vapor accessory addict
Wow Ed.. that Lotus stem is really slick! 

Sounds like you need a Saw Stop in your life! Didn't you fuck your arm up some time ago on the lathe too?? I dunno about Lathe Stop...Hello and good evening everyone, I hope all has been well out there! I myself have been busy busy as always, yall know that, it never ends! Anyways all is good been hanging with the boys, working wood, doing time with my girl, working wood, hanging with the boys and working more wood. We have finally gotten some rain here the last couple days and may get a little more before weeks end. We have been under a severe drought statewide, even had a burn ban in place by order of the governor. Its been really really dry, wouldnt even think of burning anything but being in the country as I am I tend to have a little bit of a fire bug in me at times, especially when I have a ton of wood scraps and short cutoffs, fire fire fire!!! Going to do some more gator the end of the week with the boys, got some Dales on the counter ready. Supposed to have a great day at church sunday, we are going to have a harvest festival, a couple of bounce houses/jumpers, hay rides, corn hole games, snacks & finger foods, just have a blast, the boys and I are so looking forward to that. To be honest I have been so stinking busy I hadnt thought my absence had been so long here, I have just been going and going and going.
@little maggie Got ya, all is good and I thank you for getting these out to me, you are the best and I look forward to working on the new stuff, maybe just a little bit though, have a bunch on the bench to get done now and plenty here and there but will make it happen!
@SSVUN~YAH Wow bro, thats old school there, lol, nice oldie but goodie! Hope you are doing well my man, thanks for stopping by!
@bounce5 Hello and thanks for your inquiry, I have heard of them and have spoken to a dealer or twwo about it but really never pursued it. Thing is I just dont know the exact length it needs to be from the top of the threaded SS cap, I dont want to make it to long and it not fit in the storage area of the unit and you not be happy with my work. Could you give me the length of what it needs to be and we could go from there? Thanks again and I look to hear from you again about this.
@jambandphan03 Hey hey, hello my friend, its been a long long time, I have so missed you!!! Its great to have you stop by, had I heard your knock at the door I would have yanked ya in for a big big hug, damn it girl! I am so glad to hear you are still at it working the glass I know you have to have come along way since you started, I would love to hear about it and even see a piece or two of your work! I hope you took a stroll back a few pages to see what all I have been up to, my boys are getting bigger and my oldest will be 14 on the 11th next month, my baby boy just turned 7 last Friday gosh time flies! I enjoyed the video, nice one, lol. I really hope you and your old man are doing well out there and hope to see another post from you soon! Wish you well and all the best!
@HellsWindStaff Hey my man, good to hear from you also bro! Glad you liked the read and all my goings on, been very blessed and happy as can be these days! Am thankful and got alot to be thankful for, God is good and has been great to me, even when I have been down and out with my head in a hole there are always better days ahead! Glad you like what I did and hope you like what I have for Show & Tell below! Thanks for stopping by and just holla at me when you wanna get something done!
@Eyedunno Well well if that aint a pretty pair you got there! I so dig your rig and the blackwood stem, nice contrast and I feel you are so right, the stem is so elegant, blackwood is by far one of my favorite woods! Thanks for posting up, appreciate that!
@TheWhisper Hmmmm so you say, wheres the pic of your rig and all??? Sure would like to see what your working with, lol! Come on now, whats the word on that thing, how do you like it, hope you enjoy using it bro, pls fill me in!
@ichibaneye Wow bro, thanks so much for the kind words! Its sometimes easy to forget how much fun these little pieces of wood make a good time much mo better. Like that "Nothing Wong about that", good one chief! Got so much I am working on bro, hope you will have a look below also. Thanks again for the kind words and pls let me know if I can ever do anything else for you!
@Elephantman562 Right on my man, glad yours showed also, glad you like it but aint going to give you a pass on not posting up a pic! Thanks for the kind words and I appreciate your stopping by, wish you a great time with it!
@rizzo Good deal, Ill give you a pass cause I posted up your pieces earlier, lol! Glad you got them and yes I too like the natural fragrance of that species, is always fun to work! Yeah do all you can with the oring design, I wanna know you put it through hell and so hope it works out like I hope, would be a big big deal for me and my work. Am super anxious to hear what you have to say, pls dont wait to long. Thanks for the work and letting me do what I do!
Now for S&T, I posted this mocked up earlier, the design is still similar but a little more flavor and length with a bit more of an angle but what you see is what you all will get! I feel very certain its going to be a hit! Its in route to the guy that commissioned it to me, I have not tried it as the unit he had sent me was brand spanking new and didnt want to be the first to break it in. I feel without a doubt that it will perform and so look forward to his results. So here we go
Now, it has a 2" down stem turned to the OD of the widest point of the WPA, it has an inner hole that is pretty close to the OD of the tapered end of the WPA. The WPA has a high temp oring within a groove on the upper end of the taper which fits nice an snug down within the down stem. The down stem has a nice bead turned at the top and bottom of it to add a little flavor and match the beads somewhat on the draw stem.
