I'm renting a place in LA. Currently trying to figure out how I'm going to sleep 3 friends and a little yappy dog in my one bedroom because they had to suddenly evacuate. That's the best case scenario, because the evacuation zones are moving slowly this way. Hopefully not because the roads are apocalyptic.
Fuck combustion !
So sorry for the trauma, just a horrific time out there.I ended up being fine (so far). The fire that was threatening my friends' homes and mine has been mostly contained. But it was scary, because it went from nothing to a major blaze within minutes.
So sorry for the trauma, just a horrific time out there.
And relieved to hear you are okay. So far.
Thanks! And yes I'm totally fine (minus lung damage). And very lucky. There are thousands of people who have lost everything and won't get it back due to insurance fuckery.
For people who aren't familiar, this is not the fire season. It's the rainy season. But it hasn't really rained since May. And this is the most disastrous fire ever in LA County.
Oh dude I didn't know you were here, yeah it's the end of days like surrounded by fire, was afraid of possibly evacuating as well, thankfully okay where I am too
Yeah I’ve been bouncing back and forth between CA and FL.
The Sunset fire was the only close call for me. I’m between WeHo and Hollywood. Had a few friends in apartments that back up to Runyon who had to evacuate and stay with me for the night.
It was fucking bedlam lol. They both ended up ditching their cars and walking. I went to go meet one of them half way and I’ve never seen the roads like this.
Their apartments were both fine. Both cars were ticketed in the AM lol
Yeah I'm lucky I'm a little further south now, although I used to live right next to it on the other side and that area didn't have an order it seemed? I bet people left though, I have other friends who left ahead of the order and coworkers all affected everywhere it's really a nightmare scenario (ticketing! lol)
Maybe it was a secondary not mandatory evac zone? The couple's building backs up to the Runyon entrance. My other friend lives on Franklin, so was probably fine. But there was an hour or two where that fire looked scary as hell. Plus, I'd rather them not be like this guy:
Angelinos (when not driving) are some of the kindest, most decent people in America. My general philosophy is "laugh to keep from crying" but this shit is finally breaking me.
If the power / light company was the ignition source, then this is the SECOND major fire on them in CA in the last few years.
Last time, I think (?) they got a larger fine. This time? Dunno, but they should be on the hook for the rebuild costs, in a just world. Meh.
Socialized losses, again.
We don't live in a just world right now. And until we decide to start taking action, we will continue to live in this ridiculous, topsy-turvy world where the people least suited to rule--the Mayfair kings and queens who thought themselves powerful beyond the end of the festival--are dehumanizing their neighbors as a matter of policy.If the power / light company was the ignition source, then this is the SECOND major fire on them in CA in the last few years.
Last time, I think (?) they got a larger fine. This time? Dunno, but they should be on the hook for the rebuild costs, in a just world. Meh.
Socialized losses, again.
Then it is incumbent upon the power companies that could have spent these last years creating underground or alternative electricity supply methods and instead spent hundreds of millions on stock buybacks to pay for this mess. No executive at Edison should be allowed to live in a home until every single one of the homes they burned down have been rebuilt.Not easy when one needs to supply vital electricity to millions of people and the lines run overhead on poles.
We had 100 mph winds.