
Ruler of all things person
Yeah I was bummed out too when I learned about no variable power out of box for the HI or underdog. But I found the voltage keeper. I think I will need to get one of those. It's definitely the battery powered aspect which I like. A portable powerful vape that's a LOG!

I do plan to use concentrates. Shouldn't be a problem if I buy a voltage keeper, I think.

Edit: 1.5 years...I cri erritime
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Well-Known Member
My lil nano is getting a bit dry. Should I coat it with olive or coconut oil? Should I do it while the nano is hot or cold?


thoroughly vaped
Yeah I was bummed out too when I learned about no variable power out of box for the HI or underdog. But I found the voltage keeper. I think I will need to get one of those. It's definitely the battery powered aspect which I like. A portable powerful vape that's a LOG!

I do plan to use concentrates. Shouldn't be a problem if I buy a voltage keeper, I think.

Edit: 1.5 years...I cri erritime

Keep in mind that portable voltage keeper is probably going to run about the cost of the HI itself. Nothing wrong with DC, I just prefer the AC for simplicity. I have an inverter I use in the car while tailgating for games or concerts. Works great, but have to bump the dial up about 1 1/4 +/- to get the same heat. And, it varies from car to car. It will work in a moving car too, but I don't use it like that unless on really long trips (3-4+ hours). I have other vapes that do fine for just cruising from point A to point B, or on way to/at the bar/club.

My lil nano is getting a bit dry. Should I coat it with olive or coconut oil? Should I do it while the nano is hot or cold?

Plenty about that all over this thread. I think olive oil is more prone to getting rancid - especially in the summer. Plus, I prefer the smell of coconut. Beeswax seems to give it a more lasting coating and a more satiny than oily look IMO.

Apologies to all who have seen me post the exact same thing a couple times over the past few months. Still can't figure out why it is so hard for people to read the thread before asking common questions! :shrug:
The search function found at the top of every FC page is your friend! :D

Anyway.... short/quick version. Turn nano up to 10 and let it heat for 20 - 30 minutes or so. Shut it off. Unplug it. Remove cord. Shave a little beeswax off your chunk and put in palm of left hand. Add about 3x as much coconut oil (should be a paste at room temp). You don't need too much. I's say about a tablespoon of coconut oil/paste. Use a couple fingers of right hand to work, mix and squeeze beeswax/coconut oil. Use same fingers to apply mix to nano. When you start running out, smear now messy left hand all over nano. Work it all in good, but try keep it on the wood - not in the plug, not in the stainless inside, and for God's sakes not in the led hole! Let it sit for an hour or two. Most of the oily mix will soak in and start to dry - sort of like shoe polish or car wax, but not as dry/cloudy. Take an old sock or t-shirt and buff the fuck out of it. Plug in and use, but keep your rag handy. Over the next couple days, when you get stoned give her some loving buffing. Repeat process every 2 - 4 months. Smells like someone tanning on the beach for a couple days, but fades fast - especially if you leave her plugged in and on 4 or better all the time.


I really like the tiny look of the HI. If anything that may be what convinces me to pick it (and the budget), just wanted to get the nano people's opinion since it appears you are the majority and I want to know if there's anything I would miss out on.

Are you brain dead?

A HI may take you years to get one?

I like the NANO because you can order it and less than a week.

The HI is good for a collector hobbyist however for Medication?

Get a NANO because you actually get one!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Get yourself a good portable. I use the Enano at home and a portable when away from an electrical outlet.

Look through the portable thread. Some really great units.

I have some Grand Daddy Purp in my Enano right now. It's helping with the tight muscles from too much bending.


Ruler of all things person
Are you brain dead?

A HI may take you years to get one?

I like the NANO because you can order it and less than a week.

The HI is good for a collector hobbyist however for Medication?

Get a NANO because you actually get one!

Hahaha. Yeah I realize that now. The owner told me it's a year wait. I got on the list. I think I'll go for an Underdog for the DC pack.
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Ruler of all things person
Well you're definitely a pro Nano person. I'll bite. What is your opinion of the Underdog and Nano? I get that they are both powerful extraction machines but what are the key differences in experience?

