Diggy Smalls
Thanks for the updates, but man I'm sorry to hear about your bad luck. I hope you heal up real quick!
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us, man!
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us, man!
Such a tease is unacceptable!The big reason for all this is the radical new upgrades that will set the bar for all other logs, there is not a single unit out there that has or will do what this log will be capable of! Times are a changing and am so happy to be able to do this now and to offer such a power house of a vape that has never been done before!
I love logs. All I wanted was a beautiful log, I'm very happy with how current logs perform. I would have purchased the former Vapor Bomb if it performed like current logs.the radical new upgrades that will set the bar for all other logs, there is not a single unit out there that has or will do what this log will be capable of!
Good morning everyone, I hope all is well out there, what a few days I have had past. I spent several days in the shop getting blanks ready for the log. I have settled on a design style that I am going to go with for the launch. I was having a great run when things kinda went south, I was moving some machinery around in the shop, seems I have let it pile up here and there due to moving my building in a few more weeks and just let it get chaotic in there. I was moving a rather big heavy piece that has a steel mounting bar on it, I lifted up on it, it slipped and into my upper cheek and eye it went, dang near knocked me out, cut my cheek got a big bloody spot on my eye ball, took a bit to shake it off, so glad I have band aids in the shop lol. So I went back to sawing blanks and such was almost done when an off cut a small one caught the edge of the saw flew up and hit me dead square in the forehead, ohh so not cool, there I go again reaching for the band aids. So I shut everything down and took an hour or so to clean the shop before picking the boys up from school. I was very surprised that I didnt have a black eye after that, did have a slightly swollen cheek and perspective check for the days ahead in the shop. I spent some great time with my boys. Had a picnic date out at the reservoir near the city which was so much fun, rrrrrrr I so like this woman I am dating, she has a kind kind spirit, heart of gold, so precious and a blessing that humbles me and brings me so much joy to look forward to. Went to the movies with the boys caught that new movie Deep Water Horizon which you all should see if you havent. Wow what a great past few days Ive had and what wonderful days are ahead!
Ok now for an update on my log, I have changed the name of the vape and am going with a new one, just trying to think ahead is all, will let you all know what I have settled on when I have that finalized. I am not going to spill the beans on all the comings of this vape just yet but will say there is so much happening, the initial launch will be delayed a couple weeks at the most, I am looking at the first or second week in November now. The big reason for all this is the radical new upgrades that will set the bar for all other logs, there is not a single unit out there that has or will do what this log will be capable of! Times are a changing and am so happy to be able to do this now and to offer such a power house of a vape that has never been done before!
I laughed a bit
will set the bar for all other logs, there is not a single unit out there that has or will do what this log will be capable of
Looks great Ed , like others maybe fix that t possibly by adding another leaf to the other side of it.How yall like this for a logo
My man did a heckofa job on it and I couldnt be happier!