Maybe you can get an adapter so that it can work where you live, eh?
See, that's what you get for buying a "fake" Cloud, LOL.Hey guys this is my first post! I have been reading here for over a year now but finally now deciding to get in the discussion.
I bought one of these cloud+ units and it arrived today. As I was unboxing I noticed a plug I have never seen before. The end looks like the photo seen here:
Did he send me a european/asian unit 250v unit instead or am I REALLY high right now?
By the way I'm in Canada
Maybe we can arrange something with the seller and have your Cloud shipped my way, this way he can save on postage if he ever sends one to me at all, LOL.I GOT MY $100 CLOUD A COUPLE DAYS AGO I THINK? I Love It And How It Hits Is Amazing Truly.
But Even Though I Love It. I Made An Ebay Case With The Seller And Will Be Returning It For A Refund.
This Money Is Going Towards The Purchase Of A New VXC Cloud Evo
The European 220V plugs don't look like that, but the Australian 220V plugs do look like that, and Australia was included in the International versions of the Cloud & Cloud+. I seriously doubt if any Clouds were shipped to China, they'd probably execute you over there just for owning one!Hey guys this is my first post! I have been reading here for over a year now but finally now deciding to get in the discussion.
I bought one of these cloud+ units and it arrived today. As I was unboxing I noticed a plug I have never seen before. The end looks like the photo seen here:
Did he send me a european/asian unit 250v unit instead or am I REALLY high right now?
By the way I'm in Canada
The European 220V plugs don't look like that, but the Australian 220V plugs do look like that, and Australia was included in the International versions of the Cloud & Cloud+. I seriously doubt if any Clouds were shipped to China, they'd probably execute you over there just for owning one!
Whatever the case, you've got an International Cloud which runs on 220V and an adapter is not going to work with Canada's 120V residential power grid. You could use step up transformer, but bottom line is you need to contact the eBay seller and get this sorted out.
You can see every International power plug in this Wikipedia Article.
?I GOT MY $100 CLOUD A COUPLE DAYS AGO I THINK? I Love It And How It Hits Is Amazing Truly.
But Even Though I Love It. I Made An Ebay Case With The Seller And Will Be Returning It For A Refund.
This Money Is Going Towards The Purchase Of A New VXC Cloud Evo
I'm.yeah thats the same plug as Australia and we are 220/240v 50hz.
Step up/down converters are readily available as a solution. Gonna cost you more and can be a pain.
Send it to me! hahaha
Fuck he hasn't responded for a 6 day's anyone else waiting on a shipment?
I ordered mine on the 16th. too, that gives me some hope, but if I don't see it at my doorstep tonight when I get home, I will demand my money back and leave a bad review.I ordered one for a friend on the 16th and didnt receive any tracking until the 23rd and the package aarrived today. He didnt respond to any of my emails.
Thats it screw it! Im going to pull the trigger. I am going to order an extreme bowl incase it doesnt come with bowls. Is the extreme a good substitute for the VXL elbows?
Unless you can get it unloaded to a unsuspecting sucker on nuggetry first, right?Hopefully I'll get a full refund from paypal when he just totally blows me off as he has so far.
Unless you can get it unloaded to a unsuspecting sucker on nuggetry first, right?
not cool
Ok, so this almost new cloud you are trying to re-sell isn't from from this ebay vendor? That would be sort of an amazing coincidence.Good looking out but this is a WORKING cloud+ that I got locally from a friend who is now using his evo (far before me sadly)