Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

Ed's TnT

Thanks Bum, I wish you all the same! I gotta get my boys a bunch of fireworks today, we are gonna have a great time tonight!

I wish you all the same here at FC, a safe and happy 4th!

beach bum

Ed, Boak Oak tube is here and looks sweet -finished up almost jet black, which I didn't expect (but looks sharp)! Haven't had a chance to try it yet, but wanted to say thanks for the kind and fast service (as always!). Will be giving it a test run, more than likely, over the weekend. :)

Ed's TnT

Glad to hear it Bum, the mineral staining in those are so dark they are black as night! Truly a blessing from Mother Nature! Pls let me know how you like it!
Ed's TnT,
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Just ordered another Bog Oak stem. Happened to get drunk and lose mine the other night. I was actually looking for an excuse to buy the one with the documents too lol.


Vapor concierge
Ed...I think I want one of these for solo traveling. With regards to the dugout version, how deep and wide is the stash compartment and is there a noticable difference in vapor temp with the shorter stem vs. the regular one?

Thanks...good looking work here!
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Ed's TnT

Thanks for the inquiry, as far as length and how it performs am not sure. I use the standard 4" and get solid hits. The dugout is rather large, has a 5/8" wide x id say a little over 2" deep, you can really put quite a bit in there. I still have to get more tooling to make em happen but am close. I have only done a couple short solo stems and wanna only do them with the box in the future. About the heat, the standard at 5 is warm when you hit it first but cools off for the rest. I like to fill my stem, set to desired temp and will hit it when it reaches the temp. Hope i habe been helpful and pls do holla if i can help again.
Ed's TnT,


Vapor concierge
Ed, what's your personal opinion on the difference in vapor temp between your 4" and 3" stems? Have you done the pepsi challenge between the two? I love the dugout idea, but would be less interested if there is a noticable difference in temperature.
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Ed's TnT

Ed, what's your personal opinion on the difference in vapor temp between your 4" and 3" stems? Have you done the pepsi challenge between the two? I love the dugout idea, but would be less interested if there is a noticable difference in temperature.

I think the diference would be so slight if any, there is only 1" wood thats missing.
Ed's TnT,
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Vapor concierge
I agree it is not much, but that amounts to a 25% reduction in the length of the vapor path. Have you not hit them side by side yet?

Ed's TnT

I have not yet hit both side by side, I know some one who has and will ask him to share his experience.

How bout it Slightly Medicated, you have both a 3" & 4", how do you think they perform side by side?
Ed's TnT,

Ed's TnT

I'm interested in a dugout made of this old wood, any idea about the price?, it is already avaliable at your website?

I am sorry to say you wont get a dugout from this stuff unless I get it a hellova lot cheeper than I am now. This stuff is super expensive and a dugout would cost ya probably more than you wanna pay. Thanks for the inquiry though.
Ed's TnT,

Ed's TnT

Alright, slightlymedicated did msg me and said that the shorter are warmer than the 4", he says its noticable and perfers the long instead of the short and the glass. This is the best i can tell ya for now!
Ed's TnT,


Singer Song Writer Stoner
yeah it seems amazing but silver works well with dark brown as well :)

I want one like this as well :D
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beach bum

Glad to hear it Bum, the mineral staining in those are so dark they are black as night! Truly a blessing from Mother Nature! Pls let me know how you like it!

Ok, had the chance to give the "only Bog Oak tube in existence" a test run last night. One word - AWESOME!

(ok, now for more words :)) Having multiple tubes, I know that different wood gives a slightly different experience. Last night was no exception - very mellow signature on the vapor and smooth like no other tube we have. The smooth draw coupled with having a piece of 5000+ year old history in my hand was pretty much mind-blowing.

Ed, you have outdone yourself on this one. Thanks for getting this into my hands!
beach bum,
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Ed's TnT

Wow Vito that is a sweet piece when you put it next to the silver Solo, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for posting pics also, you are the man! That Sinker Cypress is some that I just got on my visit down south to Louisiana, thats some of the Ax Men Swamp Man Logging lumber. I have a few more of those blanked out waiting to be worked!

Bum, you are right each has a signature and enhances the vapor experience every time! I really appreciate you and your kind words! I wish you well this morning.
Ed's TnT,
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