Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

Ed's TnT

Good morning everyone! Wow spent some time on the phone this morning to my wood dealers, have some beautiful 265 year old Scottish brown Oak on the way from my home land, dont know how many of you know but I am half Scottish and to be able to offer some of this wood to you all will be a big deal for me. It was cut off an old estate not that the people that owned the land needed money its just that it had gotten so old that it did have some bad spots in it and rather than just let it fall and rot my convinced them to let him saw it down to be put to use by us wood guys! Also have some figured Suriname Snakewood coming from South America. It was harvested in the jungle, ax cut and hauled out by hand where it is strictly controlled by the government to insure legal harvesting. I am really excited to work it, I have had a couple small pieces that went no where back in the day, its a tough tough wood to work, its some of the densest wood on the earth, has the most lustrous sheen to it when finished. Its pretty freaking expensive and a heckofa lot more than I wanted to pay but had to give it a go. Church was awesome last night, we had a talent show so getting the new PA system installed last week was a big deal, that kinda got me behind on custom stuff, I hope you all understand that are in line to get your pieces done. Well we had several folks do some great numbers and even had a 4 piece group that the pastor had invited, WOW what a voice they had and the piano player was walking that thing all over the place. Was very very moving, I felt the spirit in the house and got chills a couple times, it was amazing! Had a couple girls accept Christ in their lives which was so great to see. My oldest sat with his class teacher, my middle boy watched me work the board, and I told my youngest he could sit up front if he wanted to so he ran up to the very front pew where he really got into it. It was just a great night and I dont know if or how many of you all are Baptists but us down here in the south cant have a great night like that without a big eating afterwards, watch out these ladies know how to cook and know us guys like to eat! Well, back to business here, got some rats to kill this morning and work to do, I hope you all have a great day!

Ed's TnT

@peterpiper Hello my man, I hope all is well over there, my sis just got back from a trip to St. Fergus, she took her husband and son, they had a great time, am jealous, wanna get back to visit and take my boys, they would love it! Hang in there with me bro, gotta get the wood in first and then get time to make those pieces. I am still looking to get more feedback from @Justpassedu and my other guy about the beta AA stems I have out. So far what I have heard is good stuff just looking to hear more is all. Ill get ya right in time!

@beach bum Its always a pleasure to talk with you, the new woods are going to be nice, I am so excited, I am a little cautious about the snake wood as I mentioned but it is what it is and will be what itll be!

Ed's TnT

@peterpiper We are of the Sutherland clan, really love it there when its not winter, too much darkness. When I was a boy I would go with my grandfather to the coast and get fresh fish, would ride bicycles with him to his friends place, there was a stream there where he would fly fish. My grandfather worked for police, he was an investigator, a great man. I remember as a boy when he had dinner, he would have a glass of beer he brewed himself and always gave me a swallow. I have many many fond memories of time there with him that I will cherish the rest of my life!


Good morning everyone! Wow spent some time on the phone this morning to my wood dealers, have some beautiful 265 year old Scottish brown Oak on the way from my home land, dont know how many of you know but I am half Scottish and to be able to offer some of this wood to you all will be a big deal for me. It was cut off an old estate not that the people that owned the land needed money its just that it had gotten so old that it did have some bad spots in it and rather than just let it fall and rot my convinced them to let him saw it down to be put to use by us wood guys! Also have some figured Suriname Snakewood coming from South America. It was harvested in the jungle, ax cut and hauled out by hand where it is strictly controlled by the government to insure legal harvesting. I am really excited to work it, I have had a couple small pieces that went no where back in the day, its a tough tough wood to work, its some of the densest wood on the earth, has the most lustrous sheen to it when finished. Its pretty freaking expensive and a heckofa lot more than I wanted to pay but had to give it a go. Church was awesome last night, we had a talent show so getting the new PA system installed last week was a big deal, that kinda got me behind on custom stuff, I hope you all understand that are in line to get your pieces done. Well we had several folks do some great numbers and even had a 4 piece group that the pastor had invited, WOW what a voice they had and the piano player was walking that thing all over the place. Was very very moving, I felt the spirit in the house and got chills a couple times, it was amazing! Had a couple girls accept Christ in their lives which was so great to see. My oldest sat with his class teacher, my middle boy watched me work the board, and I told my youngest he could sit up front if he wanted to so he ran up to the very front pew where he really got into it. It was just a great night and I dont know if or how many of you all are Baptists but us down here in the south cant have a great night like that without a big eating afterwards, watch out these ladies know how to cook and know us guys like to eat! Well, back to business here, got some rats to kill this morning and work to do, I hope you all have a great day!

This is perhaps one of the most undervalued posts I have ever seen! Where are the fuckin likes?? :D:D

We got new and exotic, hard wood! Church Family Food, and killin rats!
Nuttin more American than that!

