Good morning and thanks for the update BB, I appreciate you stopping by. Just holla at me when I can do something for ya!
Glad you like X24, thought you would dig the coloration.
I have been back in the shop turning solo stems and have a bunch to get back in stock, will have all four species available in about a week from Monday.
I got another great addition to my vapor collection so I took a few pics of my arsenal!
From left to right - EpicVape2, CRZ, two HI'S and WW
that's personal preference. Why don't you look at some and decide?what stem looks best on the silver arizer?? thinkn of buying one off amazon with my card.. thanks!
Sinker Cypress front and center
Takes on a unique coloration when looked at against incandescent lighting..
Outdoors it looks almost metallic.
and the reverse side in the sun!
so you asked a question then 2 minutes later answered your own question? Duryesss i want this one for my silver arizer.. are these coming out again any time soon?
so you asked a question then 2 minutes later answered your own question? Dur
Wow! How did I completely miss that you're working on a new type of log vape? Rock on Ed!Am getting closer to having my vape prototype done also! Really anxious to have a working piece in the shop soon! Hope to have good things to say about it.
i know and it matches so well.. bummerWoot, nice review Ed, congrats!
I don't think I've ever seen that special Solo stem before btw, thanks for quoting it Sonic
That is a real beauty man, I'm glad those aren't available to the general public because I would so regret getting a Blackwood one if it were![]()
anyway to list on amazon? i like usin my amazon credit :]
nice! is it like the HI in design?