Cannabis Connoisseur
Ok... So yeah, I like my Errlectric THAT much! More to come...
I'm SOOOO glad you went ahead and got two, so i can borrow one!

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Ok... So yeah, I like my Errlectric THAT much! More to come...
Tonight's insanity! Errlectric DoubleHeader! Hitting the Herb Nail and FQN simultaneously is just beyond words...let me try. Imagine the perfect imagine the amazing flavor of your favorite vape. Now combine the two in the same hit. It is a punch in the face and a kick in the nuts...but in a good way. Not a daily driver but too fun.
After two killer loads with the FQN and Herb Nail, the Herb Nail chamber could take no more and just decided to break right in front of my eyes.
But never fear! I was still able to make a video DoubleHeading with the FQN and Ti with Quartz insert.
You're crazy brah.Tonight's insanity! Errlectric DoubleHeader! Hitting the Herb Nail and FQN simultaneously is just beyond words...let me try. Imagine the perfect imagine the amazing flavor of your favorite vape. Now combine the two in the same hit. It is a punch in the face and a kick in the nuts...but in a good way. Not a daily driver but too fun.
After two killer loads with the FQN and Herb Nail, the Herb Nail chamber could take no more and just decided to break right in front of my eyes.
But never fear! I was still able to make a video DoubleHeading with the FQN and Ti with Quartz insert.
I have another to add in a log vape...Now we need the octo-claisen!
As promised, The Errlectric DoubleHeader! This was surprisingly smooth. I had just taken two of my regular sized dabs and did not explode.
That was biblical.
Not sure about he fit of the d-nail inserts. I love BOTH of my Errlectrics. I have the Infiniti coil that I have been thinking of getting D-nail's SiC dish or Quartz Halo to try. The Herb nail is the only vape that I have tried that can give a hit with effects even close to dabbing. Load a little or a lot! Awesome, flavorful, one hit extractions are coming your way! I get fully medicated and the ABV is still on the greener side, so my edibles benefit also.Hello everyone. I've only had my enail for 4 days now and I have to say it's the best money I've ever spent.
But does anyone know or have any experience with these insert if they will fit errlectric regular ti nails?
Or this one
Thanks guys . Oh and by the way I blame this thread for all the damage I've done on my Amex card.
But like I said best money I've spent. So much so that I ordered the dry herb nail yesterday. And I've been dabs only for the last almost a year now.
I just bough the Errlectric HerbNail concentration station and it is worth every freaking penny. To do a dab and vape a bowl at the same time is pretty sweet. If you want to see pics of it, it's on my IG. I've had it for a day so far and pretty sure this will replace all my enails. Between this and the VAP3, I will never need another enail or desktop lol. The taste and how smooth it hits is blowing my mind. I'm still messing around to find my sweet spot but @DieHard (think you're the same one, if not I'm sorry) gave me some advice on IG that has been very useful. I'm a low temp kind of guy and I've been between 500-550F for 10 mins sessions and coming out pretty medicated for 2 hours. No waste of my concentrates so far and seeing I'm using less with this nail vs my others. Also, you don't really need to put much herb in the bowl either. I will be putting the HerbNail through the ringer this weekend watching football for sure.
Oh yea she's a beast! I've been loving my errlectric from the day it came. Enjoy buddy.
Thanks man and it's hard to not to dig this nail. I have tried to find something wrong and so far my only complaint is I want to use it 24/7 but I don't want to get donkey brains
Bubba it's hard not too. I got a GoRosin rosin press that I won coming Tues so I will never be without a stashIdk how you're using less material this thing make me want to dab every last bit of my stash lol.
Grab some Eric Ross 4.0 glass for an unstoppable matchup! I literally just scooped a fourtex less than an hour ago. After a miserable experience with a vendor and getting fucked basically, Eric took care of me.