I have been using one of these recently:D

Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
It's good to see you have reduce the size of the scottish stem, Ed... ;)

Hey brother how's it going?
From the post I just cought up on seems pretty good!!!
Man when I was healthier I used to love going to the Renaissance and Scottish festival's.Good fun slamming a couple pint's and rooting on some jousting and some camber tossing.I even had a Horn I used to drink my Pint's from. Lol
Can't wait to see some of that wood u were talking about!!!
I've made my decision on my next investment that project we were talking about on the phone!!!!
Me and wife have some kinks to work out. Lol
As soon as that's done and you're available it's game on.
Brief description of what I'm thinking then I hand the Rein's to u . I don't even want to pick wood type that's all up to the master.The reason I say investment not because I will sell for profit. My kids will have to pry from my cold clenched hand!!!!
Its because what ever u pay for this functional art will be pennies in comparison to it's future value!!!!IMO
Can't wait to pick your brain about inlay and different stones and what not. This will be a no holds Bar type of project it's going to be a lot of fun for all...
When people see what we're (you) create you're going to need more apprentice's to do you're commercial work. So the artist can concentrate on custom work.
Anyways have a great day
Can't wait...
I forgot I'm getting a salt gun thanks @FlyingLow
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Ed's TnT

Good morning everyone!!! Hope you alls day has started off well and is going smoothly. I gathering all my tools and such to see the guy about helping out tomorrow in the city, spoke with him again yesterday and he is really excited, I got to say I am excited also, be good to have a pro working for me not just to help out but too learn as much as I can from him. Learning is so much fun, everyone has different techniques for doing some of the same things and maybe this technique might even be easy or even a little quicker. Wow I dig learning new stuff, makes it so much fun! I gotta seriously get more help, I cant believe all the stuff I have been doing and all the stuff you all are sending my way just got off the phone with one of my good friends from here that you all know really well, he has sent me some new stuff that isnt wood at all but can be turned just the same, gonna be turning them out soon also. Have also been in touch with a great guy from the UK, he has been a customer of mine for a couple months now I think, we have spoken on the phone a couple times, he is a such a stand up guy himself with nothing but positive advice and words all the time. Its funny though, he has me doing a couple wongs for his Nano from Cocobolo, a 14 and 18mm, I told him nice they look and all, he has been wanting a pic but I just havent sent one, kinda want to surprise him is all, oh hes like WTF!!! Hahaha well he turned it round on me, he is sending me some work and has a surprise in there for me, he was gonna send me a bottle of the finest malt whiskey but customs wont let him send liquids so thats not cool, he put in a different surprise and I am like WTF!!! He got a big laugh from it as did I and we are both just bidding our times til the packages arrive. What a guy! Oh yeah, he has been digging around there in the UK, I mentioned to him I was on the lookout as always for some Bog Oak so he has been shaking the bushes and beating down trails to find me some, has already gotten me a few leads but is going himself to these places also to be my guy! He has even offered to put me up there in the UK for a few days if I decide to make a trip, he says he has a place up in the country, a beautiful spot, has many acres, horses and such and said hey bring the family! I am so blessed to have so many people that support me and my work, I cant say it enough how much you all mean to me, the love and joy that is shown to me is a humbling feeling that I keep me going and striving to do more. Thank you all!

@FlyingLow Hello my friend, thanks for noticing my post! You are right about all that bro and most of all I forgot to mention GUNS, aint nothing like all that and a little guns and shooting to go along with it, only in America right! Oh man you dont know how much I hate a fly, I freaking cant stand em and I got to get me one of those guns, thats the way to go! Thanks for the post!

@Melting Pot Woooweee my man my man, you said a mouthful, we got some work to do! Am all about it, just holla whenever you feel it and we will go from there chief!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ed, glad to hear you are doing well in the business and even need new help! Yes its always fun learning new stuff,even though I dont know how you could get even better,cause your wood pieces are all kick ass!

Good luck on your new endevour @Melting Pot...I love inlaid on wood also!

My Husband is on his 2nd ASalt rifle, they have a new version out now that uses less salt and a lil more powerful..we love it..keeps those pesky bugs out of the house while having fun.

Ed's TnT

@Reflections Hello, thanks so much for your kind kind words! Heck just learning how to hold my chisels in different ways is fun to learn, watching a pro wood turner is like a dream. I have never met another here or even seen one in person anywhere else. Dont get out much, been needing to. I am full of excitement and questions and all, gonna be like a little kid in his presence!


^ "Eat a bag of Dick's!"
Is this failtek? I got a beautiful Ed's stem with my used (2014) Solo and while I love the look I prefer a pretty tight draw. My fix was to shove a cottonball down the mouthpiece end :hmm:. As a bonus it makes a decent 'claim collector, just wondering if I'm filtering out too many goodies...