I did see the resource thread but would just like more info/opinions.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Get yourself a good portable. I use the Enano at home and a portable when away from an electrical outlet.

Look through the portable thread. Some really great units.

I have some Grand Daddy Purp in my Enano right now. It's helping with the tight muscles from too much bending.

@thisperson : Definitely get a log vape for at home. If DC power is better for you then the UD is a good choice.... otherwise the nano is the king of all vapes. Fuck yeah :rockon:

For the portable you can get a Solo, or if you likey a torch, then the VapCap is a new up n' comer. Love mine.

Carol, I'm always so jeolous of the strains you get: GDP, Candyland, GG#4. Maybe someday I'll get to try GDP.:rolleyes:

@thisperson don't worry. Ataxian is our resident poet and he's just messin with ya.


Ruler of all things person
Oh yeah regarding portables. I have a flowermate v1. I DO plan on using the log vape mostly at home. It's just that the thought of taking it along on an exploration is too tempting to not make sure I get a DC log.

I have a flowermate v1. It sucks for flavor. I want to turn my cousin on to vaking so I figure that'll be a plus of getting a log. He complains too much of the flowermate's flavor the times we have used it. Usually after the first few rips it starts tasting like beans. There is still thc there, I definitely feel the whole bowl. But it's a down side and I'd rather get rid of as many negatives to turn him on to it. His second complaint is that it doesn't produce clouds. So a cloud chaser is a must. I've seen milking vids of all three of these logs and they satisfied me looks wise.

I don't want to weigh the resource thread too heavily because it sounds like he didn't use an O-ring with his underdog, or a variable power supply. And those are both things I would want.

It just sucks that the enano portable power supply is 2x the cost of the UD one. I guess it is feasible though. Someone linked a 100 dollar one compared to the UD 17 dollar one plus 5 batteries for 35 or so. But I guess it's a one time purchase I could deal with. May just come a bit later. Hmm. Thoughts.

Are there WonG nano stems available? Their website only lists glass stems. I really want a Wood on Glass stem. If at all possible with a stainless steel tip.

That's one of the reasons I thought the HI was perfect.
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taste buds
I just waxed mine for the first time last week. I used some plain beeswax I got at the local natural foods store. I read about the different oils but I'm somewhat of a minimalist, in other words I'm lazy, so I didn't feel like bothering with any coconut oil even though it's 10 feet away from me.

I had my nano set at its current normal temp of 7 (weird strain, normally I'm at 6.5), and then I rubbed the beeswax over it liberally, taking care to avoid the neon bulb and metal parts. Then I just rubbed it in till it didn't feel sticky anymore. It didn't take much longer than 5 minutes, and my nano had a beautiful sheen just like the day I got it, except the wood is darker and the grain is more prevalent now so it actually looks better than when I got it!

I'm rocking Jilly Bean currently which has a great flavor profile, definitely some grapefruit but something else I can't place. And this flavor holds up surprisingly well at higher temps in the nano.


Oh yeah regarding portables. I have a flowermate v1. I DO plan on using the log vape mostly at home. It's just that the thought of taking it along on an exploration is too tempting to not make sure I get a DC log.

I have a flowermate v1. It sucks for flavor. I want to turn my cousin on to vaking so I figure that'll be a plus of getting a log. He complains too much of the flowermate's flavor the times we have used it. Usually after the first few rips it starts tasting like beans. There is still thc there, I definitely feel the whole bowl. But it's a down side and I'd rather get rid of as many negatives to turn him on to it. His second complaint is that it doesn't produce clouds. So a cloud chaser is a must. I've seen milking vids of all three of these logs and they satisfied me looks wise.

I don't want to weigh the resource thread too heavily because it sounds like he didn't use an O-ring with his underdog, or a variable power supply. And those are both things I would want.

It just sucks that the enano portable power supply is 2x the cost of the UD one. I guess it is feasible though. Someone linked a 100 dollar one compared to the UD 17 dollar one plus 5 batteries for 35 or so. But I guess it's a one time purchase I could deal with. May just come a bit later. Hmm. Thoughts.

