Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems


Ed that sounds great - I'll be ordering one when they're available. The custom toke you made for me is very popular among my non vaping or alternating friends.
If you guys need a pipe for wand hash, etc., check out Ed's "tokes" - my custom is one inch longer and it's exclusively for home use - highly recommended. Total awesomeness.


Well-Known Member
Perfect! Cant wait to see how those turn out. I am already wanted to order one.

Also, just paid for my Toasty Top, so hopefully I have it by the end of the week.


Magus Septimus
I would be interested in a tube for the Topsy Turvy (TT, whatever it's called, That Thing i own) if you feel like doing a beta run.

You wouldn't have to bother with the stem even. Just the wooden tube would be perfect. No notches or anything, just a slight inner taper of roughly 1mm.
It's like a cross between your LB stems and your vapor tubes


Well-Known Member
LOL @ Topsy Turvy.... Toasty Top

Yeah, should have the Toasty by Thursday. If you ever feel the urge to do some Tubes for the TT as I said before I def want one too.... or a few, haha


Master JedHI
I don't currently plan to make larger diameter stems like Ed makes. Maybe I can trade Ed some Toasty Tube tips for some wood. Some people may like cigar size tubes for their Toasty Top. Ed makes very nice wood tubes.


vapor accessory addict
I do think that the tips you provide, TV, would be optimum for the top. Ed's tubes work, but they are narrower and allow a bit too much air flow with the top. Collaboration would be a great thing! Then Ed would be providing tubes and stems for all my favorite vapes!

Of course, I should watch what I wish for........ I'm in enough trouble as it is. If Ed starts offering these in all the different woods......

Ed's TnT

Good morning, hope all is well out there. Its getting brutally hit down here in MS., we usually dont feel this kinda heat til later in the summer, wow here we are first of June and its HOT! I dont think we really had any significant measurable rainfall last month and this month seems to be right about the same. The garden is really beginning to suffer, it wouldnt take but an inch of good rain for the garden to make, we are almost there with alot of veggies. Guess me and the family are gonna have to get a drum and get out there, jump around, holler and sign to make something happen!

TV, I would like to do a trade for sure, some tube tips would be cool, but really wanna get my hands on the TT, I got an hankering for it and wanna see what its all about. I have some freaking amazing chunks of wood my man, and am gonna have some incredible pieces soon for sure. Pls do holla at me and lets talk about it.

Hang in there MOM, I aint doing it intentionally! I like the fact that others have done the tube holders from wood and they are great for what they do, I have really got a good feeling about a hemp tube pouch, I like the look I have in my head, the way it functions and feels in your hands, its neat, discreet, simple, and different, just like all my work!

Blanked out the Bloodwood and Japanese Sugi last night, I really like the bloodwood the more and more I work with it, its very dense and when it finishes it slick as glass with a bright sheen to it. The Sugi is a softer specie, the grain is a little wide, but still has some varying tones, I think they will look really nice! Hope to have both these available by the end of the week.

Oh feeling really good about whats happening this summer and have few a sales going on at my shopping cart on select items, check em out at Ed's Shopping Cart
Ed's TnT,


OK...OK .. I am getting dressed to run to the Post Office. "Them is mailbox checkin' words, podner!" :brow:


Fingers crossed did it, Ed. Got it today! Here it is with it's partner.

Those of you who are photo buffs, will recognize this baby, from it's laying down "pose" on a photo by Ed at:
Myrtle Stems


Ed's TnT said:
I have really got a good feeling about a hemp tube pouch, I like the look I have in my head, the way it functions and feels in your hands, its neat, discreet, simple, and different, just like all my work!

Now that's a great idea. We need to use hemp more often in the Vaporizer community. I'm a sucker for almost anything hemp so I do hope you decide to make these.


I must share my accidental good fortune. I was looking for wooden cylindrical containers to stand my wooden vapor stems in. I Googled "wooden container", and pinballed through a series of searches, and wound up on an Ebay auction.. at some antique dealer. I "raised" the bid by 50.. not knowing all specifics, except that there were 3 round wooden containers.. last bid.. 4.39. I touched the button , and I was the last bid. I wound up with these 3 containers for my Ed's Stem Collection! One is 2.5 and the other 2 are 2 inches high.
Cost: $4.89 for all 3!



