Thanks for clarifying. And that makes sense and is actually what I meant to suggest/ask before, specifically in relation to being able to load more without squashing the load down which certainly reduces air flow and as you say limits the overall amount of material you can load at a time.With the screen at the top of the tube it doesn't let me load as much in the bowl without squashing it down. Plus, for some reason I feel like I get a more even and thorough extraction this way...but that could be all in my head. I'm not sure.
I have a Woodscents myself since some time. I have never gotten around to sharing my thoughts on it. It is an older 2017 model.
I never realised that the screen could be moved to a lower position I did give it a little press earlier but I was worried I might damage something it seems pretty tightly fixed in there.
I would really like to make this adjustment myself because I'm certain it would elevate my WS experience.
A fully loaded Ti tip is really the minimum load I like to rock with on any vaporizer even if I'm looking to microdose with small hits. The biggest drawback to my WS, for me personally is the restricted draw when loading more than just a pinch.
I am frequently torn between packing it fuller and and accepting the reduced airflow and just loading a little for one or two hits and a fast extraction but more fiddling and maintenance constantly emptying and reloading which which I prefer to avoid in favour of a more prolonged session out of each load.
So if I can adjust the screen it would certainly help to improve airflow from a slightly fuller load.
I also have been meaning to give a big shout of thanks to our awsome down under amigo @LesPlenty for alerting me to the existence of the @DDave Ti vapcap screens. Love your warm, upbeat and humorous vibes here bro.

After I saw your post I immediately ordered some and they unquestionably improve the air flow and extraction and all-round experience of using the Ti tips both with the vapcap setup and the WS.
I strongly recommend. Perfect fit. I picked up 12 and I'm glad I did because they do get a bit blocked up after a day restricting the airflow again so I just switched them out and I will ISO them together and try to avoid torching to keep them study for longer.
So if I may please ask @Ed's TnT (hey bro, huge huge love, it's been a while but I'm always following and wishing you the very best my dear kind hearted friend) will I be able to adjust my my own heater screen on my 2017 model and if so any instruction on how to do it without breaking anything would be really useful.
Thanks everyone for all of the passion and enthusiasm you have all put into this thread since the beginning with so much great information and nothing but pure goodwill and fun. This remains without question one of the most peaceful and harmonious threads on this whole website and I can't see that changing at any point.
Nice to be in the mix, out of the closet, as an official Woodscents owner!

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