Are there WonG nano stems available? Their website only lists glass stems. I really want a Wood on Glass stem. If at all possible with a stainless steel tip.

That's one of the reasons I thought the HI was perfect.
Don't take me the wrong way!
@BabyFacedFinster and others know I'm just fucking with you!

The NANO is 12V

I like the NANO however I'm curious as to the performance of the UNDERDOG.
The UNDERDOG has unbreakable GonG's?

CANNABIS is my love and I love my NANO because of flavor.
EFFECT is the main reason. (should be)

Glad your a nice sport!

Portables are good for some however I hate them.
I use a SOLO because I drop it a lot and it still works?
My NANO I leave plugged in 24/7.

Do what you like!

GDP and OG WAX before bed!
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taste buds
I just had a realization. I never get a bad flavor at the end of a load with my nano, and I do with the few other vapes I've tried. I don't even get much of a roasted flavor at high temps.

The flavor just seems to fade away, and it fades faster at higher temps. At low to mid temps the flavor just keeps going and going. At high temps it still tastes great, just a little different, but the flavor is gone much faster.

At least that's been my experience.

Oh yeah, I meant to mention to @thisperson that there is one thing the E-Nano has that no other vape has. The E-Pick. I've used that thing for more tasks than I can count, some weren't even related to vaporizing.


I just had a realization. I never get a bad flavor at the end of a load with my nano, and I do with the few other vapes I've tried. I don't even get much of a roasted flavor at high temps.
Oh yeah, I meant to mention to @thisperson that there is one thing the E-Nano has that no other vape has. The E-Pick. I've used that thing for more tasks than I can count, some weren't even related to vaporizing.

Like tried some vaporizers that some glorify however the flavor was like gross!

The NANO is for one's that like's flavor.

If flavor is not a factor then any device will due!

WALL MART is having a sale on BLOW DRYERS?


Ruler of all things person
Yeah maybe I will regret not getting a nano. But I got an email last night from @Alan saying that the bamboo units may be ready in a week or so. And I might be able to get one assuming he hasn't overpromised them to people!

He's doing a stainless steel core. Which is what I want since the all glass path doesn't work with SS tubes. I really appreciate all your responses. The nano certainly looks like a great machine.

I have one question, do any of you experience cracking in your nano's because of the steel core and sleeve? I think that it can crack when the heat expands the steel. Just a thought.

I like that the HI doesn't have a steel sleeve. Seems like one less thing that can break.

Also are glues used in any of these other logs? As I understand it the HI is the unit that doesn't use any glues. Just some things that came up when I was having an email exchange with the owner.

I see a Walnut nano for sale and it's calling to me. I even inquired about it before I got the email from Alan. Plus someone offered me an Underdog for sale via PM. It seems like I can get either of these three logs now. So I'm just going for the smallest one because I liked that footprint.

Edit: I was just in another thread when something you said hit me. Does the nano have an all glass path? I really don't want an all-glass path. I can be careless and clumsy at times. All it takes is once I pull it too hard and to the side or I drop it and something hits the center! Sad me. That's why I'm only getting a bamboo HI if it has a steel core.
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Yeah maybe I will regret not getting a nano. But I got an email last night from @Alan saying that the bamboo units may be ready in a week or so. And I might be able to get one assuming he hasn't overpromised them to people!

He's doing a stainless steel core. Which is what I want since the all glass path doesn't work with SS tubes. I really appreciate all your responses. The nano certainly looks like a great machine.

I have one question, do any of you experience cracking in your nano's because of the steel core and sleeve? I think that it can crack when the heat expands the steel. Just a thought.

I like that the HI doesn't have a steel sleeve. Seems like one less thing that can break.

Also are glues used in any of these other logs? As I understand it the HI is the unit that doesn't use any glues. Just some things that came up when I was having an email exchange with the owner.

I see a Walnut nano for sale and it's calling to me. I even inquired about it before I got the email from Alan. Plus someone offered me an Underdog for sale via PM. It seems like I can get either of these three logs now. So I'm just going for the smallest one because I liked that footprint.

