I found my ChechenDog patiently awaiting me to come home as any good Dog does. As I opened the box not only was there a pup all wrapped up but the most exclusive UD EVER was also there!
Behold the UD Can!!!!!
Now I can give all my logs away!!
Haha well on a more serious note, I just unwrapped the most stunning looking log vape I've ever laid eyes on. I love it, she's a bit bulky on the outside which is nice because there is more surface to stare at while I vape lol. But on the inside... she is lean n mean. Enough talking here she is in all her glory!
Chechen Burl Blank courtesy of
Amazing craftsmanship and service courtesy of
@underdog &
Thank you so much for all that you guys (Dog,Dogette,Snappo) do for us in this community. You guys make it too much fun to spend money on these beautiful works of functioning art. Keep up all the outstanding work you all do. Thank you all for making this happen. I can't wait for what's next!