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Is this failtek? I got a beautiful Ed's stem with my used (2014) Solo and while I love the look I prefer a pretty tight draw. My fix was to shove a cottonball down the mouthpiece end :hmm:. As a bonus it makes a decent 'claim collector, just wondering if I'm filtering out too many goodies...
I'll bet that you are feeling the effects quite satisfactorily - with the added benefit of the cotton holding that nice vape oil for later use!;)


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Did some retail therapy with Stickstones as my therapist and he recommended the Blackwood stem for the connection between my Solo, gong and the bubbler.... as well as making the Solo a more portable option by getting away from the glass stems.

I gotta tell ya....what a perfect fit and as I said on another thread...I didn't even know how much I NEEDED IT till I got it.

The craftsmanship, build quality and beauty of the piece is amazing! It's soooooo beautiful that I can barely force myself to use it.

Thanks again for the recommendations Sticks and .....

Great Job Ed!

Ed's TnT

Hello and good morning all! I hope everyone is dying eggs and such getting ready for tomorrow! Have spent the last couple days meeting with the wood turning guy down south, went well, he does great work and I got to see what he has been able to make. He had some beautiful bowls he had turned some with bark around the top lip of the bowl, very nifty, I really dig when someone is able to integrate bark into the work, it really gives it that natural feel for it being more than just wood so to speak. He does other such things like small boxes and what nots, hes very skilled! He seemed really excited at first when on the phone with him and said he needed extra money being on social security, he mentioned that the first couple three of the stems would be fun to turn but the more and more he would do would seem like work. I was like yeah I so know the feeling but I had to think of it like hey the more and more I do the more shoes and pants I can buy the boys who are growing every day. I was like maybe you should look at it like thee more you do the easier it will be to pay the light bill. I gave him about 20 or so blanks for him to get the feel of it and let me know what he thinks, so time will tell and if I have to I have a few other guys I can call if need be. Spent yesterday back in the city took the boys to lunch and did a little shopping at the Academy, we bought some bullets, held some guns and bought a little fishing stuff then came home and spent the evening just relaxing. Now its time to get back in the shop and finish up custom stuff.

@Aezhenn Looking at the guys work was fun, he is the first wood turner I have ever met in person, seeing his work gave me a couple ideas and techniques for the future that I will utilize soon I am sure. Was fun to walk around in his shop and see all the machines and tools he uses. I bet he had more than a couple dozen turning chisels, I was like what?

@GuyLeDuche Hello, I am glad you used the cotton trick, very neat little idea and makes for a nice goodie down the road. I hope you enjoy that stem for a while to come, pls by all means post a pic, am curious which species you have gotten.

@Snappo Good morning my man, I hope all is well down there in sunny FL. I just took a look through your thread a few ago, you are doing great things there as always, keep it up and I wish you a happy Easter!

@KidFated. Hello, I have made a couple three of the Iolite stems in the past, I think I still have an Iolite plastic piece that mates the two together. I may could do you one in the future, just got to get some stuff out of the way first is all. Let me know what kinda wood you are thinking and lets talk about it more! I hope all is well!

@His_Highness Hello, I had been talking with @stickstones about the piece and what all he has been doing, he never mentioned you by name but am glad he got you fixed up as he did. He is a super guy and is really doing a great thing! He is kinda like an Ambassador of Vapes and such, going above and beyond to make it happen with only the best gear and very knowledgeable advice, +++1 to Sticks! Thanks so much for the kind words and if there is anything I can do for you pls let me know!


Well-Known Member
Here is my Solo Catalox wong! I've had it for a week now and it has been great. When I first saw it in person I was worried because I hadn't realize that the bowl was a shorty type and holds less than the stock glass stems. I also was not getting good clouds initially. I realized after dialing the temp all the way up and letting it build up heat helps a lot. After dialing it all in, I realized I was very satisfied and a bowl from this gets me properly medicated. I actually save more weed now. I love the piece and as you can tell it definitely looks like quality work. I will definitely be ordering stems in the future.


Unknown Member
Here is my Solo Catalox wong! I've had it for a week now and it has been great. When I first saw it in person I was worried because I hadn't realize that the bowl was a shorty type and holds less than the stock glass stems. I also was not getting good clouds initially. I realized after dialing the temp all the way up and letting it build up heat helps a lot. After dialing it all in, I realized I was very satisfied and a bowl from this gets me properly medicated. I actually save more weed now. I love the piece and as you can tell it definitely looks like quality work. I will definitely be ordering stems in the future.
Beautiful stem you've got! Yes they do need a little extra warm up, but they are awesome in every other category!

Ed, it seems you might need some "Kid" to help around the shop.. :cool:
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