Edit: I was just in another thread when something you said hit me. Does the nano have an all glass path? I really don't want an all-glass path. I can be careless and clumsy at times. All it takes is once I pull it too hard and to the side or I drop it and something hits the center! Sad me. That's why I'm only getting a bamboo HI if it has a steel core.
Chicken Little the sky is falling!

I break glass like nobodies business.
However since the launch of the NANO I've had one.
The NANO is the best overall.


The HI will be fine.

I love the NANO however it shipped fast!
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
This I copied off of epicvape's website. Read through it. Here is just part of it. If you want to read the whole thing go to the epicvape website.@thisperson

I wanted all the benefits of a log vape (great flavor, good looks, simple to use, and economical) but I wanted it to heat up in less than a couple minutes and employ a variable temperature controller.

Off to the research lab! Having a background in woodworking (I used to make guitars) and penchant for design I began to work on a ‘hybrid vape’ I wanted the power and temperature adjustment of a traditional box type vape, with the beauty, economy and simplicity of a log style vape. After about 100 prototypes and 6 months of testing, the E-Nano was born. I found a 100 percent ceramic heating element used in the food industry and housed it in medical grade stainless steel. I built the body of it using a solid piece of hardwood so there is no glue or laminates and sealed and finished the wood in natural shellac so there is nothing toxic to breathe or smell, after all if you are vaporizing for health you want the air path to be clean and pure. I sold about 25 to ‘beta testers’. It was easy to use, heated up in two minutes, had fully adjustable temperature control, could vaporizer flowers and concentrates You could leave it on your desk and use it as an aromatherapy device. The response from the beta testers was amazing. They started singing the praises of the E-Nano on the ‘Fuck Combustion’ website and I was in the vaporizer business. One year later there are over 450 PAGES and over 11,000 comments/reviews/tips/testimonials now on the website about the E-Nano.

The E-nano is still and always will be handcrafted in the USA.

Here is more from the website

From it’s inception the E-Nano was designed for the purest air path and true flavor. Ambient air enters the top of the vaporizer and through the holes in the food grade stainless steel heater sheath. The air then travels past the 100% ceramic lifetime guaranteed heating element where it is heated from zero to 550 degrees depending on where the analog rotary dial is set on the cord. The heated air passes through your favorite herb volatilizing and releasing the active agents in your herb. Unlike most vaporizers the air you breath never comes in contact with or passes through any electrical circuitry.

Your herb never touches the heating element directly so all vaporization is done through convection, never conduction. The end result? You only taste what you put in, the E-Nano is flavor neutral which is why the E-Nano is continually rated one of the best vaporizers on the market for flavor by experienced vapor enthusiasts.

Simple to use
The E-Nano is as simple as 1-2-3.
1Start it up – Plug it in and turn it on.

2Load it up – Load herb into the glass stem.

3Inhale it up – Put the stem on the heater and inhale.

All of these reasons is why the Enano is my fav vaporizer.

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New Member
I've been rocking my Nano at a 6.5-7 and my ABV is pretty dark, almost black, with lighter specs throughout. It's not quite dirt black, but it's a lighter kind of soil looking color. Is this worth trying to cook with? Was thinking trying to the coconut oil ABV slow cooker thing I'm seeing around. Anyone have experience trying this with nano abv?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
If you have some lighter shades of brown mixed in there's medicine left for coconut oil or butter. If it's mostly a really dark brown and black there's nothing left. Try it and see what you get. Abv can be really strong in edibles. Just try some Abv that you have in a milkshake. Use whole milk and whole fat ice cream and throw in some peanut butter and chocolate chips. You will barely taste the Abv. Sorry for the derail

I have my nano out and having a bowl of Critical Kush - a nice daytime strain. Rocking my temp at 6.5.
I have so much abv saved up.


Ruler of all things person
I went to their website. Yeah it says it has a stainless steal sheath around the heater core. Wonder why someone said all glass. Am I missing something?
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