it inside the gong joint. i was able to clean a little of the black melted mess but only a little. i then fired up the floud to the highest setting to attempt a burn off. the shit just started smoking like crazy. i was able to use another iso soaked q-tip while it was still hot and got some more of the black crud out but not all of it. the smoke did dissapate during the burnoff and the horrible smell did subside a little too, but i can still see a black ring when i look inside the gong.
is there a recommended way to clean the bamboo and the gong joint? can anyone out there be my savior and suggest a way to clean this thing?? i do NOT want to take it apart if i can avoid it cause i am sure i will put it back together and it will be fully broken. any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated right now.
thanks in advance
Stupid Menz
I agree 100%.
I'm a dummy and it sure would help me come time (assuming I do get a working heater replacement eventually).
@lazylathe, would you mind also PMing me the email addy you've had the most success contacting him at? Thanx mate.
Do you have something like a small scraper that you could use to gently scrape the burnt plastic off with??
I am thinking a scalpel would do the trick as the plastic is only melted to the glass, not fused into it.
Acetone will also help to dissolve any residual plastic.
I have also heard that using WD-40 will help, although i would not use it in my cloud.
I would go with acetone and q-tips and when removed give a good clean with ISO.
what is acetone?? i don't think i have any unless its used in something i may have around the house?