Well-Known Member
After re reading this, I realize now the Ti is integral to the design of the cricket IMO.
The thermal characteristics of the raw Ti tub allow for not only instant heat up, but cool down as well. That means no worrying about hot dabs in your pocket spilling after pre loading or not finishing a load. This was an especially nice feature when I was out at a music festival and had to be on the move suddenly.
I think that may be true, but not for that reason. When you're dabbing, once you start applying heat, any oil should either end up in your lungs or on a q-tip in relatively short order. I know you can save some for later. But by that point, you've already lost a bunch of terps. Plus, this device is made for smaller dabs. Why not only load as much as you need for a single dab, then just load a fresh dab later?
I think the Ti may be integral due to the radiant heat issue. Evolv can get away with a half inch drip tip/stem because of the 1 second heatup time. Adding ceramic to the coil would mean a longer heat up time and more radiant heat. A longer stem might be required.
Although, the v5 cups only take like 9-10 seconds to get to temp. And the coil is only heating maybe half of the ceramic cup:

Coating the Cricket's Ti coil in ceramic would mean heat is applied to 100% of the ceramic, in 1 second. How long would it take the actual surface of the ceramic to the set temp? I dunno. More than 1 second but way less than 9-10 I'd guess. And then there wouldn't be any bitching about dabbing off of metal.
That having been said, not everyone dislikes Ti. There were plenty of people who liked the FTv4 Ti cups. The Ti cups for the OG Peak were relatively popular.