The draw stem itself is 6"L and Ill be damned if I didnt even think to gauge the angle of it, never even thought of it, just liked the placement and had the wood wedge in place under it to give it the angle it has. Hmm guess I could have thought of that but hey we all know what happens!
I can say that it has a great angle that fits nice in the hand and is way below where it is normally, I like the way this feels and gotta believe its a winner winner chicken dinner!
Now, this is a piece I did for the guy as a little something extra I just wanted to do, was the first attempt but think it is cool enough for being the first. Have given a thought or two for the next one, not sure if there will be many of these though. Got in a little hurry doing the base, its a really nice piece of curly walnut I dug out from under the bench in a hiding spot, had me guessing for a couple days what it was but figured it out. Anyhow was ripping it a little thin and ohh these Freud saw blades really arent to particular about what they cut and kinda got a bite out of my birdie finger on my left hand, wasnt nearly as bad as I first thought, did bleed like holy hell, squeezed it awful tight ran in the house under the faucet and light, gave it a good rinse and cussing, looked it over, figured cant sew up what aint there so I wrapped it up and saved myself a few hundred dollar trip to the ER. Just took a little meat off the end of it was all, got some neosporin + pain and was back at it the next day. I had a job once at a metal factory, we made AC venting and such for homes with sheet metal, they gave you gloves but they kinda hindered you more than helped you, seemed to always be in the way. Anyhow, did my best and quickest work without them, wasnt long after I started working there and am sure you all know sheet metal is sharp, a guy told me if you dont bleed 4 or 5 times day, you arent working hard enough, hmmm didnt take long to see he was right, took nicks and cuts all day every day to make a good days work. After a couple years and several trips to the ER for stitches I figured there had to be something else I was good at.
I hope you all like what I did for the Lotus and hope to have these available at my site very soon! Pls let me know what you all think and by all means spread the word!!!
Ed my man, I need to have this. It is beautiful. I remember bugging you a while back about this. Oddly enough i'm using my Lotus tonight. Amazing work! Get wait to get my hands on one.Hello and good evening everyone, I hope all has been well out there! I myself have been busy busy as always, yall know that, it never ends! Anyways all is good been hanging with the boys, working wood, doing time with my girl, working wood, hanging with the boys and working more wood. We have finally gotten some rain here the last couple days and may get a little more before weeks end. We have been under a severe drought statewide, even had a burn ban in place by order of the governor. Its been really really dry, wouldnt even think of burning anything but being in the country as I am I tend to have a little bit of a fire bug in me at times, especially when I have a ton of wood scraps and short cutoffs, fire fire fire!!! Going to do some more gator the end of the week with the boys, got some Dales on the counter ready. Supposed to have a great day at church sunday, we are going to have a harvest festival, a couple of bounce houses/jumpers, hay rides, corn hole games, snacks & finger foods, just have a blast, the boys and I are so looking forward to that. To be honest I have been so stinking busy I hadnt thought my absence had been so long here, I have just been going and going and going.
@little maggie Got ya, all is good and I thank you for getting these out to me, you are the best and I look forward to working on the new stuff, maybe just a little bit though, have a bunch on the bench to get done now and plenty here and there but will make it happen!
@SSVUN~YAH Wow bro, thats old school there, lol, nice oldie but goodie! Hope you are doing well my man, thanks for stopping by!
@bounce5 Hello and thanks for your inquiry, I have heard of them and have spoken to a dealer or twwo about it but really never pursued it. Thing is I just dont know the exact length it needs to be from the top of the threaded SS cap, I dont want to make it to long and it not fit in the storage area of the unit and you not be happy with my work. Could you give me the length of what it needs to be and we could go from there? Thanks again and I look to hear from you again about this.
@jambandphan03 Hey hey, hello my friend, its been a long long time, I have so missed you!!! Its great to have you stop by, had I heard your knock at the door I would have yanked ya in for a big big hug, damn it girl! I am so glad to hear you are still at it working the glass I know you have to have come along way since you started, I would love to hear about it and even see a piece or two of your work! I hope you took a stroll back a few pages to see what all I have been up to, my boys are getting bigger and my oldest will be 14 on the 11th next month, my baby boy just turned 7 last Friday gosh time flies! I enjoyed the video, nice one, lol. I really hope you and your old man are doing well out there and hope to see another post from you soon! Wish you well and all the best!
@HellsWindStaff Hey my man, good to hear from you also bro! Glad you liked the read and all my goings on, been very blessed and happy as can be these days! Am thankful and got alot to be thankful for, God is good and has been great to me, even when I have been down and out with my head in a hole there are always better days ahead! Glad you like what I did and hope you like what I have for Show & Tell below! Thanks for stopping by and just holla at me when you wanna get something done!
