
All my days in a daze...
There was a Beautiful Exotic Purple Heart that developed a crack, but Andy suspected it was that type of wood that is the problem.

That's my girl, Durp Durp Purp! :D

Yeah, she cracked within a few days, with a sound that I imagine similar to the sound of Babe Ruth hitting it out of Yankee Stadium, but other than the beauty scar she hasn't missed a beat. She is on 24/7 and smacks me and my wife around on the daily.

I am gently caressing her as I type this... well you know, between sentences and stuff. Ahhh the warm, comforting wood. I love this damn thing. I also have a Cloud+, and I really like it, but I LOVE my e-nano... there is just something about her. :luv:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Yeah, she cracked within a few days, with a sound that I imagine similar to the sound of Babe Ruth hitting it out of Yankee Stadium
Interesting! My first Nano (exotic figured walnut) developed a crack, but it was SLOW and silent - started with a strange spit at the top of the nano in the middle of a grain, and then slowly over a few weeks the split expanded down to the middle of the nano. Luckily it was one of Andy's exotics and he replaced it

(Note, exotic wood you supply is NOT covered, only wood supplied by EpicVape is covered against cracking)


All my days in a daze...
Interesting! My first Nano (exotic figured walnut) developed a crack, but it was SLOW and silent - started with a strange spit at the top of the nano in the middle of a grain, and then slowly over a few weeks the split expanded down to the middle of the nano. Luckily it was one of Andy's exotics and he replaced it

(Note, exotic wood you supply is NOT covered, only wood supplied by EpicVape is covered against cracking)

It scared the shit out of me when it happened. I couldn't find the source of the noise initially, was looking all around the living room like a madman. :uhoh:

It's one of Andy's, but I haven't had it replaced, mostly because I am international and it makes it a severe pain in the ass, but also cause I've just grown to love Durp Durp Purp as she is.
But I am thinking of referencing that and trying to hit Andy up for a discount for a 2nd exotic at some point. :brow::lol:


Be here now.
Accessory Maker
It's one of Andy's, but I haven't had it replaced, mostly because I am international and it makes it a severe pain in the ass, but also cause I've just grown to love Durp Durp Purp as she is.
The Japanese have a craft called Kintsugi in which broken items like a treasured tea cup are repaired using gold to fill the cracks. They believe that the piece's history makes it even more beautiful despite having once been broken.

For those of us struggling with or recovering from medical issues, the concept is a pretty good metaphor for life. My poor spine cobbled together with titanium and dead people's bones might not be more beautiful than it was originally, but I can definitely say that my mind has become more beautiful through all of this, and vaping MMJ has been a big partof it.

So perhaps your beloved cracked Durp Durp Purp could receive a similar beautiful repair with a precious or inert metal.
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I'd take that as a no....
What "no " are you inferring?

I was thanking people that shared their experience if their nanos wood had ever been damaged from excessive heat, and I got a bunch of thoughtful responses over the last page or so. Have you asked me a "yes or no" question that I might have missed?


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
Has anyone got a pic of the orbiter with an e nano on top? Thinking about getting one for Christmas but not sure if it will look a little strange.

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Accessory Maker
broken items like a treasured tea cup are repaired using gold to fill the cracks
Another 9gag reader? Lol - that image popped up the other day - beautiful what they can do. My friend does a similar thing with some solid turned vases - he'll burn out the "crotch" quickly, then extinguish the flame, and fill the burned cracked spots with various soft metals (depends on the mold, sometimes pewter, sometimes gold or silver). Pretty awesome shit wish I had pictures


Well-Known Member
@FlyingLow .......sorry dude.......I needs not to leave my phone lying about when my c#&t mates are in town. I must read back and see what I'm apolgisin for.........edit....hmmm yeah sorry man dunno what the feck was going on there,but as stated I'm sorry. Now to find out why boyo had my phone at ten to 6 in the morning? Wouldn't even mind if he'd been intelligent and left summat funny but judging by some texts I've had today he was trying to piss me off.......sorry to all. Now nano related(ish) same guy that hijacked my phone was lying in a puddle of drool and was very very pale after 3 baby loads.......after calling me all sorts of Nancy boy for vaping not smoking. Point proved I guess.
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Well-Known Member

Works pretty well, not the biggest hits in the world because the orbiter is a bit on the smaller size, I think its a great pair though!


This is my go to piece and bubbler. It doesn't get much better then this with a whip. I can get any size hit I want but I have found this works best for the 2 hit extraction, one long hit on 6.75 and another long hit at 8 and any size bowl is fully toasted with just enough diffusion to keep it cool.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree, though I feel like the silicon whip messes with the taste a little, no more than any other whip but nonetheless, I actually ordered a stem from @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd with a 14mm gong on the end so I could have a glass mouthpiece for it, we will have to wait and see how that turns out.


I have had the most fucked up schedule the last 6 months, work, business travels, weddings, all sorts o shit.... Tomorrow it is out of town again and I will be gone through Wednesday for another business trip. All I wanna do is be home and veg out!

I have tons more photos, but it is downright time I shared a few. Here is a shot of my big leaf maple with matching Ed's stem. We just got this new side table off amazon, and thought it was the PERFECT match for the Nano- it was meant to be, and it is the perfect height next to our couch.


Picked up few (floral) leaves for my lady on the way home from work, and looks like I'm gonna get mine tonight:D:D:D



Be here now.
Accessory Maker
@FlyingLow if I promise not to go too far off topic with guitars and bongos, would you share the link for that side table from Amazon? (Unless you actually went to the Amazon to get it because that would be out of my way)

I need sturdy things that are not top heavy because I'm kinda clumsy and I think this might be a safe platform for my morning vape .


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
That's a beautiful grain pattern on that Nano @Caelar900
re earlier post..........he's also somehow managed to get me bombarded by an American catheter company.......pissed off......
Boy, Let jimmy tell you about LIBERATOR MEDICAL! He's just pleased as a peach to tell you how great they are!

(I swear they were running this every commercial break for years. This guy is just WAY too happy to tell us how great liberator medical is!) :lol:


Well-Known Member
That's a beautiful grain pattern on that Nano @Caelar900

Boy, Let jimmy tell you about LIBERATOR MEDICAL! He's just pleased as a peach to tell you how great they are!

(I swear they were running this every commercial break for years. This guy is just WAY too happy to tell us how great liberator medical is!) :lol:
Haha yeah I actually think I saw an older version of this advert on a kids US nature show when I was mucking about it with xbmc. So far I can reveal I have been contacted by allied health,3ppi companies and a company who fit walk in baths. And I've found 2 profiles on pof.....enough!!!! @FlyingLow
Love yr table and nano combo. Anyone else go dry stem all the time? I can't get more than 2 rips per load. Anyone else? 2 rips is fine BTW. Not complaining as it suits me,but does anyone have any tips to make it stretch to 3?


All my days in a daze...
The Japanese have a craft called Kintsugi in which broken items like a treasured tea cup are repaired using gold to fill the cracks. They believe that the piece's history makes it even more beautiful despite having once been broken.

For those of us struggling with or recovering from medical issues, the concept is a pretty good metaphor for life. My poor spine cobbled together with titanium and dead people's bones might not be more beautiful than it was originally, but I can definitely say that my mind has become more beautiful through all of this, and vaping MMJ has been a big partof it.

So perhaps your beloved cracked Durp Durp Purp could receive a similar beautiful repair with a precious or inert metal.

Love this post, very interesting, thank you for sharing! I am very fond of this concept.
Maybe I will indeed practice a bit of Kintsugi on Durp Durp Purp. :)
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