Well-Known Member
Vitolo said:
I must share my accidental good fortune. I was looking for wooden cylindrical containers to stand my wooden vapor stems in. I Googled "wooden container", and pinballed through a series of searches, and wound up on an Ebay auction.. at some antique dealer. I "raised" the bid by 50.. not knowing all specifics, except that there were 3 round wooden containers.. last bid.. 4.39. I touched the button , and I was the last bid. I wound up with these 3 containers for my Ed's Stem Collection! One is 2.5 and the other 2 are 2 inches high.
Cost: $4.89 for all 3!

Those look pretty damn perfect for stems. Nice find... gonna have to do some ebay searching for something similar. I got a bunch of ebay credit right now.


gvape said:
Those look pretty damn perfect for stems. Nice find... gonna have to do some ebay searching for something similar. I got a bunch of ebay credit right now.
Hint: wooden container, wooden candy dish, small wooden container were the search terms that led me there. I don't know how the :evil: I wound up in an auction!


vapor accessory addict
Nice find vito! Don't you love when you stumble on something like this? It's the same way I ended up with the antique glass flower frogs for my stems. Those wooden containers will look really nice with your vapor tubes sitting next to your Zap! :tup:

Ed's TnT

Morning, nice containers Vitolo, you done good!

Aesthyrian, these are gonna happen, have gotten another great artisan working up a sample for me to look at today, this one is gonna be made of hemp and will be kinda like the pic that JeffP posted a page or so back, it will lay out and have slots to hold 3 tubes a small pocket for the inserts, it will roll up and have a hemp tie, kinda like an artists drawing pencil wrap kinda thing. I am havn one made like a pouch and this one is like a wrap, I think both will be nice, am anxious to see how they look. I like the fact that I have seen everyone else do them in a stand style holder, and these will be different in a pouch/wrap made of HEMP, I am a big hemp fan, you can make anything from that stuff, hell you can get hemp flip-flops.

Wow, gotta say that I was finishing a bunch of dugouts last night and couldnt wait to spin a couple bloodwood tubes, I have worked the bloodwood into stems for the LB, they look really nice but are small and wasnt really able to see what that specie finishes like on a larger scale, well these tubes are now one of my favorites for sure, they finished super sleek, with a bright shine before I ever buttered them, they feel so great in my hand, and the colors and tones are so rich, the grain is so vibrant, these are HOT!
Ed's TnT,


Vaporizer Superstore
How does the taste of the wood tubes compare to polypropylene #5 tubes (used by PD)?


vapor accessory addict
"It is like sipping a wooden Vapor Cocktail in the forest on a misty morning"

Vito, you kill me. :lol: What a great way to put it.

There's no real wood "taste" per se. The real difference is the feel of the wood on your lips and the vapor flow. There is much more air flow with these tubes than with the standard width poly tubes. And, aesthetically, IMO, they are more pleasing to the eye.

Ed's TnT

momofthegoons said:
"It is like sipping a wooden Vapor Cocktail in the forest on a misty morning"

Vito, you kill me. :lol: What a great way to put it.

I feel the same way, that is a hella way to describe it Vito, I do so love that!

Vapornation, its does cool the vapor, I went to my photographers and got him to shoot the beautiful new South American Bloodwood Tubes, hes has my first Zap, its the MyrtleBurl Zap, I called it BurleeZap, its got a whole lot of eyes and I gave him one of the new tubes, it hits so smooth and clean, the vapor is cooler and seems tastier as MOM mentioned. Its very crisp and clean, I dig it and think you will too. These are available at my shopping cart and will be at my site in a day or two. The Sugi didnt spin well, so gonna wait and give it another try next time.

Ed's TnT,


Ed's TnT said:
.... I went to my photographers and got him to shoot the beautiful new South American Bloodwood Tubes...
I have been showing that picture to my wife! Very excited about it:

"Are you ordering another stem?"
"hehe... well yes.. check out these Bloodwoods!"
"So you understand?"
"I love you baby"
"Ed makes beautiful stuff... I love it that you enjoy them!"

So I now wait for a Bloodwood stem!
Good job Ed! :clap:
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