For me there is no comparison right now, errlectric sits proudly at the top of the heap with all other devices
Languishing well behind. i love how the makers are always listening to the customer and do there damnedest to create and make what 'we" the customer want.
i'm an international customer and have been burnt many a time more than i care to remember with device
failures, return shipping costs, poor craftsmanship and terrible aftercare (not errlectric)
i was one of the first people to get an international unit and i had some teething problems in the first few months, the makers bent over backwards for me i never paid a penny for nothing on any shipping also was kept apprised what was going on every step of the way. i was given countless freebies like vortex caps and stands etc brand new coils. i mean I've never been treated so well before with other manufacturers it just blew me away the difference in how a real company should operate.
Spent saturday night beta testing my moby w/o water....kept my current fave temp @600 and was pleasantly surprised how much i enjoyed it, i never saw that one coming. 100% agree guys flavour is obviously improved but my initial thought was that would be offset with damage to my throat, but no i never had any issue with this either.....further testing required on a daily basis

what i will say though is i missed all the action that goes on with the perk and even the noise it makes.