Good morning everyone, hope you all are off to a great start for the day and are all looking forward to Christmas as much as I and my boys are! I gotta be honest I dont think they are that enthusiastic about the thought of zombie survival gifts, lol! Cant wait to see them smiling from ear to ear tomorrow, whooohooo! Anyhow all is good down this way, been in the shop knocking out custom stuff here and there, one or two here one or two there, slowly but surely its all coming together. Was doing a Vapman wong and stem for a guy, had to really take my time, alot of times when I get wood for custom stuff from
@Snappo I have some of the same species and if it doesnt go well I can yank a piece from my stock to make up for it, but this particular piece as with alot of Snappo's rare and beautiful woods I dont have any for backup so had to take extra special care and time when working, just the two pieces alone took me an hour with many many many times measuring and taking a little off measure and take a little more off, all said and done made for an amazing couple pieces. Will shoot the stuff and have S&T next week. Made a trip out to Bham yesterday to follow up with the dr, she says things are looking good so I am hoping this is the last time I am in this spot again and praying all is solved this go around. Headed out to my girls later for Christmas with her and her family, they open presents at midnight, thats a new one for me, we just got up at the crack of dawn when I was a kid and opened presents, when I had the boys we just waited for them to wake up about 7 or 8 and opened then on christmas morning, gotta be honest, I am not one to do these late nighters anymore like I used too, I hope I make it til then and if so wont be but soon after going to be lights out and sawing logs!
@vaplen Yeah yeah yeah, did I mention I hate Apple, ughhhh! I feel ya, am so an android guy, stupid apple stuff. Went to the apple store yesterday and got my youngests ipod fixed, only took a few minutes and now he is back in business after we had another quick talk about no passcodes. We are texting back and forth now so he is up and running cooking with gas! Ohhh yeah Apple sucks

@Shit Snacks Thanks alot my man, appreciate that! Been thinking about that wong piece we spoke about, am almost there with it, remember how we spoke about the piece coming out of the unit into the downstem/wong adapter, what do you think about the downstem having a hole all the way through it? Am thinking that where it comes out of the unit and fits into the downstem that the hole all the way through could be used as a carb, when you have the unit hooked up and the downstem/wong in your water tool you could just put a finger over the top of the downstem and when you have filled the water pipe you could remove your finger and shazam clear the pipe and not have to yank the unit or the wong. Whats your thoughts boss?
@bounce5 How bout it my man,
@Melting Pot sure has some nice rigs and is clever at popping shots as well I see! Hope all is well for you!
@SSVUN~YAH Thanks my man, I am always glad to hear from you and your kind words always do me good bro! I wish you and yours a merry Christmas also and many many blessings in the new year homie!
@ataxian Hey hey, how you been? Hope all is well and hey ya never know, there is always something I am cooking up round here, might even be something new that might interest you below. Be well my good man and stay safe!
@Eyedunno How bout it, hope you are having a great start to your day!
@Melting Pot A little magic huh, gosh sometimes setting up for product shots are so tough, especially when all my stuff is round, it wants to slip and slide here, turn this way and never ever wants to do what I want it to, sometimes shooting pics for S&T is some of the hardest work I do. Well done, maybe you could tell me what to say and how to wave my wand to make it a little easier next time!
@Quetzalcoatl Good morning my friend, gosh what a evening and night it has been here in my state, a couple twisters went through, one to my west quite a bit and another north just as far, I am fine, got windy for me and very little rain, but others werent as fortunate. I want to say 3 people were killed including a 7 year old boy, gosh my heart aches for his family and for all that lost so much, I can only imagine not seeing my youngest smile again, he is 7 and has the brightest smile with his two upper front teeth growing in, my God I know he is with that child and his family. One of the areas there were 20 houses destroyed, there were presents under the tree and so much excitement yesterday only to be taken away and nothing left the next by Mother Nature. Its very sad but I am thankful all is well for me and mine. Its another one of those crazy southern days down here again, was 80 yesterday with a chance of rain and here we are today with a high of 77 so they say with another chance of rain, same for tomorrow but a better chance of rain and storms. Thanks for thinking of me brother, means alot and pls keep us all in your thoughts and prayers for the holidays as I do you all as well!
@MinnBobber Yeah you are so right, we were talking yesterday when I had the alert come through my phone, so thankful it didnt get bad in my area as we are in a bad spot where they tend to travel. Have mentioned it back many pages, my neighbor is on his second home, was a wood frame house he built long ago, he had a storm shelter as we all do here and when it came through him and his wife spent the night in it only to find their home was no more. Now its brick, not to say that it will make it, all just depends on what MN wants to spin our way. Thanks also to you for thinking bout me down here!
@Snappo My man my man, I wanted to save you the best for last and not leave you out so bout them eggs & grits, you right, nothing like some salt & pepper to make them taste just right! Hmmm whats these do for ya?
3 1/2"L just at 1 1/4"OD similar shaped to a wong and in the most figured Cocobolo I had in size enough to make these. Ya know I have more Cocobolo that has some really fancy tones and colors but those pieces are much smaller OD, dont have a whole lot of this species large enough to make them so hope you like what you see! Will get these out to you first thing Monday, sorry they arent there in time for Christmas but at least you get to see them before rather than after! Merry Christmas my friend!
Merry Christmas to all yall, I wish everyone the best, hope you get what you want and also like what you got, be thankful for what we have and dont sweat what we dont, a day above ground is better than one below, be safe and enjoy the times you have and make memories that will last the rest of your days!