@Eyedunno Well well if that aint a pretty pair you got there! I so dig your rig and the blackwood stem, nice contrast and I feel you are so right, the stem is so elegant, blackwood is by far one of my favorite woods! Thanks for posting up, appreciate that!
@TheWhisper Hmmmm so you say, wheres the pic of your rig and all??? Sure would like to see what your working with, lol! Come on now, whats the word on that thing, how do you like it, hope you enjoy using it bro, pls fill me in!
@ichibaneye Wow bro, thanks so much for the kind words! Its sometimes easy to forget how much fun these little pieces of wood make a good time much mo better. Like that "Nothing Wong about that", good one chief! Got so much I am working on bro, hope you will have a look below also. Thanks again for the kind words and pls let me know if I can ever do anything else for you!
@Elephantman562 Right on my man, glad yours showed also, glad you like it but aint going to give you a pass on not posting up a pic! Thanks for the kind words and I appreciate your stopping by, wish you a great time with it!
@rizzo Good deal, Ill give you a pass cause I posted up your pieces earlier, lol! Glad you got them and yes I too like the natural fragrance of that species, is always fun to work! Yeah do all you can with the oring design, I wanna know you put it through hell and so hope it works out like I hope, would be a big big deal for me and my work. Am super anxious to hear what you have to say, pls dont wait to long. Thanks for the work and letting me do what I do!
Now for S&T, I posted this mocked up earlier, the design is still similar but a little more flavor and length with a bit more of an angle but what you see is what you all will get! I feel very certain its going to be a hit! Its in route to the guy that commissioned it to me, I have not tried it as the unit he had sent me was brand spanking new and didnt want to be the first to break it in. I feel without a doubt that it will perform and so look forward to his results. So here we go
Now, it has a 2" down stem turned to the OD of the widest point of the WPA, it has an inner hole that is pretty close to the OD of the tapered end of the WPA. The WPA has a high temp oring within a groove on the upper end of the taper which fits nice an snug down within the down stem. The down stem has a nice bead turned at the top and bottom of it to add a little flavor and match the beads somewhat on the draw stem.
The draw stem itself is 6"L and Ill be damned if I didnt even think to gauge the angle of it, never even thought of it, just liked the placement and had the wood wedge in place under it to give it the angle it has. Hmm guess I could have thought of that but hey we all know what happens!
I can say that it has a great angle that fits nice in the hand and is way below where it is normally, I like the way this feels and gotta believe its a winner winner chicken dinner!
Now, this is a piece I did for the guy as a little something extra I just wanted to do, was the first attempt but think it is cool enough for being the first. Have given a thought or two for the next one, not sure if there will be many of these though. Got in a little hurry doing the base, its a really nice piece of curly walnut I dug out from under the bench in a hiding spot, had me guessing for a couple days what it was but figured it out. Anyhow was ripping it a little thin and ohh these Freud saw blades really arent to particular about what they cut and kinda got a bite out of my birdie finger on my left hand, wasnt nearly as bad as I first thought, did bleed like holy hell, squeezed it awful tight ran in the house under the faucet and light, gave it a good rinse and cussing, looked it over, figured cant sew up what aint there so I wrapped it up and saved myself a few hundred dollar trip to the ER. Just took a little meat off the end of it was all, got some neosporin + pain and was back at it the next day. I had a job once at a metal factory, we made AC venting and such for homes with sheet metal, they gave you gloves but they kinda hindered you more than helped you, seemed to always be in the way. Anyhow, did my best and quickest work without them, wasnt long after I started working there and am sure you all know sheet metal is sharp, a guy told me if you dont bleed 4 or 5 times day, you arent working hard enough, hmmm didnt take long to see he was right, took nicks and cuts all day every day to make a good days work. After a couple years and several trips to the ER for stitches I figured there had to be something else I was good at.
I hope you all like what I did for the Lotus and hope to have these available at my site very soon! Pls let me know what you all think and by all means spread the word!!!
I've been waiting for the Haze 3 stem. Is it posted somewhere so I can order it? Actually I also want an underdog stem and haven't seen that either.Getting myself an African Blackwood Wong and Stem for my Haze V3. For my apricot Underdog I am getting a Red Oak Stem. It is 2 and 1/2 long, 14 mm with Ed's own SS bushing that fits around the heating core. I am super excited to see how these work with my 2 favorite vapes.
He might be sending invoices for custom orders, so if you pm him I'm sure you could set that up.I've been waiting for the Haze 3 stem. Is it posted somewhere so I can order it? Actually I also want an underdog stem and haven't seen that either.
Just email Ed, he will do them for you to spec.I've been waiting for the Haze 3 stem. Is it posted somewhere so I can order it? Actually I also want an underdog stem and haven't seen that either.