Hello and good morning everyone, I hope you all are doing well! I have been taking it really easy as of late, hadnt done much if anything but catch up on some dvr, have been watching alot of it as well as Fast & Loud on Discovery, I dig those guys and what they are able to do to cars and trucks! Oh I love old trucks freaking love em! My first truck was a 69 Chevy c10 and mine was I hooked, they just got older and older from there. At one time I had 2 x 47 Chevy's a 50 Chevy and even a 46 Chevy, watch out what a truck. Yeah I know I am a Chevy man, just feels right!
This is more or less almost exactly how mine looked without the bed. I met an old man that had it, he was I wanna say 84 maybe, I asked him "you think you might sell that thing" and he told me " He was 84 and if the good Lord gave him anymore years he wouldnt be spending them working on that old truck" well then you know I had to ask him how much he wanted for it and I was just flabbergasted when he said well I reckon I could take $200 for it! UHHHH say what, I didnt have a whole lot of cash at the time but I had $200 in my wallet and bought it then and there. I loved that old truck, the hood opened up like wings on either side, had that sloping fenders and those head lights that popped, wow what a dang deal I had just gotten! I really didnt get to spend the time I wanted to with that old truck had it for a few years and during that time I had gotten married and started having kids, well it was the first to go, got a few more than a couple hundred for it, then bought a small house and one after another sold all the trucks I had. Those old trucks were simple, they had all of two fuses under the hood, the steering wheel was as large as one for bus, made from solid metal front to back top to bottom, had a small little 235 straight six engine that probably wouldnt get over 50 but was so much fun to drive. What I really liked was that it had this vent you could raise just on the outside of the windshield behind the hood, the air would just flow in there and down over the floor board and through the cab, I thought that was the ticket! Those old trucks are getting harder and harder to find and just the time to work on one is even tougher now. I think that one day I would like to give it another shot and maybe since I have 3 boys we could find an old one hid in the some junk pile or lost on someones field or woods to bring back to life. Like I said earlier Ill be 39 soon, if the good Lord gives me another 39 maybe well make it happen. I have been feeling alot better today, have had a little dizzy spell once or twice today but overall not as many as before or as frequent. Hoping the meds kicked in and hoping to shake this crap ASAP. Still thinking about those old trucks I can remember my first boy was maybe 4 and he was standing on the seat with the his arms around the steering wheel, lol it was wider than he ever was and his arms were spread as far as they would go just to hold both sides, he was giving it all he had turning just a little from side to side, of course the old thing had some play in the it so it turned more than the wheels did, he had a big smile and was asking "Daddy, daddy where do you want to go"
I said " Son your driving, you tell me" he said "Sonic, lets get a milkshake" so off we went! We never actually went anywhere in that truck together, it was in the shed, wasnt running at the time but we took alot of trips in our heads all over in that thing him and me.
I want to say to you all I thank you so much for stopping by and posting up well wishes and thoughts for me and my health, I am so blessed to have felt it deeply and it has really made my heart feel full of love and joy, you all mean alot to me and your words are sincerely felt, thank you honestly for all yall done and do, I mean it!

This is more or less almost exactly how mine looked without the bed. I met an old man that had it, he was I wanna say 84 maybe, I asked him "you think you might sell that thing" and he told me " He was 84 and if the good Lord gave him anymore years he wouldnt be spending them working on that old truck" well then you know I had to ask him how much he wanted for it and I was just flabbergasted when he said well I reckon I could take $200 for it! UHHHH say what, I didnt have a whole lot of cash at the time but I had $200 in my wallet and bought it then and there. I loved that old truck, the hood opened up like wings on either side, had that sloping fenders and those head lights that popped, wow what a dang deal I had just gotten! I really didnt get to spend the time I wanted to with that old truck had it for a few years and during that time I had gotten married and started having kids, well it was the first to go, got a few more than a couple hundred for it, then bought a small house and one after another sold all the trucks I had. Those old trucks were simple, they had all of two fuses under the hood, the steering wheel was as large as one for bus, made from solid metal front to back top to bottom, had a small little 235 straight six engine that probably wouldnt get over 50 but was so much fun to drive. What I really liked was that it had this vent you could raise just on the outside of the windshield behind the hood, the air would just flow in there and down over the floor board and through the cab, I thought that was the ticket! Those old trucks are getting harder and harder to find and just the time to work on one is even tougher now. I think that one day I would like to give it another shot and maybe since I have 3 boys we could find an old one hid in the some junk pile or lost on someones field or woods to bring back to life. Like I said earlier Ill be 39 soon, if the good Lord gives me another 39 maybe well make it happen. I have been feeling alot better today, have had a little dizzy spell once or twice today but overall not as many as before or as frequent. Hoping the meds kicked in and hoping to shake this crap ASAP. Still thinking about those old trucks I can remember my first boy was maybe 4 and he was standing on the seat with the his arms around the steering wheel, lol it was wider than he ever was and his arms were spread as far as they would go just to hold both sides, he was giving it all he had turning just a little from side to side, of course the old thing had some play in the it so it turned more than the wheels did, he had a big smile and was asking "Daddy, daddy where do you want to go"
I said " Son your driving, you tell me" he said "Sonic, lets get a milkshake" so off we went! We never actually went anywhere in that truck together, it was in the shed, wasnt running at the time but we took alot of trips in our heads all over in that thing him and me.
I want to say to you all I thank you so much for stopping by and posting up well wishes and thoughts for me and my health, I am so blessed to have felt it deeply and it has really made my heart feel full of love and joy, you all mean alot to me and your words are sincerely felt, thank you honestly for all yall done and do, I mean it!